12-YEAR-OLD Estonian violinist Estella Elisheva gives two concerts in Japan

NordenBladet – The sixth grade pupil of Tallinn Jewish School, studying violin as her specialty in Saku Music School, Estella Elisheva (12) gives two violin concerts in Japan. For several occasions having been selected as Estonia’s best junior violinist, Estella Elisheva will be travelling to Japan in August.

“Being a delegate to represent Estonia in Japan is a major honor for me,” says the girl to and continues that the repertoire will be selected from Estonian authors’ work together with her supervisor. Especially for the Japan tour, a folklore band of two girls will be summoned. Estella Elisheva (violin) and Sandra Sulin (Estonian zither). The project is funded by the local municipality in Japan.

Estella Elisheva (Foto: NordenBladet/ Helena-Reet Ennet)

Sandra (vasakul) ja Estella Elisheva (Foto: NordenBladet/ Helena-Reet Ennet)

Sandra kandlega (vasakul) ja viiuldaja Estella Elisheva (Foto: NordenBladet/ Helena-Reet Ennet)


58 QUOTES to Inspire Success in Your Life and Business

NordenBladet – What is success? There are many definitions, but there’s one thing all the greats agree on: Success only comes by persevering despite failure. Here are 58 quotes to inspire you to succeed in the face of failures, setbacks, and barriers.

1. “Rich people have an action mentality… while average people have a lottery mentality.”

— Helena-Reet Ennet

2. “It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.”

— Herman Melville

3. “The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same.”

— Colin R. Davis

4. “Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.”

— Henry David Thoreau

5. “Let no one discourage your ambitious attitude. Be your own motivation, be passionate and bold!”

— Estella Elisheva

6. “Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.”

–John D. Rockefeller

7. “I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.”

— Thomas Jefferson

8. “There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed.”

— Ray Goforth

9. “Remember, the wealthy focus on earning! In the minds of millionaires, leverage is everything.”

— Helena-Reet Ennet

10. “Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.”

— Albert Einstein

11. “Never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.”

— Winston Churchill

12. “Stop chasing the money and start chasing the passion.”

— Tony Hsieh

13. “Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”

— Winston Churchill

14. “I owe my success to having listened respectfully to the very best advice, and then going away and doing the exact opposite.”

— G. K. Chesterton

15. “Would you like me to give you a formula for success? It’s quite simple, really: Double your rate of failure. You are thinking of failure as the enemy of success. But it isn’t at all. You can be discouraged by failure or you can learn from it, so go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because remember that’s where you will find success.”

— Thomas J. Watson

16. “If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.”

– Jim Rohn

17. “The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones that do.”

— Anonymous

18. “Do one thing every day that scares you.”

— Anonymous

19. “All progress takes place outside the comfort zone.”

— Michael John Bobak

20. “People who succeed have momentum. The more they succeed, the more they want to succeed, and the more they find a way to succeed. Similarly, when someone is failing, the tendency is to get on a downward spiral that can even become a self-fulfilling prophecy.”

— Tony Robbins

21. “Don’t let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning.”

— Robert Kiyosaki

22. “If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time.”

— Steve Jobs

23. “The real test is not whether you avoid this failure, because you won’t. It’s whether you let it harden or shame you into inaction, or whether you learn from it; whether you choose to persevere.”

— Barack Obama

24. “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.”

— Franklin D. Roosevelt

25. “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”

— Helen Keller

26. “Happiness is a mindset as quality is a result of excellence, best ingredients and high standards . When you mix happiness with high quality you’ ll create a unique formula of success, healthy lifestyle and ultimate satisfaction!”

— Ivanka Shoshana

27. “The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.”

— Bruce Lee

28. “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.”

— Colin Powell

29. “Creativity is critical to financial success! The rich know their most valuable asset is their ability to think, and because they use their mental powers so often, they become very good at it. Build your thinking muscles by pushing yourself every day to solve new problems that are directly related to amassing wealth.”

— Helena-Reet Ennet

30. “If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.”

— Jim Rohn

31. “I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure–It is: Try to please everybody.”

— Herbert Bayard Swope

32. “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”

— Albert Schweitzer

33. “Success isn’t just about what you accomplish in your life; it’s about what you inspire others to do.”

— Unknown

34. “Fall seven times and stand up eight.”

— Japanese Proverb

35. “Some people dream of success while others wake up and work.”

— Unknown

36. “If you can dream it, you can do it.”

— Walt Disney

37. “The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.”

— Unknown

38. “A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that other throw at him.”

— David Brinkley

39. “In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.”

— Bill Cosby

40. “In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.”

— Nikos Kazantzakis

41. “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”

— Thomas Edison

42. “Don’t be distracted by criticism. Remember–the only taste of success some people get is to take a bite out of you.”

— Zig Ziglar

43. “The secret of success is to do the common thing uncommonly well.”

— John D. Rockefeller Jr.

44. “You know you are on the road to success if you would do your job, and not be paid for it.”

— Oprah Winfrey

45. “There is a powerful driving force inside every human being that, once unleashed, can make any vision, dream, or desire a reality.”

— Anthony Robbins

46. “The secret to success is to know something nobody else knows.”

— Aristotle Onassis

47. “I failed my way to success.”

— Thomas Edison

48. “I never dreamed about success, I worked for it.”

— Estee Lauder

49. “It´s not about the ideas. It´s about making the ideas HAPPEN! Follow your dreams!”

Estella Elisheva

50. “The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.”

— Vidal Sassoon

51. “Keep on going, and the chances are that you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I never heard of anyone ever stumbling on something sitting down.”

— Charles F. Kettering

52. “Opportunities don’t happen. You create them.”

— Chris Grosser

53. “I never did anything worth doing by accident, nor did any of my inventions come indirectly through accident, except the phonograph. No, when I have fully decided that a result is worth getting, I go about it, and make trial after trial, until it comes.”

— Thomas Edison

54. “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”

— Walt Disney

55. “Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don’t wish it were easier; wish you were better.”

— Jim Rohn

56. “Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.”

— Conrad Hilton

57. “Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”

— Winston S. Churchill

58. “When becoming a billionaire is your priority number one then what would be your priority number two? Correct, there is none! You must understand one thing – there is no such thing in the world as a free lunch – as few as 0,0000272% of the world population are billionaires and this mean you would need to sacrifice something.”

— Helena-Reet Ennet

What’s your favorite success quote?

Featured image: 12-year old enrepreneur, violinist and Scandinavian teen influencer Estella Elisheva (NordenBladet)

‘Mastermind’ of backpacker beheadings arrested: Abdessamad Ejjoud, Rachid Afatti and Younes Ouaziyad are three of the prime suspects in the murder of two Scandinavian hikers Maren Ueland and Louisa Vesterager Jespersen

NordenBladet – Morocco’s counterterrorism chief said Monday (24.Dec) that five more people have been arrested in connection with the horrific ISIS-inspired murders of two Scandinavian hikers in the High Atlas mountains, including the so-called “emir” who masterminded the killings.

Abdelhak Khiam, the head of the country’s central office for judicial investigation, identified the alleged ringleader to Agence France-Presse as Abdessamad Ejjoud, a 25-year-old street vendor who lived on the outskirts of Marrakech. Khiam said Ejjoud had “formed a kind of cell that discussed how to carry out a terrorist act inside the kingdom … targeting the security services or foreign tourists.”

A total of 18 people have been arrested in the murders of 28-year-old Norwegian Maren Ueland and 24-year-old Dane Louisa Vesterager Jespersen, whose bodies were found Dec. 17. Khaim said three of those arrested had terror-related criminal records.

Ejjoud was believed to have carried out the murders along with 33-year-old Abderrahim Khayali, 27-year-old Younes Ouaziyad and 33-year-old Rachid Afatti. Investigators have said the four men shot a video the week before the murders in which they pledged allegiance to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. However, Khiam told AFP the four had not had contact with ISIS leaders “in conflict zones, whether in Syria, Iraq or Libya.”

Rachid Afatti (left), Ouziad Younes (centre), alleged mastermind Ejjoud Abdessamad (right) and Abdelrahim el-Khayali (not pictured) allegedly camped out in the High Atlas Mountains two days before the murders. Picture: Morocco Police

Nine of the 18 men were arrested on Friday. Officials said they were heading to the area where the women were beheaded with the intent to commit a crime. According to Boubker Sabik, a spokesman for the Moroccan security and domestic intelligence services, investigators found electronic devices, knives, bomb-making materials and unauthorized rifles.

The killings have shocked Morocco, which has seen relatively few acts of terror compared to its North African and Middle Eastern neighbors. On Saturday, hundreds of people took part in a candlelit vigil outside the Norwegian and Danish embassies in the capital, Rabat.

The killings marked the first terrorist attack to hit Morocco since 2011, when a suicide bomber detonated in Marrakech and killed 16 people. More than 1,000 Moroccans have joined ISIS in recent years, and Moroccan authorities arrested 20 cells with terrorist affiliations between 2017 and 2018.

The killings have prompted concerns about the impact on Morocco’s tourist sector, which accounts for 10% of national income, as the kingdom’s relative security has been a major selling point.


Featured image: Danish Louisa Vesterager Jespersen (24), left, and Norwegian Maren Ueland  (28). Ms Jespersen and Ms Ueland were found dead early on December 17 above the village of Imlil near Toubkal, North Africa’s highest peak and a popular hiking and trekking destination. (Source: Facebook)

Violinist and travel blogger Estella Elisheva started with VLOGGING!

NordenBladet – One of the best young violinists from Scandinavia – 12-year-old Estella Elisheva is now also a vlogger! Her mother Helena-Reet Ennet announced the news via her Facebook account.

She wrote (translated from Estonian): SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPER EXCITED!!!!!! We decided today with Estella Elisheva that we start vlogging !!!!! How cool is that ??? !!! The first video clips are already done —- tomorrow we will continue ….. But now a question for experienced vloggers / youtubers / TV professionals or just experts — which programs (apps / systems) we should use to edit videos … for me it´s a brand new topic … any help is super much appreciated !!!! Could you please first recommend some simple and free programs !!!

At just twelve years old, Estella Elisheva is much sought-after violinist. Despite her young age, she finds inspiration from classical music and artists. She performs concerts all around Scandinavia and is considered to be one of the most talented musicians of her age. You can check out her website on or subscribe to her YouTube channel.

Estella Elisheva is also active in Instagram – with over 58 000+ followers, she is one of the most followed young artists from Scandinavia. She is also one of the editors in OHMYGOSSIP teen. When the first vlog will be published is not jet known! We are very excited to see it!

Blogger and journalist Helena-Reet Ennet: I’m a bad money inquirer, so I often do things rather free of charge than cheaply

NordenBladet – Day by day one can read that, an Instagram, Twitter, or YouTube star can earn 5-digit amounts on their channel for just a few posts. The popular American edition of AOL has contacted Helena-Reet Ennet, one of the most influential women in the Scandinavian social media; CEO and part owner five-language media group, NordenBladet, in order to investigate if such claims are true.

Nobody does not want to talk about money, but personally, I do not know people who “bath in money” from a mere social media base. I know a lot of foreign bloggers, singers and models, whose accounts also have millions of followers and who are doing well with their daily work (earn several thousands a day), but their income is not directly related to social media. Popularity in social media is already result of a great deal of work and the added value,” says Ennet, who has more than 5 million Twitter followers.

She does not believe that one will earn a five-digit amount for a few posts. “It’s relatively unlikely if it’s not a famous A-list Hollywood star. I work with very wealthy companies and government agencies, but I can only dream of such sums. I also manage social media accounts for a large number of A-listers, but I haven´t seen they get paid so big amounts. However, five digit sums do not apply, but there are four-digit ones. Maybe I’m too small nut, and of course I can not talk for everyone … as well personally I’m a very bad money inquirer. Even an extremely poor inquirer. It’s inconvenient for me to ask 500, although I should ask for 50 000 or more for the same thing,” Helena-Reet brings an arbitrary example. That’s why she delegates financial transactions, advertising sales and financial issues to others.

“I have asked for too little money and, and to be honest, I have not practically done myself any sales or advertising. I do not like selling, I like the creative side of the matter. I like to create a product that sells, not to sell the product, “says Helena-Reet, adding that in reality, the people of Estonia (including herself) should actually ask for more money and value their work, time and effort more highly. The question is, what is the price we set for ourselves. I value myself very highly, but despite my great experience and long-term dedication, I am a poor money inquirer, so I often do things rather free of charge than cheaply.”

There were written in the Finnish media, that you are giving social media lectures for 3,000 euros.. “Three thousand is a very small amount considering the information and knowledge that the client gets. I’m sure I could sell the same lecture way more expensive, the right salesman would do it with no great effort. But I think it is a good price.”

Helena-Reet Ennet: It’s important to cultivate a personal life that makes you just as happy as your professional life

Foto: Helena-Reet Ennet הֶלֶנָה-רֶאת אֶנֶּת

OHMYGOSSIP – Helena-Reet Ennet (39) thinks it’s important to have hobbies. The NordenBladet sites (Nordic News Service) owner insists her career will never rule her life.

MY INTERVIEW for the Estonian technology web-page named Geenius – Helena-Reet Ennet has got millions of followers on Twitter, how has she achieved this?

NordenBladet – I will post the full interview here. Who wishes to read the interview in Estonian (read the original article HERE) and translations to Finnish HERE and to Swedish HERE.

The entrepreneur Helena-Reet Ennet is one of the few women in Scandinavia who can proudly say that whatever she posts to social media it reaches millions of people very quickly. There are 1,26 million followers on the Ennet’s main account – @Ohmygossip. Among other well-known stars and journalists, she is also followed by the former president of the USA, Barack Obama. She manages many Twitter accounts and has all together over five million social media followers. Ennet told to Geenius how she copes with social media, how she became a journalist, furthermore, she talked about her exposure and relations to engineering and technology.

Helena-Reet Ennet, the chief executive of the Scandinavian media group named NordenBladet
Location: Scandinavia
One word that describes the best how you work: passionately, I like my work a lot.
Computer: HP Pavilion 17
Telephone: iPhone 6S

How did you become a journalist?
It is a question not easy to answer. Rather one thing led to another. I liked to publish the school paper and then I started collaborations with various editions, thereafter I worked as a chief editor in several publications, next I decided to create my own company and subsequently cooperated with other press releases. At one point I looked further, outside of Estonia. It has developed like this step-by-step. Today, I have collaborated and still have collaborations with many Scandinavian media companies, and NordenBladet is planning to build a bridge between the readers of Nordic countries.

Name three important things you have on your desk.
Computer, a cup of coffee and my diary.

What is your most important tool?
Most probably my brain, followed by the computer and camera. I often need a car and a decent GPS as well, due to the nature of my work. And I have a habit of carrying my telephone with me all the time but what concerns work, I prefer communicating by email and thus have arranged my things the way that I mostly talk only to my family on the phone.

Nowadays, quite many people say that due to technical progress it does not matter anymore where to work. Whad do you think about that?
I have seen positive and negative sides of home office and official office. If you have a specific task to do in your own environment, in your own pace and in peace and quiet, it is sometimes useful, but at the same time, we cannot underestimate the team spirit that usually comes up in office or in collective meetings and events.

Where do you usually do your main job, not in the office?
My work is very diverse. As one part of my work involves heading the co-workers of Nordic countries, visiting local events and trade fairs, tourism development and reflection, therefore I travel a lot in various Nordic countries. We cooperate closely with travel agencies and the departments of tourism to introduce the Scandinavians local and new foreign destinations, we work together with local governments and culture centers to keep alive and carry on the language, culture and traditions. The third important part of my job is to give and translate the news, managing and developing the sites – these things I prefer to do at home.

The mission of the NordenBladet is to preserve and strengthen the cultural heritage of Nordic countries and to uphold the traditions and values, form cooperation networks, build a better future for the inhabitants of Scandinavia, share and offer reliable information.

The subjects we are interested in are the development of values of the welfare state, environment, politics, culture, tourism, education, regional cooperation, health, children and family values. Our sister sites (OHMYGOSSIP) focus on all the topics of fashion and beauty, relations and entertainment. We manage blog websites as well, like Bloglist24 and NordicBloggers that have brought together about 300 000 bloggers.

What does a work routine look like for you? Do you have any tips or can you give some advice how to break the routine?
I have been so busy lately that I do not even have a moment to think whether I have a routine or not. In general I am most probably one of the lucky ones whose working days are just like this as I wish or plan to and secondly, my workdays are very diverse and exciting. I hardly ever have two similar days. My doings vary – it is a good way to break the routine.

How many e-mails do you receive in a day and how do you keep your mailbox in order?
Unfortunately, very many. Luckily I have learned to sort my emails, and I open them according to the correct timetable. I throw quite many of them in the bin unopened. I also immediately delete the emails I have read and that do not need archiving. Important emails I intend to deal with later I mark red.

All the people I communicate more often I have requested to add the title of the email (it is visible before opening) containing a little information about the content or some keywords about the email, this helps to orientate better in the pile of emails.

Will you name a technical device that you do not see the point in and find to be unnecessary?
To tell you the truth, this list is very long. I increasingly believe that people should turn to more natural and healthy lifestyles. The bunches of wires and remote controls for every move are very unpleasant for me. I am convinced that they more likely waste energy.

Have you noticed the panic when the power goes down? Furthermore, I am more and more disturbed by the way people analyze and spy others with the help of smart devices and software programs. We leave tracks of all our actions. Not that I have something to hide but it basically gets on my nerves. For instance, I do not like somebody analyzing my habits of consumption behind my back or archiving the keywords of surfing on the internet.

What apps are the most important in your telephone?
WhatsApp and Instagram. In general, I do business on the computer. If I hadn’t received the telephone as a gift, I would have preferred a small Samsung phone with buttons for EUR 17, that had only calling function, the battery would last longer and the phone impossible to eavesdrop.

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or rather your own blog, why?
Today social media is the grip of media and the mirror of power. NordenBladet and its sub-webpages have been on Facebook and Twitter since the year 2009 and in addition to printed versions also as an online web versions in five different languages. Instagram is a relatively new “discovery” for me, I joined it about half a year ago.

You have over one million followers on Twitter, how have you accomplished this?
All together we actually have over five million followers on Twitter, I myself follow about one million. OHMYGOSSIP is represented in 21 countries. The largest accounts are @Ohmygossip, @Ohmygossip_USA, @Ohmygossip_se, Ohmygossip_fi, @Ohmygossip_no, @Ohmygossip_dk, @Ohmygossip_ee, Ohmygossip_br. Recently we have quite actively been working with the accounts of @NordenBladet and @NordenBladet_ee and also with the account connecting bloggers – @Bloglist24.

Today social media is a key factor for reaching people. While following your favourites or being followed by others you can send a message worldwide in seconds or follow the thoughts and sayings of other people. Information moves very fast and becomes obsolete rapidly. Even online media is already slow because you can get hold of everything from social media. When I opened my first Twitter account in 2009, I did it rather because it was trendy, it had become popular in America, but I did not see the point in it. I was there early and got my ducks in a row.

I believe that it is difficult to start with a clean slate in social media. It is said that where is, there is more to come, it is true. If I advertise anything today, I will have more readers and followers on my new accounts on the basis of my existing channels. But my main emphasis is still on my work, I make about 40-80 news, summaries, translations every day and I have done this for 10 years in a row. I am present all the time, think of new solutions, communicate, etc.

There is also Barack Obama among your followers, have you exchanged messages?
No, I haven’t, but we follow each other indeed. Most of the biggest media outlets follow NordenBladet and OHMYGOSSIP accounts, as well as their top executives all over the world and the political elite of most countries, likewise, very many A-listers. There was even some kind of a top list that brought out our web-pages to be “A++ influencer”, meaning that we are among the most powerful accounts, moreover, I have been awarded the title of the most influential woman in Scandinavian social media twice. The latter is quite a vain price and cheers me up a lot. Ha!

How to use social media the way it is beneficial, not just the waste of time?
Well, for an entrepreneur social media is still mostly a marketing channel.

How to get rid of technology and have a good rest in your free time? Or do you have a rest with technology? How then?
In general, I am not good at resting. It is a feeling when you might do nothing but your brain goes full steam ahead. You think, think, think, continually think and calculate. I love to spend the time free of work with my two lovely daughters, Estella Elisheva (11) and Ivanka Shoshana (9). I love them most in this world! I do not need anything else while being with them, technology the least.

What do you think about computer games? Do you play (or have played) and have you got a favourite game?
I have played Tetris a few times. By and large, I do not know anything about computer games.

Do you sometimes feel that you are a tech-addict? What do you do then?
Yes. I take more 😀 (a joke)

What is the best advice you have received? From whom?
Even a leaf does not fall without the will of God. The Chief Rabbi of Estonia, Shmuel Kot.

What is the best lesson you have learned and would like to share?
It is in people’s nature to be greedy, and they would rather forego revenue than to share it with someone else. Do not be envious, cooperate and both sides will win. Care and notice, keep your eyes open to learn all foreordained lessons. Do not wish good only for yourself but also for others, only love makes the world a better place for all of us.

Who would you ask the same questions? Why?
Hans H. Luik.. for example.

Featured image:  In addition to the management of NordenBladet, Helena-Reet Ennet is also the ambassador of Israeli Media in Scandinavia. The picture is taken at the event by the Embassy of Israel in Radisson Blu Hotel, Tallinn.

The Scandinavian origin popular clothing brand „Ohmygossip Couture” joined Instagram!

OHMYGOSSIP – Approximately 10 years running, the popular Scandinavian garment and accessories brand „Ohmygossip Couture” also launched in Instagram. Until now mostly based in Brazil, the Estonian derived brand announced in a press release about the intention of the next few years to be more vigorously present on the Scandinavian market and therefore the launch of the Instagram account was inevitable.

„Nowadays sidestepping the social media is out the question,” says the founder of Ohmygossip Couture, Helena-Reet Ennet, to NordenBladet. „Young readers who are our main target are switching from Facebook to Twitter and Instagram. Since we already have our Facebook and Twitter accounts, we gathered that it was high time to launch our Instagram page. Within a few days we have communicated about 200 posts and have summoned more than 6000+ followers. When this expansion speed continues even just a while, we will be the fastest growing fashion brand on the internet.”

„During almost ten years a lot of work has been done and all the models, prominent people, beauty contest winners, singers, actresses and other beautiful ladies promoting our brand are making their way to our Insta account. There is plenty of material and we will be posting regularly! All fans of the brand who have obtained our articles can tag them (hashtag #ohmygossipcouture) and the coolest posts will make it to our frontpage and other social media pages,” promises, Helena-Reet.

Ohmygossip Couture Instagram account can be found HERE

Featured photo model Triin Tulev. Photo: © Ohmygossip Couture/ Ingrid Eloranta (Lifebeach studio)

ESTONIAN-born 11-year-old violinist Estella Elisheva captivates world music classics

NordenBladet – According to the American edition the fifth grader of Tallinn Jewish School, 11-year-old Estella Elisheva is an exceptionally gifted girl and for the past few years the American newspapers have titled her the next Taylor Swift in world music. Estella Elisheva, while charming hundreds thousands listeners with violin music already at the age of seven, remains modest and emphasizes that she does not wish to be anybody’s successor.

„Being famous, well-known and admired is definitley intriguing – however, great popularity does not actually appeal to me, I’d rather claim to fear that,” says the young and prominent violinist Estella Elisheva to

Estella Elisheva has by Swedish, Finnish, British and American media channels alike been titled today’s most gifted junior violinist and composer. In international media she has many a time been compared to the world-renowned pop-violinists Lindsey Stirling and Taylor Davis. „They both are very likeable, however, I myself make different kind of music. I find classical music very sympathetic and see as my prime examples Andrew Lloyd Webber, Claude Debussy, Giuseppe Verdi, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Johann Sebastian Bach, Frédéric Chopin. It is as though I live in a bygone century, in the past, it is as though I were not from our times at all,” says the youthful violinist Estella Elisheva to NordenBladet.

„I really enjoy practicing the work of world classics – what they have created is so special, peerless, superb! I attempt to write pieces myself. I would be delighted to be able to make music together with Alma Deutcher who is one year older than me, and then again I oftentimes compose in solitude, since I value quietness, alone time, and it doesn’t sympathize to me to contrast myself to somebody. Each of us is an individual person.”

„My violin supervisor Kaari Klesment, my music teacher Inna Kandel and my mom Helena-Reet Ennet have been the most significant people to influence and shape me. They are infinitely special to me, I would even say they are unusual and unprecedented – they are people who can cater energy, strength, power, hope, mystery. They know so much about the universe of music. If it were anything whatsoever that I were treasured for, this is entirely due to my people,” says young Estella Elisheva.

Presumably she is the youngest violinist in the world to catch such attention. She has accomplished to assemble more than half a million active fans globally and her concerts are requested by various theatres world wide.

Estella Elisheva Instagram posts are available HERE


Helena-Reet: A meeting in Southern Estonia, a visit to Taagepera mansion and draining beauty from Helme sacrificial spring + GALLERY!

NordenBladet – In the summertime it is pleasant to work outside the office and that is why I scheduled the meetings to South-Estonia, to combine work with a little trip. NordenBladet closely collaborates with various tourism bureaus and tourism service offering institutions, thus my work is versatile and fascinating! Every morning I begin the day with a very positive feeling and there is rarely a day when I don’t enjoy the work a hundred percent.

NordenBladet Estonian department has started off very successfully and also, to my mind, the readers have taken it very calmly that Ohmygossip is now under NordenBladet. Actually both support each other and the more serious news and entertainment stand apart – I very much like this rearrangement. In new year (2018) the latest I will begin active cooperation with NordenBladet Finland branch. In September there will be a major meeting and then we will plan the coming year up until May. Since there will be a lot of travelling in Estonia, Finland and Sweden for me as well as the network partners, there is always the need to accommodate somebody, cater and drive around – thus it is important to visit different places myself to be able to write about them for my readers and to recommend them to my network partners.

After the meeting and dinner in Viljandi we went to see Taagepera manor. Those who have read my previous blog „Sometimes I play with the idea of buying a manor” already know that atumbling upon Taagepera manor I got a strong feeling and wanted to see it with my own eyes – and not to put myself through a lot of pain I decided to go and see it very soon. The Art Nouveau style facade of the building is definitely fascinating and shoud I be some day building a new house for us, then the dwelling might look a bit like a palace. Yet my version of the house would contain 5-7 rooms the most.

And now the impression from what has been seen… The palace was even bigger in real life than it appeared on the pictures. It definitely would suitably function as a hotel or other business enterprise rather than a dwelling house for somebody. The rooms are quite depreciated and even the suite (190 eur) did not attract to stay overnight. Regular rooms resembled an inexpensive hostel. Yet as far as I see the palace was waiting to be renovated and a SPA was to be put up in the basement. The tower was completely closed. The palace is originally beautiful and is in need of a wealthy suitor. Were it not a living space in the courtyard (not belonging to the manor add-ons) and a two-storey massive construction with ugly design and were there a thick fir tree forest instead of the meadow behind the palace, the place would collect more bonus points in my eyes. However, the place is definitely worth a visit! It feels great to have a glimpse on such an old building, also I wish to praise the visitor service. Already at the reception there was a very friendly and helpful lady and even after I had let her know that we would not be staying for the night and just wish to see the interior, she did not wrinkle the nose but kindly offered to show us the rooms. This left a very positive impression. The people who go there are really welcome! I will certainly be interested to know what the SPA would be like when it is ready and perhaps I will even stay overnight some time.

Further on we went to see Helme Pearl Spring (also known as the Doctor’s Spring). This is a sacrificial spring in Valgamaa county, Helme parish. According to a legend the water from this spring helps against seven maladies and maidens used to come here with pearl offerings in order to maintain their beauty. We also stretched our hands out in the water and cast some water on our face. Since we had left the purses in the car we did not toss any coins in the water, neither did we have a pearl necklace with us, yet our offering was the time spent there. Besides we picked up the broken glass pieces that were absolutely too many around there. It is a pity that there are people who care so little about nature and vandalize like this.

The springs are very powerful, I am very fond of them. If I could, I would put some water from the spring on my face every day. It felt wonderful afterwards. I thanked the spring and drove along to Võru, where a new meeting was awaiting the following day.

Photos: NordenBladet/ Helena-Reet Ennet