NordenBladet – Today has been spent in Scandinavian “hygge” style, meaning in a comfortable and cozy way! I heated the stove, petted the cat, ate some gingerbread, listened to the radio and spent the day reading as well as cooking in the kitchen.

Today my reading list included two magazines (Estonian travel magazine “Traveller” and Investor Toomas’s magazine “Investor”) and two books. Right now I am reading two books at a time – Seppo Saario’s “How I invest in stock shares” and Robert T. Kiyosaki and Sharon L. Lechter’s “Before You Quit Your Job“. Besides, I found a new interesting blog – This is a nice perky Norwegian blogger (Stine Skoli Ommedal) who mainly blogs about house renovation and building, sewing, and food. I got lots of inspiration and decided I need to make sewing a daily routine again.

Hahaaa.. “All that is worth doing is worth doing poorly (an excerpt from the book). Taking it out of the context makes it a good joke, but as an entrepreneur I have reached the same conclusion. No need to wait, give it a final touch, make it perfect, mend it, and then again give it another try and omit making it public. I have made this mistake many times. When you seek perfection you omit doing, you don’t attain the goal, and in the end of the day nobody likes perfect. Everyone wants to see the work in PROGRESS, they want to witness the MISTAKES YOU MAKE.

There’s a good saying that what matters is not the goal and getting there, but the journey towards the goal and the people we meet on the way. The only impossible road that there is, is the one you never start. It is not without a reason that there’s the proverb “Those who begin boldly have already won half the prize”

Ah yes… for a long time I have been meaning to say it but have forgotten. There’s this one nice “prize” we have won!

??? Drums, please… TADAAAA:

NordenBladet and OHMYGOSSIP sites are being archived digitally in full extent in the Estonian National Library’s National Info Units Maintenance Centre, with the purpose of preserving info resources that are published online, for the Estonian Cultural Heritage and safeguarding the national maintenance and acessibility for the current and succeeding generations!!! How cool is that? 😛

But now a bit about today’s food. On our last trip to Finland we bought several bags of food to get to know new products and new tastes. My new favourites are for example Leksand’s crispy bread, Pirkka tube herbs and Dr, Oetker’s “The Taste of Christmas” sweet decorations (I decorated today’s ginger breads with those!) For a long time already I have had a taste for many Valio and Fazer products.


For breakfast I made coffee and crispy bread with cheese and herbs. Nice and long breakfast with two cups of coffee and Vikerraadio or Äripäev radio brings a good start to the day.


I spend relatively much time in the kitchen because I like to pamper my family. A good homemade meal is an important part of a cozy home. For today I made plum-buckthorn and red currant fried cabbage, mashed potatoes with minced meat sauce along with crispy cheese plate (ingredients: yeast puff pastry, ketchup, herbs, unseasoned yoghurt and at least three different cheese) Yummmmm!!

For me also the ginger bread season has started early. Today’s ginger bread decorations came out extra pretty! 🙂


For supper I boiled vegetable-macaroni-meatball soup and for dessert once more, ginger bread! I packed the blue handmade ceramic plates with lilacs up for winter time and put them in the cupboard, and brought out the Nordic nice brown ceramic plates. Ceramics that has been handmade by myself is so amazing… it’s just… that there is soon no more free space for anything at home – everything is filled with our paintings and our ceramics. The plates on the picture have been made by Ivanka and the soup bowls (King’s and Queen’s bowl) have been made by Allan.

Have a nice evening!

Hugs! xoxoxox