OHMYGOSSIP — Do you know what your lymphatic system does? Your lymphatic system carries fluid that helps flush out pollutants and toxins in your body! Without a functional, strong lymphatic system, your body is vulnerable to lymph node swelling, excessive fluid buildup, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and many other damaging lymphatic disorders, healthy-holistic-living.com mediates.

You know it’s important to be healthy… but do you know why? Learning about the essential functions and processes in your body can help give you the determination to stay healthy!

In order to strengthen your lymphatic system, you should start (or continue) to do the following!

1. Exercise
Getting your heart rate up and your blood flowing will promote a strong lymphatic system. If you don’t have time to go to the gym regularly, don’t worry! Simply going for a walk, jumping on a mini trampoline or even stretching for 15 minutes a day will do wonders for your lymphatic system!

2. Stay hydrated
I don’t mean drink when you’re thirsty, I mean try and drink regularly enough that you never get to the point of thirst! If you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated!

Important tip: Cut juice, pop, and power drinks out of your diet! Every time you’re thirsty reach for water! If you get bored of water then add lemon, or tea bags. When you drink juice, pop, and other sugary drinks, you are making more work for your lymphatic system because there are more toxins to flush out of your system!

3. Breathing practices
In with the good and out with the bad… and I mean this literally! Your lymphatic system depends on the pumping motion of your breathing to get its necessary job done. When you have a minute to sit down, stretch and focus entirely on your breathing.

Whenever I go on a walk I pick a nice, peaceful destination and simply sit and breathe. It might make you impatient at first, but start at 30 seconds of breathing and work your way up to 5-10 minutes of deep breathing daily.

4. Hungry? Make fruit your first choice!

Not only are fruits high in vitamins, they’re also great for energy levels because they are complex carbohydrates. Ingesting fruits gives you more energy, that lasts longer, which allows you to do all the activities that lead to a healthy, active lifestyle.

5. Get a relaxing massage
A massage can promote better circulation of your lymphatic fluid, which allows your lymphatic system to run more effectively… and hey, it’s a massage! Why not treat yourself every once in a while? By strengthening your circulation, trapped toxins in your body will eventually leave your system.

Remember, It has to be a gentle massage. Rough massages aimed at tight muscles won’t always have the same effect on your lymphatic system. Try a lymph drainage massage, which is specifically designed to improve the circulation of your lymphatic system.

A strong lymphatic system makes for a healthy toxin-free body and it is a necessary step in leading a healthy, pain free lifestyle!

The lymphatic system is part of the circulatory system, comprising a network of lymphatic vessels that carry a clear fluid called lymph (from Latin lympha meaning water) directionally towards the heart. The lymphatic system was first described in the seventeenth century independently by Olaus Rudbeck and Thomas Bartholin. Unlike the cardiovascular system the lymphatic system is not a closed system. The human circulatory system processes an average of 20 litres of blood per day through capillary filtration which removes plasma while leaving the blood cells. Roughly 17 litres of the filtered plasma get reabsorbed directly into the blood vessels, while the remaining 3 litres are left behind in the interstitial fluid. One of the main functions of the lymph system is to provide an accessory route for these excess 3 litres per day to get returned to the blood.

The other main function is that of defense in the immune system. Lymph is very similar to blood plasma but contains lymphocytes and other white blood cells. It also contains waste products and debris of cells together with bacteria and protein. Associated organs composed of lymphoid tissue are the sites of lymphocyte production. Lymphocytes are concentrated in the lymph nodes. The spleen and the thymus are also lymphoid organs of the immune system. The tonsils are lymphoid organs that are also associated with the digestive system. Lymphoid tissues contain lymphocytes, and also contain other types of cells for support. The system also includes all the structures dedicated to the circulation and production of lymphocytes (the primary cellular component of lymph), which also includes the bone marrow, and the lymphoid tissue associated with the digestive system.