NordenBladet – My 12-year-old daughter Estella Elisheva brings me joy every day and gives reason to be proud of her. She is the most determined and goal oriented girl in the world! I could go on praising her from morning till night, the praising source never runs dry. She is truly inspiring and sets a pattern that triggers others as well to be more positive, venturesome and good persons!

It is funny to say so, but my own 12-year-old daughter is one of my greatest examples in life. She is beautiful, talented, hard-working and friendly, eats healthy, lives healthy, trains, rehearses, learns languages, does homework for school, develops with her sister the personal cosmetics brand, blogs, vlogs and comes up with the world’s greatest ideas. She is gifted in music, arts and sports – everything that she does is accompanied with success and podium places. But I do see at home what commitment is behind that. In the morning two trainings for the sake of beauty, health and good looks, daily rehearsals and schoolwork, systematic care for the mind and body. That positivity and goodness that gleams from her is just infectious. For example I have changed my life to such extent that I have given up junk food and alcohol. This has been my best gift to myself in a long time!

I so like that I get along really well with my daughters. For both girls I have been the momager (mother manager) for many years now. I help Estella Elisheva and Ivanka Shoshana with social media, we travel a lot business-wise, related to my work in NordenBladet and related to the development of Elisheva & Shoshana (E&S) brand, build contacts etc.

Estella Elisheva takes part in various violin contests and I make appointments for her performances and interviews in Estonia as well as internationally. We are making an effort so that Estella Elisheva would play as best she could and would make her name known across Scandinavia as well as around the world. In order to become a world class violinist/artist it does not suffice to just play the violin well – everything has to be in place – violin play, appearance, level of languages, communication skills, media coverage, representation in social media, etc. Looking at young stars around the world, it is obvious that they own an impressive bunch of backstage support team members – managers, producers, assistants – all alone one wouldn’t get very far even with the best of talent. Also in advanced years the stars need a team – unaccompanied effort renders the artist in difficulty. The key to success is, extra to the talent, a huge back-up team, to support and assist, teach and develop, guide and promote, guarantee audio and video, translation, management, production, contracts, legal papers, psychological help and advice, praise, lift financially and mentally, negotiate performances, … Estella has for all that the teachers from her music school and me with the media and social media experience.

I am happy for every smaller and greater achievement. Every prize and every performance is a step towards a breakthrough. Estella Elisheva is such good material to design – she herself does not desire the breakthrough as much as rehearsal or the content itself. This is ideal, while like this she is without excessive stress during performance, does not push too much and doesn’t appear unnatural. Me on the side, rejoicing, I see a lot – a lot of potential in her. We are an amazing team, because she trusts me and is glad that I am happy for her. And I am very proud of her – my kind and wonderful child!!!

Today we had a photoshoot for the concerts in Japan that take place in August-September. Estella Elisheva and another music student, Estonian zither player from Saku music school have been invited to perform in Japan! How cool is that?? Such a success!! I am so happy! It is thanks to Saku music school that so many doors have opened for Estella and it makes me so glad that the teachers from the music school have augmented her love for music!

Estella Elisheva (Foto: NordenBladet/ Helena-Reet Ennet)

Sandra (left) ja Estella Elisheva (Photo: NordenBladet/ Helena-Reet Ennet)

Sandra (left) and violinist Estella Elisheva (Photo: NordenBladet/ Helena-Reet Ennet)

Featured image: Sandra Serena Sulin (left) and Estella Elisheva (NordenBladet/Helena-Reet Ennet)


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