Folke Bernadotte Academy (Folke Bernadotteakademin)
NordenBladet - The Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA) (Swedish: Folke Bernadotteakademin) is the Swedish government agency for peace, security and development. FBA conducts training, research...
Swedish National Export Credits Guarantee Board (Exportkreditnämnden)
NordenBladet - Swedish National Export Credits Guarantee Board (Swedish: Exportkreditnämnden, EKN) is a Swedish government agency that answers to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs....
Swedish Market Court (Marknadsdomstolen)
NordenBladet - The Swedish Market Court (Swedish: Marknadsdomstolen) is a Swedish government agency that answers to the Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality. It...
Prosecutor-General of Sweden (Riksåklagaren) + LIST of Prosecutor-Generals
NordenBladet - The Prosecutor-General of Sweden (Swedish: Riksåklagaren) is the department head for the Swedish Prosecution Authority responsible for the daily operations, the highest-ranked...
Swedish Prison and Probation Service (Kriminalvården)
NordenBladet - Swedish Prison and Probation Service (Swedish: Kriminalvården) is a Government agency that is part of the Swedish judicial system, tasked with incarcerating...
Klas Friberg appointed new Head of the Swedish Security Service
NordenBladet - The Swedish Government has appointed Klas Friberg, formerly Chief Commissioner of Police Region West, as new Director General and Head of the...
Swedish Security Service (Säkerhetspolisen)
NordenBladet - The Swedish Security Service (Swedish: Säkerhetspolisen, abbreviated Säpo, until 1989 Rikspolisstyrelsens säkerhetsavdelning abbreviated RPS/Säk) is a Swedish government agency organised under the...
Swedish Police Authority (Polismyndigheten)
NordenBladet - The Swedish Police Authority (Swedish: Polismyndigheten) is the central administrative authority for the police in Sweden, responsible for law enforcement, general social...
Swedish National Courts Administration (Domstolsverket)
NordenBladet - The Swedish National Courts Administration (SNCA) (Swedish: Domstolsverket) is a Swedish administrative authority organized under the Ministry of Justice. It functions as...
Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brottsförebyggande rådet)
NordenBladet - The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Swedish: Brottsförebyggande rådet, abbreviated Brå) is a Swedish government agency organized under the Ministry of...