Ministerial Committee on Economic Policy supports refurbishment of Government Palace and modernisation of premises

NordenBladet — In its meeting on 16 March 2022, the Ministerial Committee on Economic Policy decided to support the plan to modernise government premises.The Government Palace and the office building at Kirkkokatu 14 are in need of refurbishment, and the plan includes the necessary refurbishment of these properties. At the same time, the courtyard wing of the Government Palace, which was built in 1900 as the Senate’s printing shop, will be replaced by a new, larger building.  The plan also includes the refurbishment of the Kirkkokatu 12 pavilion building, which is in the ‘Government Block’ (the block located between Kirkkokatu and Hallituskatu).In this connection, the functions of the government and its ministries will be brought together in the immediate vicinity of these two blocks in what will be called the Government Campus. This will make it possible to sell some of the current ministry buildings. With respect to the Government Palace block, the project also includes the construction of shared meeting rooms, a significant improvement of the level of security and the construction of accessible entryways in all of buildings. The repairs and alterations will take into account the significant cultural heritage value of the blocks.The project is being prepared in collaboration with Senate Properties and the Finnish Heritage Agency as well as with the City of Helsinki in land use planning issues. The construction of the new building requires a change to the local detailed plan. The implementation of the plan also requires a budget procedure and several readings, for example, in the Ministerial Finance Committee. The overall planning process examined different combinations of refurbishment and new construction, and the alternative supported by the committee best meets the objectives set for the project. Multiple functional benefits being soughtThe project only involves the development of government premises and will not affect the administrative structures of the ministries. The project seeks to support the activities of the government and its ministries with more uniform, modern and secure premises, which would improve collaboration in the government and support the development of new ways of working in the ministries. The modernisation of the premises will also bring significant benefits for sustainable development, savings in energy consumption and reductions in emissions. In addition, indoor conditions will improve and spaces will be used more efficiently. The project encompasses several buildings and construction projects. The preliminary estimate of the construction and refurbishment investments is approximately EUR 290 million. It will be possible to sell some of the premises currently used by the government as part of the plan. The sales price of these premises is currently estimated at approximately EUR 140 million. The investment is estimated to increase the government’s rental expenditure by approximately EUR 9 million a year.Construction is planned to take place in several stages. The goal is to begin construction in 2023. According to the plan, the modernisation project would be completed in 2029. The investment will have a significant employment generating impact during 2023–2029. The administrative blocks are historically valuable and they are at the heart of the government’s cultural heritage.  The project will help ensure that the blocks continue to be used for their historical purpose. The oldest part of the Government Palace was completed  in 1822 to house the Senate of autonomous Finland. The building was renamed the Government Palace in 1918 following Finnish independence. The previous refurbishment of the building started in 1974 and was completed in 1996.


Finnish and Swedish ministers to discuss bilateral cooperation and changes in the security environment

NordenBladet — Minister of the Interior Krista Mikkonen and Sweden’s Minister for Justice and Home Affairs Morgan Johansson will meet in Finland on 16 March to discuss the countries’ cooperation in civil preparedness, rescue services and the implementation of the police cooperation agreement. The discussions will also touch upon cooperation between the national coast guards.“We are facing complex global challenges to our security. Finland and Sweden are preparing for these challenges in close cooperation at both political and public official level. The challenges include not only changes in the security environment but also climate change and vulnerabilities of the increasingly digital society”, says Minister of the Interior Mikkonen.“Our societies are facing many different threats that we must address. The pandemic has posed a challenge for both of our countries, and the climate crisis is a global challenge. And now the security situation in our neighbouring areas is weakening,” says Minister for Justice and Home Affairs Johansson.Close cooperation between neighbouring countries will boost the competence and activities of the authoritiesDue to the recent changes in the security environment, it is increasingly important that cooperation between Finland and Sweden is close, intensive and direct at all levels. Cooperation in maintaining and developing civil preparedness is an important part of the countries’ joint preparedness for any further changes in the security environment. The letter of intent on closer cooperation between Finland and Sweden in the field of civil preparedness and rescue services, signed in February 2021, is now more important than ever. During 2021, the countries enhanced their cooperation in civil preparedness issues related to the EU and NATO and in the field of joint exercises, statistics and research, for example. This close cooperation will be continued. The implementation of the police cooperation agreement signed last year is also an important part of the cooperation between the two countries. A government proposal for adopting and implementing the agreement in Finland is currently under preparation. Developing cooperation between the national coast guards is also an integral part of the cooperation between the countries. Ministers will attend a public discussion event at HanaholmenAfter their bilateral meeting, the Ministers will attend a public discussion event at Hanaholmen. The discussion is part of the Hanaholmen Initiative, an education programme aiming to develop the networking and competence of civil preparedness experts in Finland and Sweden. The education programme is based on the initiative of the Prime Ministers of the two countries. 


Ministry of the Interior to prepare introduction of border procedure

NordenBladet — The Ministry of the Interior has set up a project to examine and prepare legislative amendments to enable the introduction of the border procedure in Finland. The border procedure would allow the processing of potentially unfounded asylum applications immediately at the border or in its vicinity. This would prevent asylum applicants from travelling within Finland or from Finland to other EU countries.The border procedure would mean that each application is investigated individually, thoroughly and fairly, as is the case with all asylum applications. The project will assess different alternative solutions and their impacts on fundamental and human rights in relation to the Finnish Constitution, other national legislation, EU legislation and Finland’s international human rights obligations. It will also examine how the new regulations would affect the status and rights of individuals.The project will run from 15 March 2022 to 31 March 2023. The Ministry of the Interior is preparing the project in close cooperation with the Ministry of Justice, the Finnish Immigration Service and the National Police Board. The government proposal is due to be submitted to Parliament during the autumn session 2022.Border procedure would strengthen preparedness for hybrid influence activitiesA working group led by the Ministry of the Interior recently evaluated the legislation of the Ministry’s branch of government and the need to amend it to prepare for hybrid influence activities that exploit migration. The context for the working group’s report, published in February, was the influence measures of Belarus, which were targeted against Poland, Latvia and Lithuania in autumn 2021.The Finnish asylum legislation is largely based on EU legislation, and Finland has implemented the EU legislation fairly comprehensively in areas left to the Member States’ discretion. However, the working group discussed in its report certain means available in the EU legislation that, if implemented in Finland, would likely bring additional tools for managing situations created by hybrid influence activities. One of these tools is border procedure.As a response to Belarus’ activities, the European Commission presented a set of proposals where border procedure is given as one means of responding to instrumentalisation of migrants and of managing migrants who have already entered the country.The working group led by the Ministry of the Interior focused in its report on legislation governing normal conditions, in which powers related to disruption of normal conditions should be enacted as a matter of priority. It is important to examine the means proposed in the report for developing legislation in more detail without delay.Many ways to respond to instrumentalisation of migrantsThere is a variety of different types of operative, legal, diplomatic and economic means for responding to the instrumentalisation of migrants. Diplomacy is the primary means of responding when a foreign state exerts political pressure by exploiting migrants. However, legislation must be clear and the authorities must have sufficient powers to act pre-emptively and respond effectively to such influence activities. Finland has already taken versatile ways of precaution to prepare for hybrid influence activities that exploit migrants.  International and human rights obligations do not prevent Finland from adopting effective measures to manage the situation at its external border. These measures could help prevent people from accessing Finland uncontrollably by exploiting large numbers or force, among other means. One such measure could be the closing of border crossing points for a fixed period or until further notice should this be necessary for reasons of security or public health.


Ministers for European Affairs Tuppurainen and Dahlgren stress importance of EU as a guarantor of security

NordenBladet — On Monday 14 March, Minister for European Affairs Tytti Tuppurainen and Swedish Minister for EU Affairs Hans Dahlgren met in Stockholm for a wide-ranging discussion on the security situation in Europe and other topical EU issues.The discussions highlighted both countries’ unwavering support for Ukraine and reaffirmed the EU’s resolve to defend the Ukrainian people and the country’s right to self-determination. Both Finland and Sweden have strongly condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in breach of international law. The countries are also providing financial and material assistance to Ukraine, both directly and through the EU. “Finland and Sweden need to stay in close contact now more than ever. We share the same security environment and work together as part of the European Union. We are close NATO partners. We engage in close international defence cooperation with the United States in particular, with a strong focus on the Northern Dimension. We work together without predetermined restrictions to prepare for all situations, and we are now, like the rest of Europe and the Western community, in the midst of a dramatic change. In this situation, it is natural that possible NATO membership is a topic of discussion in Sweden and Finland,” says Minister Tuppurainen.Finland and Sweden have stressed the importance of the mutual defence clause in Article 42.7 of the Treaty on European Union, the role of which is further emphasised in the changed security situation. The Article obliges EU Member States to use all means in their power to help another Member State that is the victim of armed aggression on its territory. In the Declaration adopted at their informal meeting in Versailles 10–11 March, the EU leaders also expressed a strong commitment to the mutual defence clause.In their meeting, the ministers had an extensive discussion on several other topical EU matters. Their discussions highlighted ongoing work to develop the EU’s defence capabilities, the heightened importance of the green transition and reducing energy dependency in the current situation, questions related to the rule of law, and Sweden’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union, which will begin in January 2023.While in Stockholm, Minister Tuppurainen also met with Sweden’s senior public officials and representatives of business life.


Åland Week to celebrate province’s anniversary in schools

NordenBladet — The week beginning on 21 March will be Åland Week in schools. Nearly 20 partners have been involved in putting together the programme for the week, which is coordinated by the Prime Minister’s Office and will feature events in various parts of Finland. Åland Week is a celebration of the 100th anniversary of Åland’s autonomy.The programme for the week will make the Province of Åland better known to schoolchildren and students in a variety of ways through a selection of important topics. In the same week, we will also celebrate Nordic Day and UN World Water Day.Each day of the week will have its own theme: Monday: Åland’s history and autonomyTuesday: The Baltic Sea, the environment and nature, UN Water DayWednesday: The Nordic countries, languages and Nordic cooperation, Nordic DayThursday: The culture of ÅlandFriday: Food from ÅlandMinister of Education Li Andersson and Åland’s Minister of Education and Culture Annika Hambrudd are the patrons of the week. On Nordic Day, Wednesday 23 March, the ministers will have a discussion with students in year 9 at the Nordic Culture Point in Helsinki.On the same day in Rovaniemi, Minister for Nordic Cooperation and Equality Thomas Blomqvist will give a video greeting at a Nordic Day event organised together with the Regional Council of Lapland, the Finnish Norden Association and the teacher training school of the University of Lapland. On Tuesday, Minister Hambrudd will visit Lappeen koulu school in Lappeenranta.Åland Week will kick off with a livestreamed event in Mariehamn featuring Governor of Åland Peter Lindbäck, among others. The closing event of the week, held at Merenkurkun koulu language immersion school in Vaasa, will also be broadcast live. Minister of Justice Anna-Maja Henriksson, who is the minister responsible for Åland affairs, will take part in the event. During the day, chef Viktor Eriksson from Åland will prepare food with schoolchildren.Many partners involved in organising the weekA variety of operators and organisations are contributing to the programme or have produced material about Åland for schools. The partners involved in the programme for Åland Week include the National Archives of Finland, the Finnish National Agency for Education and the Hanaholmen Svenska nu network, Nordic Culture Point, the Keep the Archipelago Tidy Association, Language Ambassadors, the National Museum of Finland, the Cultural History Museum of Åland, Visit Åland, the Parliament of Finland, Arbis adult educational centre and Mariehamn Literature Days.The digital material for Åland Week is freely available and the livestream is open to the public. The programme and materials have been designed for use by schools.Celebrations for the 100th anniversary of Åland’s autonomy began in June 2021 and will culminate on Åland’s Autonomy Day on 9 June 2022. The Prime Minister’s Office is participating in the celebrations by organising events in cooperation with the Province of Åland and other operators.


Taking a stand for sympathy and against racism

NordenBladet — The secretariat of the Advisory Board for Ethnic Relations has been contacted a number of times regarding hate speech and harassment directed towards Russian speakers living in Finland. The Advisory Board condemns all racism, hate speech and other harassment against people of Russian origin, Russian speakers and people from the former Soviet Union in Finland. Adults are responsible for ensuring that there is zero tolerance for intimidation and bullying against children and young people.The Advisory Board for Ethnic Relations ETNO is a broad-based cooperation network operating in conjunction with the Ministry of Justice. Its main task is to promote good relations between population groups and equality of all people living in Finland. On behalf of the Advisory Board, we would like to remind the public that Ukraine has been attacked by the Russian army by order of the Russian state leadership. It has not been attacked by the Russian people, and people of Russian origin living in Finland cannot be blamed for the situation in Ukraine. It is now important that we all support Ukraine and the Ukrainian people – both those who have stayed in their home country and those who have fled the war. Hate speech and harassment do not help anyone in this situation.Focus your energy on the good It is understandable that fears and uncertainty about the future can trigger strong emotions, prejudices and even hatred in any of us. However, we hope that people living in Finland can come together and channel this frustration and energy into helping those in distress.The Advisory Board for Ethnic Relations promotes dialogue between people and population groups, and we want to emphasise that each of us has an opportunity to increase understanding between people. This can be done, for example, by engaging in constructive discussion or voluntary work, intervening in racist behaviour, or participating in the week against racism on week 12.There are many ways to support Ukraine, including by making donations to address the humanitarian crisis. Chair of the Advisory Board for Ethnic Relations
Pekka Timonen
Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Justice
How to tackle racism


Defence Ministers of Finland and Sweden took part in a scenario-based exercise

NordenBladet — Minister of Defence Antti Kaikkonen and Sweden’s Minister of Defence Peter Hultqvist met today 14 March 2022 in Helsinki and took part in a scenario-based exercise. The ministers published the following joint statement:

Sweden and Finland give high priority to the continued development of our bilateral defence cooperation. We are prepared to act together in peacetime and beyond it. We have bilateral operation plans and contingency measures, enabling us to coordinate our actions in times of crisis and war.

During our meeting today we discussed the international security situation and deepening our bilateral defence cooperation.

One element of our bilateral defence cooperation is table top exercises. The Swedish and Finnish Defence Ministers had such an exercise on 14 March. Chiefs of Defence from Sweden and
Finland, too, took part in the exercise. The exercise was based on a fictitious scenario of a conflict in the Baltic Sea Region. Its objective was to practice political decision-making and procedures for joint action.

Table top exercises and other similar exercises reinforce the defence capability of our countries and increase our understanding of the possibilities and potential challenges of joint military operations.


Restrictions on external border traffic extended until 10 April

NordenBladet — In line with the Government decision of 10 March, the restrictions on entry at Finland’s external borders will continue until 10 April 2022.The restrictions will be eased as of 14 March so that passengers of cruise ships arriving from outside the EU or the Schengen area will be allowed to disembark in Finland if they have proof of full vaccination with an approved COVID-19 vaccine or an EU Digital COVID Certificate showing proof of recovery from COVID-19 less than six months prior to entry. This requirement applies to those born in 2006 or earlier. No certificate is required from Finnish citizens or foreign nationals residing permanently in Finland.Visit the website of the  Finnish Border Guard for more information about the restrictions on entry and the website of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare on health security measures.However, all passengers must present the required certificates as laid down in the Communicable Diseases Act and comply with the decisions made by the Regional State Administrative Agencies on compulsory health examinations.Travellers should note that many countries and transport companies are not permitting entry into the country of destination unless passengers present proof of a negative COVID-19 test, proof of recovery from COVID-19 or proof of COVID-19 vaccination. Travellers must be active and contact the authorities of the country of destination, shipping company or airline concerned to find out which certificates are required. 


Ministers to meet in Brussels to discuss equality in working life and reception of Ukrainian refugees

NordenBladet — EU ministers responsible for employment and social affairs will meet to discuss gender equality in boards of listed companies, prevention of discrimination in recruitment and ways of increasing diversity in working life. The ministers will also discuss the reception of Ukrainian refugees.The Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO) will meet in Brussels on 14 March 2022. Finland’s representatives at the meeting will be Minister of Employment Tuula Haatainen and Minister of Social Affairs and Health Hanna SarkkinenThe Council will have three policy debates. The first policy debate will focus on the prevention of discrimination in recruitment and on ways of promoting diversity in working life. During the debates, the ministers will share experiences and tools to solve the addressed problems. Finland will present at the meeting measures that it has used to tackle discrimination in recruitment, and its working life diversity programme, for example. “Diversity and the prevention of discrimination play a key role in promoting the employment of immigrants and Finland’s prospects of attracting skilled labour, international students and investments. Diversity in workplaces is also an asset for companies,” says Minister of Employment Tuula Haatainen.The EU ministers will also discuss how to encourage elderly people to remain in the workforce. Finland will present a proposal concerning the promotion of the employment of people aged 55 and over, which will be submitted to Parliament this spring. The aim is to improve their opportunities to participate in the labour market.“Living longer is the success story of our society. In the spirit of the wellbeing economy, investments in supporting active and healthy ageing and competence and in maintaining capacity and ability to work will also support longer careers,” says Minister of Social Affairs and Health Hanna Sarkkinen.Situation in Ukraine also on the agendaThe ministers will also discuss the reception of Ukrainian refugees. The Council will be presented with a proposal for Cohesion’s Action for Refugees in Europe (CARE) related to supporting refugees arriving in Europe from Ukraine. Minister Haatainen will speak on the matter at the meeting. In addition, Minister Haatainen will attend a lunch meeting where the ministers will discuss the situation in Ukraine with representatives of the Red Cross.Finland is prepared to receive refugees from Ukraine. The aim is to identify the health and social services needs of people receiving temporary protection and refer them to the necessary services. People receiving temporary protection are also offered screening tests for infectious diseases and vaccinations as necessary.The Council is also to adopt a general approach on the directive on the gender balance on boards of listed companies and on related measures. Finland supports the adoption of the general approach.


Minister Skinnari to visit Austria and Slovakia

NordenBladet — Minister for Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade Ville Skinnari will visit Vienna and Bratislava on 14–16 March.In Vienna, Minister Skinnari will have discussions, for example, with IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi, Director General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Gerd Müller and Executive Director of the United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Ghada Waly. The Minister will also meet Secretary General Michael Esterl from the Austrian Ministry of Digital and Economic Affairs and representatives of Finnish companies.In Slovakia, Minister Skinnari will meet, among others, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Richard Sulík, Deputy Prime Minister for Investments Veronika Remišová and State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence Marian Majer.In Vienna, the topics of discussion will include the future of nuclear energy and the role of nuclear energy in reaching the climate targets, Finland’s expertise and solutions in the field of nuclear energy, digitalisation and the green transition as drivers of economic recovery in Europe, and various opportunities for cooperation with the UN agencies located in Vienna. In Bratislava, the Minister will have discussions on various questions relating to the development of commercial and economic cooperation in the fields of circular economy, energy efficiency and defence materiel. The Minister will also discuss the Ukraine crisis and the current foreign and security policy situation with various parties.During the ministerial visit, Finland’s Mission in Vienna will organise an event to present Finnish nuclear energy expertise and to discuss the role of nuclear energy in achieving the climate and energy objectives, as well as to present Finland’s nuclear energy expertise and nuclear waste management solutions. The Finnish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Fortum, Teollisuuden Voima Oyj (TVO) and Posiva will be represented at the event.“The importance of cooperation is highlighted in times of crisis. We are working together to find solutions that will make Europe more climate-friendly and energy-efficient as well as a safer place to live,” says Minister Skinnari. 
