Eating home cooked meals slashes diabetes risk

OHMYGOSSIP – Dining in cuts diabetes risk! New research from the Harvard School of Public Health conducted a 26 year study tracking the health of nearly 100,000 middle-aged men and women. Those who took part were all diabetes free at the start of the study, and were asked questions on their diet and lifestyle.

By the end of the research 9,000 of the participants had developed diabetes. By looking through the data it was determined that the more meals eaten at home, the lower the risk of developing diabetes was. It was found that eating both lunchtime and evening meals at home had huge health benefits, with home cooked suppers five to seven times a week slashing the diabetes risk by 15 per cent, and eating the majority of lunches at home saw a 9 per cent lowered risk.

Findings have been published in PLOS Medicine. Other notable results include the difference in weight gain between those who dine in and those who choose to eat out, with at home eaters putting on less weight and tending to consume more fruit, vegetables and whole grains. Fewer fizzy beverages are drunk by the people eating at home as well.

Differences between men and women who eat at home were also highlighted, with women exercising more and men chowing down on fry ups more regularly.

“Dining out has become increasingly popular in many countries,” authors said. “Meals prepared out of the home are usually high in energy and fat but low in micronutrients such as calcium, vitamin C and iron.

“From a public health perspective, actions are needed to encourage cooking meals at home, and to improve the quality of meals prepared out of the home, to facilitate diabetes prevention.”

Researcher Geng Zong adds that ordering take away counts as a meal out. It wasn’t determined whether the home cooked food was made fresh, or used pre-made goods like pasta sauces.



10 Foods to eat to burn more calories

OHMYGOSSIP — There are many foods that you can eat each day to burn calories and lose weight. The great news is that these foods are super delicious and they boast amazing health benefits, Womanitely mediates.

3 Tips how to lose weight fast, Based on Science — Your 3-step plan!

OHMYGOSSIP — There are many ways to lose a lot of weight fast. However, most of them will make you hungry and unsatisfied. If you don’t have iron willpower, then hunger will cause you to give up on these plans quickly.

7 Tricks to snack healthier and exercise harder

OHMYGOSSIP — If you’re looking for the better results from your fitness routine, you need to learn how to snack healthier and exercise harder. No matter whether you are trying to lose weight, build muscle or improve your health, snacking smarter can always help.

10 WAYS to cut back on calories

OHMYGOSSIP – Most of us love to eat well and why say “no” for your favourite food. Instead of feeling guilty for allowing yourself all these extra treats, work on making a few small changes in your diet and lifestyle in order to counterbalance things! Here are 10 ways how you can cut back on calories.

1. Skip the sugar and cream in your coffee. Opt for skim milk if you can.
2. Take the stairs whenever possible. Say NO to the elevator!
3. Cut out any soda or soft drinks. That includes diet soda!
4. If you plan on drinking, keep it simple. Don’t go for the fruity cocktails. And try your best to limit yourself to three drinks tops.
5. Share your dessert with someone rather than eating it all yourself.
6. Shopping at the mall? Walk fast to burn extra calories. Just be sure to avoid the slow walkers or crowds of teenagers roaming around. (You can even make a game out of this…)
7. If you know you’ll be eating out for dinner, eat a healthy breakfast and lunch so you won’t feel guilty later on.
8. Go ice skating! Not only is it a fun winter activity to do with family and friends, but it’s also a way of exercising. Of course, this is only a good idea if you can actually somewhat ice skate…
9. Don’t sit at your desk all day. Take a few breaks to walk around a bit.
10. Eat whole wheat bread and pasta. Replace brown rice with white rice. It can make a huge difference!


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Helena-Reet Ennet: Envy is the art of counting another´s blessings instead of your own

OHMYGOSSIP – There are many people out there who are jealous of other people, their success and etc. Jealousy is a black thing with our minds. Finland´s Terveyden Asialla asked famous blogger, Twitter celebrity and OHMYGOSSIP -sites owner Helena-Reet Ennet´s opinion about this mental health question.

– Envy is the art of counting another´s blessings instead of your own. This is definitely a bad thing to do for yourself. Also, it is forbidden by scripture. At a first glance of the Ten Commandments, the average person would find most of them both logical and feasible. After all, who could disagree with rules such as “You shall not kill” and “You shall not steal”? The last commandment, however, might leave one a bit apprehensive: “You shall not covet the home of your fellow, nor his spouse or servants or animals, or anything that belongs to your fellow.” (Exodus 20:14)

– Desire is a feeling that seems to come almost unbidden. It is an emotion that tends to overwhelm one’s entire being. An obvious question arises: how can G-d ask us to control a feeling? But our desires are determined by our view of ourselves and the world. Actually, we do have ultimate control over our desires. Emotions might seem too powerful to subdue, but we can alter our intellectual framework. We can direct our feelings by manipulating our perception of ourselves. By being realistic about our strengths and weaknesses, we can change our thoughts and desires.

– G-d gives us certain inborn talents, life circumstances, and physical possessions with which to fulfill our role in life. If there is something we lack, we must not need it. It would be unnecessary, and even counterproductive for achieving our unique potential, to have anything more than G-d gave us. By elevating our perspective, we preserve this tenth commandment and transform ourselves. We grow one step closer to reaching the spiritual potential that was given exclusively to human beings!


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Helena-Reet Ennet puhuu kateudesta
Kansainvälisesti menestynyt huippubloggari Helena-Reet Ennet kertoo Terveyden Asialla -verkkolehdelle törmäävänsä usein kateuteen eri muodoissaan. Ennetin mielestä kyseessä on musta seuralainen sisimmissämme. “Kateus on muiden siunausten laskemista sen sijaan että ihminen keskittyisi omiin hyviin puoliinsa,” Ennet toteaa.

“Se on pahasta, ja jo Raamattu on sitä vastaan. Meistä moni tuntee kymmenen käskyä ja esimerkiksi käskyt ”älä tapa” tai ”älä varasta” ovat hyvin loogisia ja ymmärrettäviä. Viimeisin käsky on kuitenkin yhtä tärkeä. Siinä kehotetaan olemaan himoitsematta toisen,” lähimmäisen omaa. “Meillä on mahdollisuus ja kyky hallita omia tunteitamme. Kielteiset emootiot voivat tuntua vaikeilta kukistettavilta, mutta ihminen pystyy niihin kyllä,” Ennet rohkaisee.

Ennetin mukaan meidän tulisi olla realistisia itsemme kanssa. Siten saamme kielteiset ajatuskuviomme hallintaan. Hänen mielestään olemme syntymässämme saaneet tietyn pääoman, jota vaalia. Meidän tulisi keskittyä siihen ja sen kehittämiseen, eikä ohjata energiaamme muuhun.

Helena-Reet Ennet on bloggari, ajattelija, elämäntapavalmentaja ja omistaa myös oman vaatemerkin sekä verkkolehden

Soy foods can boost fertility

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