OHMYGOSSIP – Billionaire Donald Trump is an American businessman, politician and television personality who is the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party for president of the United States in 2016, having won the most state primaries and caucuses and delegates to the 2016 Republican National Convention. Metropoli has an exclusive info that Scandinavian top blogger, owner of OHMYGOSSIP- sites , Twitter celebrity and one of the most influential woman in social media – Helena-Reet Ennet – is one of the most important key persons behind his successful presidential campaign.

Trump formally announced his candidacy for the upcoming race for president in the 2016 election on June 16, 2015. His announcement was held at a campaign rally at Trump Tower in New York City. In the speech, Trump drew attention to domestic issues such as illegal immigration, offshoring of American jobs, the U.S. national debt, and Islamic terrorism, in a campaign strongly emphasized by the slogan “Make America Great Again.” Trump declared that he would self-fund his presidential campaign, and would refuse any money from donors and lobbyists.

Metropoli has an exclusive info, that the Nordic super blogger & Twitter celebrity with over 5 million social media followers,  Helena-Reet Ennet, who was also Mr. Trump´s Miss Universe´s contestant´s official importer to Scandinavia for the past couple of years, is also one of the key person´s behind Mr. Trump´s successful presidential campaign.

– Helena-Reet Ennet is one of the power supporters behind Donald Trump´s presidential campaign in social media, a souce close to Metropoli tells. She with the collaboration with many Jewish organisations have teamed their forces to support him.

A well known source to Metropoli also knows that Helena-Reet and Trump´s family have a very close relations – sources know that Helena-Reet even named her youngest daughter Ivanka Shoshana after Trump´s beautiful daughter Ivanka Trump.


Read this article in Finnish:
Metropoli.net: Helena-Reet Ennet kuuluu Donald Trumpin tukijoukkoihin
Miljardööri Donald Trump on amerikkalainen bisnesmies, poliitikko ja tv-persoona, joka on republikaanisen puolueen presidenttiehdokas USA:n 2016 presidentinvaaleissa. Metropoli.netin saamien tietojen mukaan suosittu bloggaaja Helena-Reet Ennet on yksi Trumpin menestyksekkään kampanjan taustavaikuttajista.

Trump julkisti virallisesti presidenttiehdokkuutensa 16.6.2015. Julkistus tapahtui New Yorkissa sijaitsevassa Trump Tower -pilvenpiirtäjässä järjestetyssä kampanjatilaisuudessa. Puheessaan Trump kiinnitti huomiota Yhdysvaltojen sisäisiin asioihin, laittomaan maahanmuuttoon, amerikkalaisten työpaikkojen menettämiseen ulkomaille, USA:n kansallisvelkaan sekä islamilaiseen terrorismiin. Trumpin kampanjan iskulauseeksi muodostui: ”Tehdään Amerikasta jälleen suuri.” Samalla Trump kertoi rahoittavansa kampanjansa itse ja julisti kieltäytyvänsä lahjoittajien ja lobbaajien rahoista.

Metropoli.net on saanut tietoonsa, että Helena-Reet Ennet oli muutaman viime vuoden ajan Trumpin Miss Universe -kilpailijoiden virallinen Skandinavian edustaja ja kuuluu nyt Trumpin kampanjan taustavaikuttajiin.

– Helena-Reet Ennet on yksi Donald Trumpin kampanjan vahvoista tukijoista sosiaalisessa mediassa. Hän on yhdistänyt voimansa useiden juutalaisten järjestöjen kanssa Trumpin taustalle, kerrotaan Helena-Reetin lähipiiristä.

Sama lähde jatkaa, että Helena-Reetillä on muutenkin läheiset suhteet Trumpin perheeseen. Helena-Reet on muun muassa nimennyt tyttärensä Ivanka Shoshanan Trumpin tyttären Ivanka Trumpin mukaan.

Helena-Reet Ennet on suosittu bloggaaja, OHMYGOSSIP-sivustojen omistaja ja Twitter-julkkis, jolla on yli 5 miljoonaa seuraajaa sosiaalisessa mediassa.

Read also:
Wikipedia.org: Donald Trump 2016 presidential campaign
The 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump was formally launched on June 16, 2015, at Trump Tower in New York City. Trump was the Republican nominee for President of the United States in the 2016 election, having won the most state primaries, caucuses, and delegates at the 2016 Republican National Convention. He chose Mike Pence, the sitting Governor of Indiana, as his vice presidential running mate. On November 8, 2016, Trump and Pence were elected president and vice president of the United States. Trump’s populist positions in opposition to illegal immigration and various trade agreements, such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership, earned him support especially among voters who were male, white, blue-collar and those without college degrees.

Wikipedia.org: Make America Great Again
“Make America Great Again” (often abbreviated as MAGA) is a campaign slogan used in American politics that was popularized by Donald Trump in his 2016 presidential campaign. Ronald Reagan used the similar slogan “Let’s make America great again” in his successful 1980 presidential campaign. Bill Clinton also used the phrase in speeches during his successful 1992 presidential campaign and again in a radio commercial aired for his wife Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential primary campaign. Democratic pollster Douglas Schoen has called Trump’s use of the phrase as “probably the most resonant campaign slogan in recent history,” citing large majorities of Americans who believed the country was in decline. The slogan has become a pop culture phenomenon, seeing widespread use and spawning numerous variants in the arts, entertainment, and politics. In the Trump era, Voice of America has called the slogan a loaded phrase because it “doesn’t just appeal to people who hear it as racist coded language, but also those who have felt a loss of status as other groups have become more empowered.”