Lapland Chamber of Commerce – Promoting Arctic business

NordenBladet – Lapland Chamber of Commerce is the Northernmost Chamber of Commerce in the European Union. Its mission is to create success and growth for business in Lapland and Finland by promoting local businesses, entrepreneurship, economic freedom, fair competition and international trade.

The Chamber was established in 1939 and it operates both regionally and nationwide, offering business related support services and comprehensive networking possibilities for companies looking to expand or export their business. Members of the Chamber include a variety of companies from different industries and branches of business, from big industrial companies to SME’s, as well as municipalities and other industry stakeholders.

Lapland Chamber of Commerce offers its members high quality events, trainings and workshops as well as various counseling services designed to support local companies and their growth. As the Northernmost Chamber of Commerce in Europe, arctic issues are the expertise of the Lapland Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber is also a member of the Arctic Economic Council and the Northern Forum.

1. Promoting Arctic Know-How
Lapland Chamber of Commerce actively promotes the internationalization of local businesses. The Chamber provides its members with business export counseling in Lapland, helps companies grow their networks and provides the latest information of changes in the business operation environment of Northern Europe.

Companies looking to expand their area of operation abroad can also benefit from the events arranged by the Lapland Chamber of Commerce, as well as enjoy the extensive networks and a comprehensive list of international business contacts the Chamber holds.

In addition to the events and counseling supporting the internationalisation of companies, the Chamber also confirms and issues foreign trade documents such as ATA Carnet customs documents and European export certificates.

2. Northern networks and partnerships
International Arctic business cooperation and networking play an active role in the Chamber activities. The Lapland Chamber of Commerce is an active member of various business networks and communities in the Arctic and can offer valuable contacts to businesses willing to expand their network.

Through the extensive network Lapland Chamber of Commerce has, companies can find new potential customers, business partners and key business contacts in their operation area. The Chamber also organizes events and actively participates in forums focusing on various topics of business growth, competitiveness and innovation, economic fluctuations and business exports. These events are an excellent way to learn more about business development and export possibilities in Lapland and network with the key stakeholders in the area.

3. Arctic business forum
The annual Arctic Business Forum introduces the latest business development of the Arctic, investigates global and local trends and future prospects, and offers companies and organizations the chance to present their own business at the forum.

The Arctic Europe has been calculated to hold investment potential worth of at least 197 billion euro. The forum offers valuable information about the possibilities and future investment potential of the Arctic region both for the local business representatives and international investors. The aim of the forum is to build networks and relationships among the region’s various business representatives.

The speakers of the Arctic Business Forum are all key representatives and stakeholders from various fields of Arctic industry. The themes addressed cover topics such as business investment potential in the Arctic, business policies and risks, innovation and Arctic cooperation.

Featured image: Lapland (NordenBladet)

Look also:
Arctic Business Forum Yearbook 2018

The annual Arctic Business Forum introduces the latest business development of the Arctic + PROGRAM!

Arctic Business Forum Yearbook 2018

NordenBladet – The 9th Arctic Business Forum Yearbook is an overview of the European High North investments and business development published in association with the Arctic Business Forum.

The Yearbook 2018 by Lapland Chamber of Commerce addresses Arctic cooperation, policies and business, as well as an estimation of European High North investment potential for the same time frame. Regionally the Yearbook covers the Northern parts of Finland, Sweden and Norway as well as Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions in Russia.

You can download the book from here: ABF_2018_yearbook

Look also:
The annual Arctic Business Forum introduces the latest business development of the Arctic + PROGRAM!


Klaukkala and Nurmijärvi in Finland + PHOTOS!

NordenBladet – Klaukkala (Swedish: Klövskog) is a village in the southern part of the Nurmijärvi municipality of Finland, near the Valkjärvi lake. Klaukkala is the largest of the villages in Nurmijärvi and is often mistakenly thought of as a separate city. Lepsämä, an area belonging to Klaukkala, is the place where the former Prime Minister of Finland Matti Vanhanen currently resides.

Klaukkala has a population of about 20,000 and is the fastest-growing area of Nurmijärvi. Klaukkala has significant migration mainly from the Helsinki conurbation, because as a rural village a half hour’s drive away from the Helsinki center, it especially attracts families with children. The distance from Klaukkala to the border of Espoo and also the border of Vantaa is about 5 km and the distance to Helsinki is less than 30 km. The increased traffic, resulting from the increase in population causes problems. Because of this, a highway bypassing the village is being planned, and possibly also a rail traffic connection to Helsinki, probably as a continuation of the Vantaankoski rail.

Klaukkala includes many primary schools, of which the largest is Isoniitun koulu, which includes all 9 grades of the Finnish primary school system. In 2017 a new multipurpose building called “Monikko” was built, to the Klaukkala sports area. Klaukkala also has one of the three gymnasiums of Nurmijärvi, Arkadian yhteislyseo. A possible tourism sight is the Klaukkala church, built in 2004. The village also has a wooden Orthodox church.

is Finland’s largest rural municipality in terms of population and one of the fastest growing in the Greater Helsinki area. Nurmijärvi’s current population of 41,000 is expected to approach 45,000 over the next decade.

Neighboured by Espoo, Vantaa, Tuusula, Hyvinkää and Vihti, Nurmijärvi is only 30 minutes away from Helsinki, and 25 minutes from Helsinki-Vantaa International Airport, by motorway.

The municipality was named after Lake Nurmijärvi, although this was partially drained for farmland in the 1920s and fully dried in the early 1950s.

Finland’s national author Aleksis Kivi was born into a tailor’s family in the province of Uusimaa in Finland, at a village named Palojoki which is in the parish of Nurmijärvi, on October 10th, 1834.

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Aleksis Kivi ( born Alexis Stenvall, (10 October 1834 – 31 December 1872) was a Finnish author who wrote the first significant novel in the Finnish language, Seven Brothers (Seitsemän veljestä). Although Kivi was among the very earliest authors of prose and lyrics in Finnish, he is still considered one of the greatest.

Aleksis Kivi was born in Nurmijärvi, Grand Duchy of Finland, into a tailor’s family. In 1846 he left for school in Helsinki, and in 1859 he was accepted into the University of Helsinki, where he studied literature and developed an interest in the theatre. His first play was Kullervo, based on a tragic tale from the Kalevala. He also met the famous journalist and statesman Johan Vilhelm Snellman who became his supporter.

During his time at school Kivi read world literature from the library of his landlord, and during his University studies, he saw plays by Molière and Schiller at the Swedish Theatre in Helsinki. Kivi also has friends such as Fredrik Cygnaeus and Elias Lönnrot.

From 1863 onwards, Kivi devoted his time to writing. He wrote 12 plays and a collection of poetry. The novel Seven Brothers or The Brothers Seven). took him ten years to write. Literary critics, especially the prominent August Ahlqvist, disapproved of the book, at least nominally because of its “rudeness” – Romanticism was at its height at the time. Ahlqvist wrote “It is a ridiculous work and a blot on the name of Finnish literature” The Fennomans also disapproved of its depiction of not-so-virtuous rural life that was far from their idealized point of view, and Kivi’s excessive drinking may have alienated some.

In 1865 Kivi won the State Prize for his still often performed comedy Nummisuutarit (‘The Cobblers on the Heath’, translated as Heath Cobblers by Douglas Robinson). However, the less than enthusiastic reception of his books was taking its toll and he was already drinking heavily. His main benefactor Charlotta Lönnqvist could not help him after the 1860s.

Kivi’s health had failed completely in 1870. The collapse was accelerated by typhoid and attacks of delirium and in 1871 he was admitted to the New Clinic, from where he was transferred to the Lapinlahti psychiatric hospital. The doctor treating him, A. T. Saelan, diagnosed him as suffering from melancholia resulting from “injured dignity as a writer”. On the basis of the available documents, Kalle Achté concludes that it was a classic case of schizophrenia, triggered by severe states of anxiety. It has also been suggested, however, that Kivi’s mental illness may have been caused by advanced borreliosis). Kivi died in poverty at the age of 38.

In the early 20th century young writers Volter Kilpi and Eino Leino raised Kivi to the status of national icon. Eino Leino – and later Väinö Linna and Veijo Meri – also identified with Kivi’s fate as an author.

In 1939 the Aleksis Kivi Memorial, a bronze statue of Kivi by Wäinö Aaltonen, was erected in front of the Finnish National Theatre.

In 1995 to 1996, Finnish composer Einojuhani Rautavaara wrote an opera about Kivi’s life and works. In 2002, director Jari Halonen’s film The Life of Aleksis Kivi (Finnish title: Aleksis Kiven elämä) premiered in Finnish cinemas.

Finnish and Swedish Ministers for Foreign Affairs discuss foreign and security policy cooperation

NordenBladet —  Minister for Foreign Affairs Timo Soini will meet Sweden’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Margot Wallström in Stockholm on 2 May.

The Ministers will discuss ways to intensify the foreign and security policy cooperation between Finland and Sweden, the development of the Baltic Sea Region, Russia, and other topical questions. In addition, the Foreign Ministers will speak at a seminar organised in honour of the 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Finland and Sweden.

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Crisis management now – resolving conflicts and building peace together (seminar in Kalasatama, Helsinki, on 17 May 2018)

NordenBladet — The 100-year-old Ministry for Foreign Affairs with its partners are organising a Crisis management now seminar in Kalasatama, Helsinki, on 17 May 2018. The event will present Finnish actors’ participation in the resolution of international crises and peacebuilding. The main theme of the seminar will be comprehensive cooperation between different actors in crisis areas in order to achieve sustainable peace.

Central government actors involved in crisis management (Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Justice) together with civil society and private sector representatives will present their cooperation in crisis management and peacebuilding in diverse and participatory ways.

Visitors to the event can, for example, try on Teatime Research’s virtual reality glasses and get an idea of what it would feel like if Helsinki was a conflict area similar to the one in Aleppo, Syria.

The Crisis Management Centre (CMC Finland) and other actors will tell about job opportunities in the field.

The Finnish CSOs attending the seminar are the Finnish Red Cross, Finn Church Aid, and the Wider Security Network (WISE). International organisations will be represented by the World Bank, which will present the Pathways for Peace report prepared in cooperation with the United Nations.

Finland is a pioneer in comprehensive crisis management and peacebuilding. In addition to military and civilian crisis management, crisis areas are supported by means of development cooperation, humanitarian assistance, mediation, and human rights and arms control policies. It is important that the various actors’ complement each other, because a number of different organisations and crisis management operations may be simultaneously active in the same crisis area. Coordination and cooperation enhance the effectiveness of crisis management activities and contribute to the building of sustainable peace.

You are welcome to the Crisis management now -event to see and experience how crisis management functions and how sustainable peace is built through cooperation – stabilising conflict areas calls for everybody’s contribution.

The event is open to all and free of charge. It will be organised in Kellohalli at the Abattoir complex in Kalasatama, Helsinki.

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Finland used EUR 935 million on official development assistance in 2017

NordenBladet —  Finland used EUR 935 million on official development assistance (ODA) in 2017. This represented 0.41 per cent of Finland’s gross national income. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) today published preliminary data on official development assistance for 2017.

Finland’s expenditure counted as ODA and its share of gross national income decreased in 2017 compared with the previous year. The total expenditure in 2017 was EUR 21 million less than in 2016. The share of ODA of gross national income decreased from 0.44 per cent to 0.41 per cent. Measured with the percentage of ODA of gross national income, Finland ranked ninth among the EU countries.

Expenditure and its percentage of gross national income decreased in Finland because of a lower amount of appropriations available. In addition, expenditure on the reception of refugees counted as ODA decreased: in 2017 it amounted to EUR 69 million, a decrease of EUR 49 million (42 per cent) from the previous year. On the other hand, financial investments counted as ODA increased the total payments by EUR 68 million compared with the previous year.

A significant proportion of Finland’s ODA funding went through the EU and other multilateral organisations, such as the UN and the World Bank Group. For example, Finland’s share of the EU’s ODA budget was EUR 130 million, and EUR 60 million of the European Development Fund.  A total of EUR 94 million was allocated to humanitarian aid in 2017, of which EUR 39 million was bilateral aid. Finland’s main bilateral partners in 2017 were (EUR million) Afghanistan (18), Nepal (17), Ethiopia (17) and Mozambique (14).

The EU’s official development assistance remained unchanged
According to the OECD statistics, foreign aid provided by official donors totalled EUR 130 billion in 2017. ODA from members of the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) equalled 0.31% of their combined gross national income, a slight fall from 0.32% in 2016.

Public ODA payments of the EU member states totalled EUR 73.4 billion in 2016. In the EU countries, payments were roughly on a par with the previous year.

The major ODA funders were the United States, Germany, the UK, Japan and France. Of the members of the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC), countries achieving the UN’s target to raise the level of ODA to at least 0.7 per cent of gross national income included, as usual, Sweden, Norway, Luxembourg and the UK. Of the other funders, Turkey (0.95 per cent) and United Arab Emirates (1.31 per cent) achieved the target.

ODA payments increased in 11 OECD countries. France, Italy, Japan and Sweden increased their payments the most. The amount of assistance, on the other hand, decreased in 18 member countries compared with the previous year. This is mainly explained by the decreased number of refugees coming to Europe and, consequently, a decreased amount of refugee-related expenditure.

Published originally in Finnish on 9 April 2018

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Finland´s Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Anne-Mari Virolainen: EU and Mexico reach agreement on modernising their trade relationship

NordenBladet — On 21 April 2018, the European Union and Mexico reached a political agreement on modernising their existing Free Trade Agreement.

“The future agreement is welcome, because it brings partly outdated trade rules up to date to correspond companies’ needs, removes customs duties, and improves Finnish companies market opportunities in Mexico,” says Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Anne-Mari Virolainen. “The agreement is of a particular significance at this time when the openness of trade and related cooperation has been challenged in many fronts.”

The new agreement will replace the previous Free Trade Agreement, which is one pillar of the wider EU-Mexico Global Agreement that has been in force since 2000. The content of the agreement is mainly ready but negotiations on some technical details will be continued. The agreement is expected to be finalised by the end of 2018.

The modernised trade agreement will cover a large part of trade in goods, related regulation and barriers to trade, as well as trade in services and investments. The agreement will eliminate the majority of the remaining customs duties.  Additionally, service providers’ market access will be facilitated in many areas. This is the first EU trade agreement to include provisions to fight corruption.

In 2017, the value of goods exports from Finland to Mexico was over EUR 309 million while the value of goods imports amounted to EUR 218 million. In 2016, Finland’s exports in services to Mexico totalled approximately EUR 129 million and the value of imports was EUR 91 million.

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Agreement about transfer of Foreign Ministry’s 24/7 services to the Emergency Response Centre Agency

NordenBladet — The Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Emergency Response Centre Agency (ERCA) have agreed that the Foreign Ministry’s 24/7 services will be handled by ERCA in Kerava from August 2018 onwards. Initially, the agreement will be in force for two years.

The transferred round-the-clock services will be auxiliary consular assistance tasks related to situations where a Finnish citizen or a foreign national with a permanent residence in Finland is in distress abroad due to an illness, accident or disaster or because of falling a victim of crime or for some other comparable reason.

On an annual basis, the Ministry’s 24/7 Service Centre receives approximately 7,000 to 8,000 calls related to various emergency and problem situation that have occurred abroad. Consular assistance to the eligible persons is mainly advice and guidance. In some cases, information about what has happened is communicated to the Finnish mission in the area, which then takes care of the matter.

According to Finland´s Minister for Foreign Affairs Timo Soini, the aim of the cooperation between the Minister for Foreign Affairs and ERCA is to develop the provision of out-of-hours services to Finnish citizens. “The transfer does not show to the citizens in any way.  Their calls will be replied in their familiar languages and assistance will be provided as before.”

“In ERCA, we consider that the agreement will lead to synergies because we intend to pool other services related to international contacts under our Command and Control Centre, too. This will strengthen our role in security-related matters in society,” Martti Kunnasvuori, Director General of ERCA, notes with satisfaction.

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs and ERCA have longstanding experience of good cooperation in helping Finnish citizens in distress abroad. After the establishment of the Command and Control Centre in ERCA in December 2017, opportunities have been identified for new kinds of organisational solutions and synergies.

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs and ERCA will provide more detailed information about the changes in the summer.

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A hundred years of foreign policy – Foreign Ministry’s public event in Jyväskylä

NordenBladet — The Ministry for Foreign Affairs marks its 100th anniversary by presenting its activities in various public events in different parts of the country. A public event will be organised on 27 April in cooperation with the Regional Council of Central Finland, the Jyväskylä UN association, and Jyväskylä JEF-Finland (Young European Federalists Europe).

The topics of the public event will be Finland‘s forthcoming EU Presidency, the UN and global issues, as well as consular services provided by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Under-Secretary of State Pirkko Hämäläinen, Counsellor Erik af Hällström and Counsellor Leena Liukkonen will speak at the event. The event will be held in the University of Jyväskylä (hall L302) on Keskussairaalantie 4, starting at 15.00. Coffee will be served starting at 14.30.

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Soini: Young people’s participation in peace processes to be ensured

NordenBladet — United Nations Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth Jayathma Wickramanayake will visit Finland from 25 to 27 April. On Thursday 26 April, she will attend a visit to Helsinki Senior High School together with Minister for Foreign Affairs Timo Soini and the Foreign Minister’s Special Representative on Mediation Jutta Urpilainen.

“The Youth Envoy’s school visit provides an excellent opportunity to show in a concrete way that one of Finland‘s important objectives in mediation is to ensure that young people are involved in peace processes. Lack of prospects for one’s own future is the worst thing that can happen. It is essential that young people can exercise influence,” Foreign Minister Timo Soini summarises the importance of the visit.

Finland was one of the initiators of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security. During Jayathma Wickramanayake’s visit, we will present Finland’s national measures relating to the implementation of the resolution, in which civil society organisations will play a significant role. Youth is also one of the priorities of Special Representative Urpilainen.

“I have found my visits to Finnish schools, which have focused on the prevention of violent radicalisation, very rewarding. We have much to learn from young people. This is an interesting opportunity to meet with young people and to tell them about mediation and their chances of influence,” Soini says.

In her work, Youth Envoy Wickramanayake promotes measures helping youth voice their opinions and become engaged in society, and advocates issues that are important from young people’s perspective worldwide. United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres appointed Jayathma Wickramanayake of Sri Lanka as his Envoy on Youth in June 2017.

During her two-day stay in Finland, Wickramanayake will visit educational institutions, get familiar with youth work and learn about young people’s opportunities of participation in Finnish society. The Youth Envoy will also meet CSO representatives to exchange ideas about matters related to young people, peace and security.

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