Spain’s recovery package opens possibilities for business cooperation

NordenBladet — Spain’s recovery and resilience plan focuses on the green and digital transitions, which are also Finland’s priorities. Minister for Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade Ville Skinnari, accompanied by a business delegation, will visit Madrid on 20–23 March to promote cooperation between Spain and Finland.Spain is the fourth largest economy in the European Union, and its economic growth is expected to clearly exceed the EU average this year. In addition, Spain is one of the biggest recipients of the EU recovery package. Most of this funding will be used to promote the green and digital transitions. While these two sectors have been topical for quite some time, they have now gained a critical status due to the changes in the European security situation. It is now increasingly important to have well-functioning digital services and the ability to prevent cyber attacks against them, reducing energy dependence and replacing fossil energy sources with green solutions. The level of ambition in the different kinds of reforms and public investments included in the Spanish recovery plan is impressive, and the success of the plan depends on innovative solutions.Finnish companies are showing an increasing interest in Spain, and with the exception of the pandemic, trade between our countries has grown steadily. There are currently around 250 Finnish companies established in Spain either through their own subsidiaries or through local partners. “There is plenty of growth potential in our countries’ cooperation in the business and innovation sectors. The Finnish companies joining me to Spain are top experts in the green and digital transitions. I believe that our meetings with Spanish decision-makers will speed up business cooperation between our countries,” says Minister Skinnari.During his visit, Minister Skinnari will meet representatives of the Spanish Government and business life. Topical European matters, too, will be discussed in the political meetings. Minister Skinnari will hold discussions with Minister for the Ecological Transition of Spain Teresa Ribera and Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism María Reyes Maroto, among others. He will also meet Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Ángeles Moreno Bau from the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to discuss the current security situation in Europe, among other topics. Fourteen Finnish companies will accompany Minister Skinnari on his visit to Spain. The companies have expertise in different kinds of digital solutions in the fields of energy optimisation, green building and waste management that use different kinds of technologies, such as artificial intelligence and quantum technology.


Finnish and German Ministers for European Affairs discuss energy and security situation

NordenBladet — On Thursday 17 March, Minister for European Affairs Tytti Tuppurainen met with her colleague, German Minister of State for Europe Anna Lührmann, in Berlin. The ministers discussed the impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on Europe, particularly on the energy sector.Both ministers stressed the importance of ambitious climate objectives for phasing out fossil fuels from Russia and transitioning to renewable energy sources. Security of energy supply is also a particularly high priority in the current situation.The ministers discussed the General Affairs Council meeting that will take place next week. The meeting is in preparation for the March European Council, where the EU leaders will adopt the Strategic Compass. The Strategic Compass will determine the direction of the EU’s security and defence cooperation and clarify its objectives over the next 5 to 10 years.“We are living in a time when we must invest in strengthening the EU, including in the areas of foreign and security policy and defence cooperation. Adopting the Strategic Compass, which sets the course for EU security and defence cooperation over the long term, is an important step forward in developing European security,” Tuppurainen said.Minister Tuppurainen also met with Michael Roth, Chair of the Bundestag Foreign Affairs Committee. In this meeting, too, the main focus was on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and its many consequences for Europe. The current situation with regard to the rule of law procedure and support for the Commission were also on the agenda.Minister Tuppurainen travelled to Berlin as part of Prime Minister Sanna Marin’s delegation, which met with German Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin on 16 March.


Decree on infrastructure aid helps expand recharging and refuelling network for electric, gas and hydrogen vehicles

NordenBladet — On 17 March 2022, the Government issued a decree on infrastructure support for the use of electricity, biogas and renewable hydrogen in transport between 2022 and 2025. The aim is to promote the use of these alternative fuels in road transport by supporting investments in the charging and gas refuelling network.A total of EUR 13.2 million has been reserved for the purpose as a three-year deferrable appropriation in the state budget for 2022. In 2022–2023, funding will be granted as part of the Recovery and Resilience Plan in accordance with the Sustainable Growth Programme for Finland. After that, the project will likely be financed with national funding, which will be decided on in the budget and the General Government Fiscal Plan.The content of the decree is largely in line with the decree on the previous aid scheme implemented in 2018–2021. Infrastructure support will continue to be allocated based on competitive tendering, with the Energy Authority continuing as the state aid authority. Aid will be granted to investments in the charging network for electric vehicles and refuelling networks for gas and hydrogen vehicles. The decree was issued under the Act on Discretionary Government Transfers.By promoting the implementation of the Roadmap for fossil-free transport and Finland’s Recovery and Resilience Plan, the infrastructure support will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transport.According to the Roadmap for fossil-free transport, replacing fossil fuels with other fuels in transport will require a nationwide public charging network for electric vehicles and refuelling infrastructure for gas-powered vehicles. According to estimates, infrastructure support will be necessary at least until the mid-2020s, after which the number of electric and gas vehicles may enable the construction of infrastructure purely on market terms.Competitive tendering in five categories to uncover the best projectsA call for tenders organised by the Energy Authority seeks the most cost-efficient and effective investment projects. The tenders received will be grouped into five categories where the projects will compete against each other. The categories are: Investment projects for high-power charging points for vehicles (group 1)Investment projects for charging points for local public transport (group 2)Investment projects for compressed biogas refuelling points (group 3)Investment projects for liquefied biogas refuelling points (group 4)Investment projects for renewable hydrogen refuelling points (group 5) Aid will be granted to the most successful tenders in each group within the framework of the appropriation allocated to the group. The aid scheme includes several conditions and restrictions to ensure a successful tendering process and an optimal outcome. The aim is also to minimise the negative impact that the aid scheme could have on competition and the market. The decree is in force from 17 March 2022 until 31 December 2025. The European Commission must be notified in advance of the aid scheme for recharging points in local public transport (group 2) and biogas refuelling points (groups 3 and 4). Consequently, for these groups, the decree will enter into force only after the Commission’s approval.


Prime Minister Marin meets with German Federal Chancellor Scholz in Berlin

NordenBladet — Prime Minister Sanna Marin met with Federal Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz in Berlin on Wednesday 16 March 2022. In their meeting, Prime Minister Marin and Federal Chancellor Scholz discussed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the development of European security and defence cooperation and the EU’s economic and energy policy.Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has dramatically changed the security situation in Europe, with Russia’s actions challenging the very foundations of the European security system. “Germany and Finland, together with the European Union and its partner countries, have strongly condemned Russia’s aggression and continuous military violence against Ukraine. Russia’s attack is targeting Ukraine, but it is also an attack against the security order of Europe as a whole,” said Prime Minister Sanna Marin.The European Union has responded to Russia’s invasion with unprecedented speed, determination and unity by imposing severe and comprehensive sanctions. Prime Minister Marin and Federal Chancellor Scholz also discussed ways to further support Ukraine. Finland, Germany and the European Union have been assisting Ukraine financially, with humanitarian aid and by providing protective equipment and arms. Marin and Scholz also discussed the repercussions that can be seen in the European Union in terms of energy prices, security and defence policy solutions, the economy and growth. “Germany is a central country in the European Union and will play a key role as we develop the EU to be an even stronger player in foreign, security and defence policy. We share the view that the EU must improve its capabilities,” the Prime Minister said.Marin highlighted Germany’s importance for Finland when it comes to security and defence policy. “We share the same security environment, also within the Baltic Sea region.”Prime Minister Marin said it is essential for the EU to eliminate its dependence on fossil fuels, which we import precisely from Russia, as soon as possible.
“We need to invest in renewable energy sources and liquefied natural gas terminals, and explore ways to support each other in the transition to cleaner energy.” 
Reducing the EU’s dependence on Russian energy was a key item on the agenda at the informal meeting of EU heads of state or government in Versailles on 10 and 11 March. The topic will be discussed next at the March European Council. 


The Government prepares new report on changes in the current security environment, led by Minister for Foreign Affairs Haavisto

NordenBladet — Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a fundamental change has taken place in the security and operating environment of Finland and Europe. The Government has launched the preparation of a report assessing the foreign and security policy environment that has changed and the changing operating and security environment as well as their implications for Finland.The report will discuss Finland’s foreign, security and defence policy, but also the economic impacts in the situation that has changed, security of supply, preparedness, border security, cyber security and hybrid influence activities.The Government has appointed a coordination group to prepare the report, headed by Minister for Foreign Affairs Pekka Haavisto. The coordination group, led by the Foreign Minister, will coordinate the preparation of the various sections of the report concerning matters that fall under the competence of the administrative branches of several ministries. All ministerial groups will be represented in the coordination group. Minister for Foreign Affairs Haavisto will also lead the Ministry’s working group assigned to prepare the foreign, security and defence policy sections of the report. In addition to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Office of the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Defence are also represented in the working group. The President of the Republic and the Ministerial Committee on Foreign and Security Policy as well as the Ministerial Working Group on Preparedness, Ministerial Working Group on Internal Security and Strengthening the Rule of Law, Ministerial Working Group on the Digital Transformation, the Data Economy and Public Administration will discuss matters within their respective areas of responsibility. The government report is due to be submitted to Parliament in early April. Based on the report, Parliament is expected to hold an extensive discussion on foreign and security policy.


Finland supports stronger EU role in international standardisation

NordenBladet — At the beginning of February, the European Commission adopted a new EU standardisation strategy and simultaneously issued a proposal for amending the regulation on standardisation. On 17 March, the Government submitted to Parliament information on the strategy, amendments to the regulation on standardisation and Finland’s position on them.The European Union has prepared a new standardisation strategy to improve the functioning of the system and to promote the utilisation of standards, particularly in support of the green transition and digitalisation. The aim of the proposed regulation is to change decision-making on European standardisation so that the standards can take better account of European values, for example.On 17 March, the Government submitted to Parliament information on the standardisation strategy, amendments to the related regulation on standardisation and Finland’s positions on them. A Europe communication on the standardisation strategy and a Union communication on the amendment of the standardisation regulation were submitted to Parliament.Standards are commonly agreed requirements or recommendations for products and services, for example. They improve the quality, safety and compatibility of products and services. The aim of the new EU standardisation strategy is to ensure that standards meet the needs of a changing world and that they are used to support the EU’s competitiveness to the best possible extent. The new strategy also takes into consideration the importance of standards for business and society as a whole as well as the objective of international leadership in European standardisation. Well-functioning standardisation supports the EU internal marketIn general, Finland welcomes the standardisation strategy and the proposal to amend the regulation. A well-functioning and efficient standardisation system promotes the effectiveness of standards and supports the functioning of the internal market and the transition towards a climate neutral economy. The proposed amendment to the regulation supports the strategy’s objective of developing European standardisation.One of the strategy’s objectives is to strengthen the EU’s role in standardisation at the international level. There is a great deal of competition for leadership in international standardisation. According to the new standardisation strategy, the EU’s key sectors should make more efficient use of standardisation.


Good solutions put to practice – boost to scaling good practices for sustainable urban development

NordenBladet — Municipalities and cities across Finland have developed their activities towards better environmental, social and economic sustainability. The project ‘Levers for a Sustainable City’ (VIPU) looks for solutions for faster scaling of good practices. Besides urban development, the tools created can also be used for other purposes.Municipalities and other organisations have been active in promoting the Sustainable Development Goals, but even good outcomes may remain as isolated and scattered achievements or fade out after the development project has ended.The project ‘Levers for a Sustainable City’ (VIPU) developed new methods for scaling and tested how the means that have proven good can be turned into concrete actions in the municipalities. The project also produced a set of criteria for identifying a good practice for sustainable urban development: A good practice must have an impact on more than one dimension of sustainable development. The solution must find demand in the municipalities, the outcomes must be such that they can be proven, and the needs of different stakeholders must be taken into account at the different stages of the process. In order to be truly put to practice, the solutions must also be carefully documented.Scaling of good practices can refer to operations of very different scales. In the narrowest sense it may mean the adoption of a good practice that will consolidate the activity and make it more effective in the location where it was created. Expanding the practice takes the solution to other environments and locations or to a national scale. The greatest impact is achieved when the solution is mainstreamed and leads to more comprehensive changes in society, e.g. in the legislation or people’s values.Scaling requires tools to support the practical implementation of the solution and its adaptation to new conditions. “Wider introduction of good solutions makes it possible to achieve sustainability goals more quickly and efficiently. The work done in the project clarifies the concepts related to scaling, structures the often quite general way we talk about scaling, and offers tips for concrete work on this. The results also help us recognise the obstacles to disseminating good practices and find solutions to overcome these,” Programme Manager Virve Hokkanen says.Good practices do not evolve, develop or pass on without people who do the practical work – those who develop their own activities and those who have the curiosity to follow the achievements of others. “At the core of good practices there always seems to be an enthusiastic individual or team who knows what to do and why. It has been great to see how willing these people have been to share with others what they have learned, and how contagious their enthusiasm may be,” says Senior Researcher Kaisa Schmidt-Thomé who led the project. “These teams truly create something new, and it would be important to give their achievements the attention they deserve,” she says.The project was implemented as part of the Sustainable City programme that aims to boost the sustainable development of cities and municipalities, coordinated by the Ministry of the Environment. The work was done by a consortium of Demos Helsinki, Finnish Consulting Group FCG and Tyrsky Consulting, supported by a steering group composed of representatives of the Ministry of the Environment, General Secretariat on Sustainable Development at the Prime Minister’s Office and municipalities. The Sustainable City programme will continue the work on scaling and develop tools for this. The programme offers support to cities and municipalities both for the communication activities to disseminate good practices and dialogue between municipalities and for the concrete deployment of good solutions.Read more about the sustainable cities


Working Life Forum gives everyone a chance to join in current debate on working life

NordenBladet — The new national event on working life will provide a platform for developing the Finnish world of work in the long term. The world of work has changed rapidly in recent years. For this reason, it has been necessary to reassess workplace practices, management and trust at all workplaces.Amidst these changes, Finland needs a common understanding of the current picture of working life and a shared view on paths to the future. It is essential that the conditions for working are good in all tasks and working-age people stay fit for work throughout their careers.Management should also be able to respond to changes in society and accelerate the anticipation and development of skills needs. It is essential to ensure that the world of work can renew itself and act in changing circumstances. In the transformation of working life, new models are created for workplaces and the service system to increase wellbeing, competitiveness and employment.Working Life Forum Finland 2022 to be held in AugustThe Working Life Forum Finland 2022 will give everyone a chance to join in the current debate on working life. To create solutions for the future of work, a broad-based public debate is needed.In addition to topical subjects such as crises and resilience, the Forum will discuss the role of continuous learning in working life, efforts to strengthen wellbeing and coping at work, the benefits and disadvantages of rapid advancement of digitalisation, the importance of trust and the challenges of management amidst changes, as well as internationality.“The Working Life Forum is an event for discussing the world of work. It gives us a chance to en-gage in long-term and determined development efforts that enable us to form a more accurate picture of the world of work and build a better working life for everyone,” says Minister of Social Affairs and Health Hanna Sarkkinen.Technological development and digitalisation have also opened up interesting new opportunities.“In future, those workplaces will succeed the best that know how to reinvest not only in technological innovations but also in core activities, the organisation of work and management practices. Amidst the digital green transition, updating the skills of employees and enabling continuous learning are central to productivity,” says Minister of Employment Tuula Haatainen.Changes have not been easy for everyone. Cooperation and the spirit of trust at workplaces help people cope in changing circumstances. Good working conditions have a positive effect on people’s mental and physical fitness for work and on productivity. Finnish working life also needs a common understanding of mental health as a success factor. Mental health is an investment that needs to be strengthened by developing work and preventing problems at the workplace level. This will also help reduce sick leave and disability retirement due to mental health problems. Workplaces need skilled employees who are fit for work.By working together we can build the best possible working life. The Working Life Forum 2022 invites all Finnish workplaces and working life actors to discuss joint development efforts in August. This work does not require just the input of workplaces; it requires everyone to work together. Successful and healthy workplaces will grow, employ people and increase wellbeing and productivity around them.The Working Life Forum Finland 2022 will be held at Little Finlandia in Helsinki on 31 August 2022. It will be organised by the Government’s WORK 2030 programme together with a wide network of partners.Read more about the Working Life Forum Finland 2022 on the event page and register for it.


EU Environment Ministers meet in Brussels to discuss Fit for 55 package

NordenBladet — The EU ministers responsible for the environment and climate change issues will meet in Brussels on 17 March to discuss the EU’s Fit for 55 package, the Battery Regulation and the Deforestation Regulation. Finland’s representative at the meeting will be Minister of the Environment and Climate Change Emma Kari.The Environment Ministers will hold a policy debate on the elements of the Fit for 55 package that are the responsibility of the Environment Council (Emissions Trading Directive and amending it with respect to aviation, Effort Sharing Regulation, LULUCF Regulation, Regulation setting CO2 emission performance standards for cars and vans, and Regulation establishing a social climate fund). The negotiations on the package have intensified and the aim for France is to adopt a general approach on the proposals in June.


Finance ministers reach agreement on Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

NordenBladet — On Tuesday 15 March, the EU’s finance ministers reached an agreement in the Economic and Financial Affairs Council on establishing a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism. Minister of Finance Annika Saarikko represented Finland at the meeting in Brussels.The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism also prevents the increase of emissions outside the EUThe meeting reached a general approach on the European Commission’s proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). The CBAM is part of the Fit for 55 Package presented by the European Commission last July to implement the objectives set in the European climate law to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions and promote the transformation of the EU into a carbon-neutral society by 2050. The CBAM is intended to prevent carbon leakage, i.e. the transfer of production outside the EU to countries with more lax environmental standards in situations where the EU is intensifying its climate measures. It is also intended to promote the wider use of carbon pricing and the intensification of climate measures in third countries as well as to complement existing EU carbon pricing policies, in particular the EU emissions trading scheme. The CBAM will impose a payment on products coming from outside the EU that is the same as the one that must be paid for corresponding products manufactured inside the EU within the scope of EU emissions trading. The mechanism would apply to five product groups, i.e. cement, steel and iron, aluminium, fertilisers, and electricity. Full compatibility with WTO rules and with the EU’s other international commitments is a key consideration in the design of the mechanism.  The CBAM is also intended to be one of the EU’s three new own resources, which were the subject of a separate European Commission proposal on 22 December 2021. The proposal for a regulation now approved at the meeting includes some amendments to the proposal issued in July 2021. The main amendments concern the administrative model for the mechanism, i.e. official duties have been transferred from the Member States to the EU level.  Preparations for the implementation of the first stage of the proposal must be completed by the end of 2022, because the regulation is due to enter into force at the beginning of 2023.
