NordenBladet – What wonderful weather! The entire garden has been covered with snow and it just won’t stop snowing! In Tallinn, the snowfall was 25 cm in the night. Looking out of the window it seems like you entered a fairy tale! I woke today morning at 6.15 and prepared two different breakfasts (all of us have different cravings…haha). Then I took my children to school – Estella Elisheva (14) goes to Tallinn Jewish School and Ivanka Shoshana (12) goes to Tallinn Tondi School. After that I drove back to Saku and went to a beauty salon to have my eyelashes done.
Version one breakfast: herbal tea from herbs gathered by myself, chopped apples and two sandwiches.
Sandwich recipe: Leibur multigrain toast (warm crispy toast of course!), salty Voimix, Rakvere Viru ham, fresh cucumber, Eco mild lucerne sprouts, Figaro pitted black olives.
Version two breakfast (for me): Löfbergs lila French press coffee with Alma 2.5% milk and a delightful light salad.
Salad recipe: 1 pack (185g) Captain Grant chopped tuna fish in tomato sauce, 200g Coop classic cottage cheese, fresh cucumber and Eco mild lucerne sprouts. For the garnish fresh oregano and grapes!
A few words about the past week. On Wednesday I went with Ivanka Shoshana to Saku general practitioner’s practice to give blood. Since last summer she has been drinking lots of water and has gained nearly 8 kilos during the last four months. In September the school doctor mentioned that the child is anorectic, now they called and said that the weight gain is excessive. Indeed, there has been some feasting on sweets, especially in December, yet from autumn on, based on recommendation of the psychiatrist, she has been taking little quantities of Rispolept medicine (this is an antipsychotic drug). To my mind this medicine affects the body mass. Yet the drug itself has been of great help. Ivanka’s autism sometimes manifested in aggressive behaviour (for example once she kicked a random parked car with her foot while we were on our way back from a SPA, she sometimes used to be just like a moody teenager, fighting with the entire world) or also she might manifest a behavioural disorder (for example she kept repeating a sentence and had also tics – unwanted movements). Now, after having taken the medicine the problematic behaviour is largely under control. However, since the weight gain has been skyrocketing and the school doctor indicated the need, we booked a time and had an extra health check-up. Oh dear how scared I was – I was sure that she would struggle and not let the nurse take the blood, but the contrary. Ivanka was very well-behaved and calm. Now we also have the feedback about the results and her blood is very good, and physically she is as healthy as can be! 🙂
Last week, in relation to our upcoming exhibition in the Estonian National Museum (ERM) this summer, I also commenced photographing and packing mine as well as Ivanka Shoshana’s ceramics. Additionally, I started uploading posts of the photos from the ceramics collection on Elisheva & Shoshana website (See HERE). Huh, that’s a vast undertaking! Ceramic trays, plates, mugs, etc – there are so many of them. All day long I packed and packed and at one point the stove surface was all covered with exhibition stuff. Although there is a lot of time until the exhibition opens, I will begin transporting them to the ERM museum.
(blog continues after the gallery)
On Thursday my mother took Ivanka Shoshana to her place for two days and I decided to immediately utilize the freedom that befell me. Friday morning I drove to Pärnu. During the day I browsed the city streets – more precisely I went to Port Artur department store (Hommiku street 2) where I bought Cat Artur’s cake (hahaa..) and I also stumbled on a nice inexpensive clothing store Pepco where I bought about 20 pairs of undergarment to my children. The rest of the time (all of Friday and also Saturday morning) I spent time in Viking SPA hotel (Sadama street 15) water park and saunas.
Now again I went to the town (and collected Ivanka from school) and prepared food. For the main course there were potatoes, minced meat and sourcream-onion sauce, and for dessert whipped cream with home-frozen berries and muesli. For a couple of hours I work, then I go and collect Estella, then again work a while, and then enjoy the evening!
Have a pleasant and productive beginning of the week! Hugs!