NordenBladet – During the previous week there has once again been super beautiful weather. Apple trees and cherry trees are blossoming, lilacs bloom, in the garden the beautiful yellow primroses and dandelions are smiling to me – both these herbs are as good as gold! Since Estella Elisheva has been fond of yellow then I, too, have grown to like that colour. Yellow is the colour of sun, merriness and joy of life! Wherever I see yellow, I see Estella Elisheva!
On 16 May Estella Elisheva became 12 years old. As a birthday present I gave her a simple yet marvellous necklace with a green gemstone and prepared Caesar salad and raspberry-blueberry biscuit cake. The last two were her own wishes for her birthday. We have this custom that whenever someone needs something or wishes something, we try to fulfill those wishes – be it then a birthday or an ordinary day – and when there is no particular need for anything then we avoid buying meaningless stuff. While this year 16 May is a Wednesday then a birthday party for friends and relatives will be held on 26 May. While my other darling daughter Ivanka Shoshana was also born in May (23 May) – then we have always celebrated their birthdays together. And this year we will do the same.
Ivanka Shoshana (9) returned home with a great accomplishment on 11 May! Namely she participated in the song contest for Tallinn children and youths with disabilities „Joy of singing 2018″ and won the first prize! Both of my darling children are so fine and gorgeous that I cannot imagine what I would be doing without them – I love them like crazy!! ?
However I myself have been offline and away from work for a few weeks – the weather has been wonderful and it would be wrong not to be outside! Luckily NordenBladet and OHMYGOSSIP sites have got such an effective team behind them that I may join in with exactly the schedule that suits me the most – we are few but nonetheless the editors and translators that we have are the world’s best!
The lettuce leaves, dill and flowers sowed on 7 May have already grown through the soil into small plants and the leaves that ten days ago were tiny have by today already reached their actual size. Nature is so miraculous, it is delightful to see how a small bud becomes a leaf and how an apple tree blosson becomes an apple. Super! Just yesterday I was thinking that for years I have suffered from anxiety and depression, it’s as though I have got everything but nothing amounts to making me glad – today I have found something that brought genuine joy! My first volume of dried primroses was stored in a jar! I rejoiced like a child spotting an ice-cream! Really – it feels wonderful to gather herbs from the nature and from your garden, to dry them and add to your winter store. Pure health and pure joy!
Today again I have collected a large measure of primrose blossoms (it was the last chance to collect them, their blossoming time is ending) and placed them on the stove to dry. All empty spaces at home have been filled with herbs that I am drying. I was just thinking that maybe I should obtain that tray trolley that they use in canteens – that would make an ideal surface for drying herbs. I have found one online but a towering version holding ca 20 trays would be even better.
Right now I recommend to gather birch leaves and dandelion blossoms and stems – both are medical herbs with might. Later I will write more about how and why they can be used – their medical attributes are many! To quickly bring out some, let me say that fresh dandelion stems cure the liver, dried blossoms made into tea will cure heart disease, gallstones, cancer and allergies. The longer list together with further guidelines will be posted HERE as soon as I finish the article.
Hereby still some more pictures about the gathering of herbs and my home enchanter (witch) kitchen 😀