NordenBladet – There are more and more people claiming that vaccines are rather ruining health. This is not the case. Doctors recommend that all grown-ups should have all the vaccines from the immunisation scheme, or so-to-say childhood vaccines, done. When these have not been done, it is reasonable to begin with these.

Every ten years, do another diphtheria-tetanus shot. Elderly people might be vaccinated against the pneumococci, which are frequent agents causing pneumonia as well as the more serious infections. Also the flu vaccine and the COVID-19 vaccine are considered a must at least among risk groups.

A second shot is recommended for those who received the first shot of the measles vaccine as a child, and a booster is required for those born between the years 1980-1992. Those that have a cottage in the countryside or move around in nature more frequently, are recommended to vaccinate themselves against tick encephalitis and then have a booster shot every 3-5 years. This ailment may turn out more serious in elderly people.

If you haven’t had chicken pox, you should vaccinate against it. To the older generations a vaccine shot against varicella zoster virus is also recommended, since getting this may bring along a syndrome of enduring pain that significantly reduces the quality of life.

People that travel often need booster shots and the vaccinations depend on the destination of the travel, time of travel as well as the travel style. Generally, an active traveller should be vaccinated against jaundice aka A-hepatitis (two shots). In some cases it is recommended to also be vaccinated against typhoid fever – this immunity lasts three years. Some countries will require vaccinations against yellow fever. This will give a lifetime protection. Besides the vaccines, travellers should also keep in mind the prophylaxis of malaria, this, too, may be a lethal disease.

It is always a good idea to consult the general practitioner or, if necessary, also the infectionist.

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