NordenBladet – It was a long time from here when I used to dream about a personal beauty brand. For many years this remained merely a dream, but one fine day I recognized that in our lives most of the milestones depend on the decisions and plans stemming from our own selves. The primary key to success is applying one’s own belief and enthusiasm – carrying out own dreams!). You have an idea – think it through and accomplish it, take the first steps! Do not remain waiting for a magic wand or for a solution brought to you by someone else – everything must be completed by you alone!

One of my idols – very talented business woman who has made a global breakthrough, in today’s terms an “influencer in the world of beauty” and undeniably one of the most gifted founders to the pillars of beauty entrepreneurship, Helena Rubinstein (also known as Princess Gourielli, Madame Helena Rubinstein, Chaja Rubinstein) has said a clever line: “There are no ugly women as such, there are just the lazy ones!” I couldn’t agree more. None, not a single female is unappealing! However there are many in the womankind that do not take sufficient care of themselves, who are untidy, undertreated, or devote little attention to their appearances.

“Beauty will be the redemption in this world” …so suggested Fürst Myshkin in Fjodor Dostoevsky‘s novel “The Idiot”. I take this to be true, too! Although it can be interpreted differently, I believe that whenever a person is capable of noticing beauty, and will consider someone or something to be beautiful, this is a sign that the world has not been completely lost to them yet. But before this can happen, there has to be that someone or something to be regarded by the observer, whom beauty can be attributed to, and by means of whom that beauty will have the form to occur.

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These statements by famous figures indicated, I will reveal my personal estimation. With current skills at hand, I am not yet well-equipped to express this desirably concisely and precisely, still, here you can find my regard: “All of us have inefficiencies, and this can actually be fine, although won’t be cherished by most. In the core of our being we desire to be seen as pleasant. In order for this to materialize, we must first be appealing for ourselves and build up our confidence. Direct means to that end is the attention we pay to ourselves. Healthy ways of life, healthy nutrition, inner growth, and the beauty treatments we let befall our flesh – this is the range of our needs. Find the time you need to care for yourself, as well as the sums in order to use only the good, quality products. Do not agree to compromise when it comes to your wellbeing and mellow appearance!

I began modestly, and in my small home office, yet today Elisheva & Shoshana is growing towards becoming Nordic luxury product market greatest and leading voices. My goal is to enhance the lifestyle of our customers towards increased quality! With our quality items, the skin-friendly and luxurious products, we are creating lifestyle and dreams! We represent the person that values the actual efficiency of the product, the pureness of the ingredients, best quality and good taste regarding the design of our product as well as the package.

I take the extra step every day. I develop and promote the existing products, elaborate the website to best capability, and hire the best selection of specialists, to bring to life the modern innovative recipes. It goes without saying that I work on myself likewise (work on my appearances), because myself as well as my daughters Estella Elisheva and Ivanka Shoshana are our brand’s main cover page images. I consider regular workout essential, and as the founder, designer and delegate of a beauty brand, today, and also in my present age, I consider conventional make-up a requirement. Healthy and beautiful skin, along with hair wellbeing, decent manicure-pedicure and the like – this is obligatory. Walking still further, I would emphasize the make-up aspect. It is relevant for revealing femininity and covering the slight inaccuracies. At the same time, this option is very individual. I am frequently told that I look 15-20 years less of my age. The reason for this could be that I began using make-up just recently and for several years have used high quality skin care products. Well indeed, I did put on some (or even plenty of) make-up in my earlier years, but on a daily basis I have not been using make-up. Today, being a representative of a beauty brand, I feel that in public places, at beauty events, and on blog posts the nice make-up is often a bonus! Having gone for decades without make-up I also feel that having it can be quite fun! At the same time, based on quality skin care products I can achieve a sound feeling, lovely clear complexion, and actually there is no direct need for using make-up every minute of every day. Beautiful looks still begin with a cared for, healthy skin. Everything else is extra credit!

Let us love ourselves, we deserve the best!