Work on homelessness intensified by improving housing advice – Ministry of the Environment launches process to enact legislation on advice

NordenBladet — The Government aims is to halve the number of homeless people during this Government term and to eradicate homelessness in the following years. Among the means used to eradicate homelessness is housing advice, and the Ministry of the Environment has launched a process to enact legislation on this.The aim of the legislative project is to expand housing advice and to ensure adequate access to it regardless of the type of housing and location.“Having a home is a fundamental right that belongs to all. Finland has succeeded in reducing the number of homeless people, but the risk of homelessness is still real for even larger groups of people. More and more often, the risk of homelessness is linked to financial problems, and studies have shown that housing advice is a very effective way of preventing and reducing homelessness caused by such reasons,” says Minister of the Environment and Climate Change Emma Kari.Based on a study by a working groupIn line with the Programme of Prime Minister Sanna Marin’s Government, access to housing advice will be ensured by making it a statutory obligation. The process to prepare the legislation was started on the basis of the study conducted by the working group on enacting legislation on housing advice.The working group was composed of representatives of different stakeholders involved in or offering housing advice. Its task was to analyse alternative ways to enact legislation on housing advice. The working group published its final report in spring 2021, and the feedback received in consultations will be used in preparing the legislation as well.Act into force for a fixed termAlready during 2022, the Housing Finance and Development Centre of Finland ARA helps the municipalities in providing housing advice by awarding government grants for developing and expanding housing advice and advice on financial matters related to this. Agreements are concluded between the municipalities and ARA on the use of the funds. Previously, the scope of the government grants was more limited as it only concerned the housing stock of ARA.The legislative drafting that has now been launched will start by redefining the principles of the cooperation between ARA and municipalities in the provision of housing advice, which would still be based on grants awarded to municipalities. At first, the Act would be in force for a fixed term, followed by an evaluation of how well housing advice and the related legislation work.The aim is to circulate the draft Act to be commented on by all relevant stakeholders at the end of spring 2022. The Government proposal for the Act is to be given in the autumn in connection with the budget proposal for 2023. The Act would enter into force in the beginning of 2023.


Minister for European Affairs Tuppurainen to visit Stockholm

NordenBladet — Minister for European Affairs Tytti Tuppurainen will visit Stockholm on Monday 14 March at the invitation of her colleague, Swedish Minister for European Affairs Hans Dahlgren. Minister Dahlgren has previously visited Finland at Minister Tuppurainen’s invitation.In their meeting on Monday, the ministers will hold a wide-ranging discussion on the current EU agenda and issues related to European security.


Prime Minister Sanna Marin to visit Berlin

NordenBladet — Prime Minister Sanna Marin will meet with Federal Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz in Berlin on Wednesday 16 March 2022.In their meeting, Prime Minister Marin and Federal Chancellor Scholz will discuss Russia’s attack on Ukraine, the development of European security and defence cooperation and the EU’s economic and energy policy.


New Ambassadors to Budapest and Kathmandu

NordenBladet — At the presidential session on Friday 11 March, the President of the Republic appointed two new Ambassadors. Pentti Anttinen. Photo: Petri Krook The President of the Republic appointed Counsellor for Foreign Affairs Pertti Anttinen to serve as Head of Mission at Finland’s Embassy in Budapest, starting on 1 September 2022. Anttinen will move to Budapest from Kathmandu, where he has served as Head of Mission since 2018. In 2014–2018, he worked as Senior Adviser in the Department for Africa and the Middle East, where he was responsible for steering and coordination of development cooperation. Anttinen served as Finland’s Ambassador in Lusaka in 2011–2014. From 2007 to 2011, he worked as Director of the Unit for Development Policy in the Department for Development Policy. His career in the Diplomatic Service includes posts in Pretoria, Dublin and Ankara. Anttinen joined the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in 1991. He holds the degree of Master of Science in Agriculture and Forestry.  Riina-Riikka Heikka. Photo: Kimmo RäisänenThe President of the Republic appointed Counsellor for Foreign Affairs Riina-Riikka Heikka to serve as Head of Mission at Finland’s Embassy in Kathmandu, starting on 1 September 2022. Heikka will transfer to Kathmandu from the Ministry’s Department for Development Policy, where she has worked as Director of the Unit for Civil Society since 2018. Between 2013 and 2017, Heikka worked in the Ministry’s Unit for Public International Law and at the Embassy of Finland in Washington DC. In the Diplomatic Service, she worked at the Permanent Delegation of Finland to the OSCE in Vienna in 2007–2009 and at the Permanent Mission of Finland to NATO in Brussels in 2004. Heikka’s career in the Foreign Ministry has focused on questions relating to international law and treaties in particular. She joined the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in 2003. She holds the degree of Master of Social Sciences.


Minister Blomqvist to attend session of UN Commission on the Status of Women in New York

NordenBladet — The 66th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) will take place in hybrid format in New York between 14 and 25 March 2022. Finland will be represented at the session by a broad-based delegation headed by Minister for Nordic Cooperation and Equality Thomas Blomqvist. The delegation consists of representatives from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, the Council for Gender Equality, the Finnish Parliament, non-governmental organisations and young people, for example.Minister Blomqvist will attend the ministerial segment of the session and deliver Finland’s statement. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the size of the delegations travelling to New York has been restricted, and part of the delegation will attend events remotely.The priority theme of the session is achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls in the context of climate change, environmental and disaster risk reduction policies and programmes.Finland will participate actively not only in the negotiations on the conclusions but also in official dialogues as well as side events to be organised during the session. The Commission on the Status of Women is an important international forum for Finland to promote a human rights-based approach and the realisation of women’s rights, including sexual and reproductive health and rights. During the negotiations and side events and in its other advocacy work, Finland will promote a comprehensive approach to the participation of women.  “Climate change is a gender issue. We have to increase our efforts to ensure a gender perspective in all climate, environment and disaster management policies. Finland emphasises the importance of gender transformative climate action. Climate adaptation needs to be based on gender analysis,” says Minister Blomqvist.The Commission is a functional commission of the UN Economic and Social Council. It monitors and supports the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in different thematic areas. The Commission is the UN’s second largest annual meeting after the General Assembly.Minister Blomqvist will also attend a number of other events to be organised in connection with the session, such as the Nordic ministerial panel and the discussion on violence against women in politics organised by the President of the UN General Assembly. For more information about the session, please visit the website of the UN Women.


Finance ministers to discuss Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the related economic impact

NordenBladet — Minister of Finance Annika Saarikko will represent Finland in the meeting of EU and euro area finance ministers on 14–15 March.The finance ministers will discuss Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the related economic impact. 
The Economic and Financial Affairs Council will discuss the proposal for a Council directive on ensuring a global minimum level of taxation for multinational groups in the Union. The second major item on the agenda is the proposal for the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). One of the key objectives of the French Presidency of the Council of Europe is to move both proposals forward.
The CBAM is part of the package presented by the European Commission last July to implement the European Green Deal and to transform the EU’s economy to achieve its climate objectives. The CBAM is intended to prevent carbon leakage, i.e. the transfer of production to countries with more lax environmental standards in situations where the EU intends to intensify its climate measures.  
The finance ministers will also discuss reforming economic policy coordination.
Eurogroup to discuss next year’s fiscal policyThe Eurogroup will meet on Monday 14 July. The agenda includes fiscal policy guidance for 2023 from the perspective of the euro area and the presentation of Greece’s enhanced surveillance report. An extended composition consisting of the ministers of all EU Member states will discuss the progress of the banking union and the preparations for the Euro Summit in March.  


Eighty-six applications received for energy investment aid under the Sustainable Growth Programme for Finland

NordenBladet — By the deadline of 4 March 2022, 86 applications were received in the first application round for energy investment aid under Finland’s Recovery and Resilience Plan. The investment aid is intended for energy solutions of the future that aim to achieve carbon neutrality and improve competitiveness, among other things. The total amount of aid applied for was EUR 1.65 billion.The planned investments concern the transmission of electricity, hydrogen and district heat, solar and wind energy, biogas, hydrogen, electrification of industrial processes and energy efficiency. The projects are located across Finland. “The great interest of the industry and energy sector in such investments show that the pace of green transition is picking up. A quick exit from the fossil economy is now on the cards. These investments will also improve Finland’s security of energy supply,” says Minister of Economic Affairs Mika Lintilä.First aid decisions to be made in spring 2022The Government has reserved a total of EUR 520 million for these energy investments in the Sustainable Growth Programme for Finland.Applications will be processed in the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. The Ministry aims to make the first aid decisions in the spring.The decision to grant the aid is based on overall consideration and a comparison of the different projects, including an evaluation of the novelty value of the project technology, for example. In addition, the evaluation will consider impacts on energy and emissions, cost-effectiveness, feasibility,replicability of a technology or project, and other impacts of the projects.The applications must also comply with the “do no significant harm” principle, meaning that the implementation of investments must not cause significant harm to environmental objectives.
Projects of less than EUR 5 million to be handled via the application process for energy aid
This application round was intended for large projects where the investment costs exceed EUR 5 million. Projects excluded from the application round (with costs less than EUR 5 million) will be handled via the regular application process concerning energy aid. These renewable energy and energy efficiency projects may still be eligible for energy aid. Read more:


Minister for Foreign Affairs Haavisto to attend Antalya Diplomacy Forum in Turkey

NordenBladet — On 11 March, Minister for Foreign Affairs Pekka Haavisto will attend the Antalya Diplomacy Forum (ADF) in Turkey. During the visit, Foreign Minister Haavisto will also have bilateral discussions on the current security situation.The Minister will meet with host country Turkey’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu and representatives of several other states and organisations. Haavisto will also participate in a panel discussion focusing on effective functioning of institutions and governments entitled ‘Justice, reforms and stronger institutions’.“The Antalya Diplomacy Forum will provide an excellent opportunity for holding important discussions on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and its effects on the international security situation. At present, dialogue and cooperation are of the utmost importance,” says Minister for Foreign Affairs Haavisto.


First calls for applications under the Innovation and Skills in Finland 2021−2027 programme to open in the regions

NordenBladet — The digital service package of the EU’s regional and structural policy funds for the programming period 2021−2027 has been completed. The calls for applications in the programming period will open in stages. Applications for business funding from the ELY Centres will be the first to begin on 14 March 2022.The Innovation and Skills in Finland 2021−2027 programme supports industrial, energy, climate, innovation, education and employment policies as well as the work against exclusion and poverty. The programme includes the measures of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+). “The application system for the new programming period is now ready and the responsibility for implementation will be transferred to regions, ELY Centres and regional councils. The first calls for applications will soon open to companies and it is important to ensure that the projects get off to a good start. The results will be measured in companies. That is where growth and jobs are created in Finland,” says Minister of Economic Affairs Mika Lintilä.Calls for applications in the programming period to open in stagesRegional councils, ELY Centres and the Finnish Food Authority will grant the funding during the new regional and structural policy programming period. The authorities granting the funding will open the calls for applications in the EURA 2021 system. The online service will be available in Finnish and Swedish.The first calls to open will be ELY Centres’ calls for business development aid. Companies can apply for aid for investments and development measures. Aid may be used to finance the development of company business competence, internationalisation, products and production methods, services,preparation of projects, and other similar significant development of business activities. More detailed information on the criteria for business development aid is available in the ELY Centres’ calls for applications and the regional funding policies.The regional councils and ELY Centres will open the calls for applications in March−April. Measures under the Just Transition Fund (JTF) and material aid from ESF+ will begin later this year.The funding authorities will determine a more detailed application schedule. News about the calls for applications will be published on the website and in the EURA 2021 system.Around EUR 520 million available in the first year The implementation of the new regional and structural policy programme will take place in 2021–2027. The programme funding consists of EU and national funding. The Government has authorised the granting of EUR 520,439,000 from the 2022 budget to the funding authorities for the calls. Of the total, EUR 332,805,000 is reserved for the ERDF measures and EUR 187,634,000 for the ESF+ measures.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announces a call for proposals for an Institutional Cooperation Instrument project in Tanzania

NordenBladet — The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland opens a call for proposals for an Institutional Cooperation Instrument (ICI) project in Tanzania. The aim of the ICI project is to enhance Tanzania’s climate resilience by building up the capacity and skills of the institutions and agencies in Tanzania.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland opens a call for proposals for an Institutional Cooperation Instrument (ICI) project in Tanzania. Financing will be available for 0 -1 proposals with the contract duration of a maximum of 4 years (2023 – 2026). The maximum total amount of funding available is approximately 1 million euros.The aim of the ICI project is to enhance Tanzania’s climate resilience by building up the capacity and skills of the institutions and agencies responsible for managing and protecting the environment, natural resources and/or biodiversity to produce data, information and knowledge needed to plan and implement climate change adaptation measures in Tanzania. The ICI project is expected to enhance the use of knowledge in decision-making and policy making, at national and local levels. Furthermore, the ICI project should advance and build up the means of the citizens, especially those in more vulnerable positions and youth, to adapt to climate change, for instance, via awareness-raising or skills development.The ICI project is expected to contribute to Finland’s country strategy in Tanzania and country programme for development cooperation in Tanzania in improving climate resilience. In addition, the project is expected to advance Tanzania’s Nationally Determined Contribution, especially in the adaptation to climate change, and be aligned with Finland’s development co-operation policy.The general conditions and guidelines for the preparation of project proposals are available on the Foreign Ministry’s website. In addition to the general criteria, project proposals must meet the following minimum condition:The projects’ partner agency must be a public institution or agency in Tanzania.Project proposals will be assessed based on the general criteria set out in the ICI guidelines as well as on the responses to the following questions:How clearly does the project support the goals of Finland’s country strategy and programme for Tanzania?How clearly does the project support the goals of Tanzania’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)? Which aspects of the NDC particularly?To which degree will the project support the promotion of commercial relations or the development of the private sector?Does the project contribute to ongoing or planned EU cooperation with the Governments of Tanzania and/or Zanzibar and if so, how? This would be considered an asset.Applications must be submitted by 16 May 2022 to ALI-20(at) and (at) The subject of the message must be: ALI-20/IKI-haku 2022.                                                                               
