NordenBladet – Do people say often bad things about these people who they are actually similar to (or maybe they would like to be similar to)? Is it a reaction caused by subconscious behavior or is it a denial of a situation on purpose? As I translate my blogs into several languages then it is often this way that one day I write a blog entry and the other day translate it – and already with one day many of my emotions have changed and sometimes raise questions – why did I look at this situation like this yesterday and today another way or why did I have exactly this kind of opinion at all?

I have tried to do my best for years, to see the good in people, but a spoiled person as I am, I still very often see bad first. This is something I definitely have to deal with. People cannot be judged. At most, you can judge people’s actions but not people themselves. And there is no need to prattle about the other people’s actions. Why? Because absolutely all people in this world are here to bring their soul to the next level, to grow, evolve and to learn a lesson in order to get better and more perfect in the eyes of the Highest. Judging people is the worst deed that can be done. First of all, live your own life and secondly, all the people have their own purposes in their lives. A person acts, behaves and is exactly the way he or she is because he/she needs this lesson in one’s life, one has been assigned this task from above.

Now I am coming and spitting it out (my blog is HERE) – the former First Lady is (I will use the circumlocution here) a slut and the ex-president is also not much of a person – he is arrogant and who knows what else. For God’s sake! While translating these thoughts later it came to me that I am a sick woman myself. Am I the morals police? No, I am not. I have had several occasions where I have been so-called “a loose woman” like I have been blaming the others (and yet publicly in the media and translated into the hundreds of languages). And do I expose myself less than Evelin Ilves does? Certainly not. President Toomas Hendrik Ilves speaks a lot of foreign languages (English, German, Latvian, Spanish), he has seen the world and communicated with the world’s most powerful – am I envious? I think that I am. I tweet myself as a similar “Amazon” as I described him and it has often occurred that because I am wealthier in some aspects than some people and better educated and have better language skills, I have been arrogant and condescending. It is said that you look at the speck in someone else’s eye and fail to see the plank in your own eye. Finally… live your own life and see more good in other people. Instead of saying “silent, arrogant and gum-chewing supercilious” you could have found five positive qualities that you would definitely find quite easily on closer examination.

Todays’ thoughts: Be positive, try to see more good in people, do not appraise people! Life is a gift from the Almighty – it is sacred! Keep, love and find only good in life! Life is too short to waste it on negative emotions! Furthermore, where there is kindness there is goodness, it is an incontrovertible fact! Love is energy and energy is everything – share love! Hugs!