NordenBladet – For the past six years excessive obesity has continued to be normalized among the working population. The most dangerous is the effect of the form of obesity that is located around internal organs. Among the alarm signs is the stout waistline.

Doctor Michael Mosley’s cord test is an easy way to determine whether there is excessive fat around your waist. You would need a strong thin cord and scissors. From the cod, cut a piece as long as your full height. After that, fold the cord once and see if uou can easily cover the waist line with it. In case the ends of the cord do not meet and there is a significantly large space between the two ends, your waistline might be too large. Excessive obesity has harmful effects for the liver. Also, excessive obesity is the cause for developing type II diabetes, sleep apnea, asthma and some types of cancer. Therefore, if you failed the cord test, you would need to focus on the healthy menu and sufficient physical activity. You must make better choices to maintain good health.
