Helena-Reet: Wedding VOL 1 – the rings, invitation cards drawn by kids and wedding dress made by myself ❤

Helena-Reet: Wedding VOL 1 – the rings, invitation cards drawn by kids and wedding dress made by myself ❤

NordenBladet –  In December 2022 we decided with Allan that we will get married on 22.04.2023 – on our day, when we first met, on our day that has become (for us) the international Day of Love. I love Allan so much that I literally felt that we SIMPLY HAVE TO be married. He felt the same.

I really don’t know what it is, but it’s just like we love each other more every day. ❤❤❤ Already over three years we have been together – but every day, every evening, every night – every time it seems like the first! We just feel abnormally good when we are together! We vibe in the same way, we breathe in the same rhythm, we think similar thoughts, we feel the same pain and the same joy. Should you happen to read any great poets’ love poems – these are all (all except the desperately sad ones) exactly about us! 🙂 There is so much hope in our relationship, so much childishness, so much power, faith!

For some reason I have a feeling (a bad feeling) that the fancier the wedding, the sooner the divorce comes. This is sick, I don’t know why I have this strong feeling, but thanks to this feeling I wished not to have a big wedding. Here for the first time we disagreed with Allan. He would have liked to invite all his 200+ friends, but it seemed to me that even two friends (I don’t really have many more) would have been too many. I wanted an intimate and quiet wedding (only the first circle of family, i.e. mom-dad and siblings). While in other matters Allan’s wish usually prevails, then this time I won. I got my magnificent and simple home wedding!!! I am so so happy!!!

BESIDES, I would lie if I omitted saying it.. BUT I DON’T LIKE to spend money on irrelevant things (like an exorbitantly expensive wedding dress that one will wear just once in a lifetime). It seems to me utterly pointless and impractical. I don’t know how rich one ought to be to afford such nonsense. Thus I decided that I will sew my own wedding dress… a dress that I will be able to wear on beautiful summer evenings even at other times. I am definitely not rich, but the richer I am the less I feel like WASTING MONEY.

I believe that a big love deserves a wedding! But the wedding should not equal a 20-year debt for the young couple or just an insane waste of money. All this said.. let’s get to our wedding and the expenses:

We bought the wedding rings from Kullasepa street in Tallinn old town from a jewellery shop between Town Hall Square and Harju Street (Kullasepa 3). For us it was important that the ring looked like a traditional wedding ring – so we didn’t look for any decorations etc. We wanted that while wearing the ring it would be clear from a distance that it is a WEDDING RING.

We trusted our kids with the wedding invitations. Ivanka Shoshana and Estella Elisheva prepared wonderful and original self made invitation cards for everybody that were invited to the wedding:

The wedding dress / the bride’s dress:

I cannot claim that I made it myself, but I designed it myself! I ordered from AliExpress a simple-inexpensive summer dress to which I added laces and embroidery that had also been ordered from AliExpress. The result was very chill-retro-comfy and suited me well. A wedding dress made by oneself is said to enhance femininity, grace and wedding luck! 🙂

That’s all for this time! I love y’all so much! Hugs!
Love is the most beautiful thing in life, love is the greatest power!


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