Helena-Reet: To have plenty of money is totally nice!

NordenBladet – Those of you that have a history of following this blog may already know that my mood is often swinging from one extreme to the opposite – on the one hand I may be praising the pleasant rural life and dreaming about absolute solitude, minimal expenditure and the simplicity of everything (a related post HERE), on the other hand I may find the world’s most luxurious resorts laudable and may praise exorbitant real estate and luxury hotels (a related post about my investment-into-real-estate plans HERE). So it happens – in life one needs both – the glamour as well as the simplicity and contemplation. I do love the nature an like solitude, but that doesn’t equal to poverty. In life not everything is sharply black and white.

Generally I am rather happy when it comes to finances and wealth, because money is the shortcut. Apparently many would respond to this idea in their mind with a comment that goes something like this: why does there have to be a shortcut, the shortcut is boring, etc. But in this blogpost I have in mind the “one worry less” aspect, and perhaps all of you would find it easy to agree that everybody usually tends to have too many worries in life – and even greater worries than that of money.

Excessive luxury may begin to bother you and it surely will, yet a lot of financial stress, too, would be intolerable. And poor people most typically are bitter, envious and melancholic – as has been posted HERE. True, happiness in not merely in money, but without resources unhappiness is soon at hand. I have experienced with several alternatives and now I seem to know what I like. I like change. I like when there are options. OPPORTUNITY AND LIBERTY – this is the most beautiful aspect of money! I may lead a simple life – if this has been my decision, if it is not inevitable pressure to limit myself. I do not mean swimming in money, but perhaps it reflects and conveys what I think about money and its impact on people.

Ah, yes, and the expression: “Money ruins people” – typically only said by someone who would actually not refuse more money. Lets be honest – POVERTY ruins people – and pay attention how thoroughly it does so! The lovely folks, completely out of money, are driven towards turmoil, their dreams fade, their motivation runs low. Isn’t it so? Poverty takes one’s edge off – many may even have deserved that but there are also those who mustn’t be poor although they sadly are. Yet the discussion, why some are poor and some are well off – is the content of another blog post.

Tell us, someone, who exactly has been spoiled by money? For instance name three people, who have been poor and nice and are now rich and nasty? Are you sure that it was actually money that changed these people? Are you sure that they weren’t nasty people in the first place or are you sure that they really are that nasty? Perhaps it has been the mud shower, negative energy and personal unmet greed of people that are in the financial scale several steps beneath these ones – causing the idea of change in the heads of the opinionated? Or maybe those people are not actually spoiled by money? Or perhaps now finally they can be frank with the unsympathetic folks? Where is the truth here? Who is right?

Who cares… my truth is that money is a necessity – or more precisely it is independence from others. And this border is different for everyone – the line limiting one’s independence, limiting the expectations one has for independence. Would it mean purchasing a yacht, a villa, a private island, investing in unicorn enterprises or just being happy about not letting others determine how to invest the few thousands and what plans to make for Friday night. For example I like to dream big and live big. As I have said in an earlier blog (Helena-Reet: MY JOURNEY TOWARDS BECOMING A BILLIONAIRE or how to become a member of the world’s very elite group of people?), my dreams are currently rather high up above. We have accomplished so much with the Scandinavian media group NordenBladet and the entertainment sites OHMYGOSSIP, also Ohmygossip Couture has been a great success – now and then I even have to pinch myself to realize that all of this is real. I am highly motivated and am very fond of what I do! Every new day is an adventure and I am sure that one fine day I will be in the lead of a unicorn enterprise.

What is your stand – does money ruin people or is it rather poverty that does so?

Helena-Reet: Emotional weekend – Maily Luberg’s funeral in Lääne-Nigula church

NordenBladet – The previous weekend has been very emotional for me. On St John’s Day I received the sad message that a friend of mine, Maily Luberg, passed away. Maily (35) was fighting an acute form of leukaemia (blood cell cancer) for over three years, for a while we were even convinced that she is clean, but unluckily the malicious ailment returned. Earlier in April there had been hope about finding a cure, along with help from the foundation “Gift of Life” a sufficient amount of money was raised to cover the expenses of the treatment, however the medicine no longer helped.

I had known Maily more than ten years. When my children were little, she used to help me in the domestic work sphere – helped look after the children and also gave a hand in the garden. Maily came from the countryside (Taebla), she was industrious, with golden hands, honest and well-wishing. Unfailingly kind and helpful. We were soon friends and our families started getting along. Later on she built a successful career in a catering enterprise – starting off as a cashier and rapidly growing into the position of manager of stores within a year. Shortly before her death her dream of having her very own home (house) came true.

Talking about the positive aspects – Maily had a wonderful marriage – her husband Marek, back when he was four years old, had already announced that he would marry the girl – and that is also how things went. Throughout her lifetime they had a lasting love and friendship. During our ten years there were many a time when we were chatting and changing the gossip over a cup of coffee, but not once did she utter a mean word about her husband. I believe that during their time together Maily and Marek had the gift of love greater than the attachment that develops between many couples over seven decades spent together.

It is ultimately horrendous to attend a funeral of someone who has died young. It is a completely monstrous event to go through. To tell you the truth, I still haven’t fully realized that she is no more. You have been dear to me, may your soul rest in peace, kind Maily!

Below there are some photos taken on our trip to Greece.

Helena-Reet: Our children’s summer – Toy house, swimming pool and home made dishes + PHOTOS!

NordenBladet – Summer is in full colour and the children invent new games and activities every day – they bathe in the infatable swimming pool in our home garden, they play in their toy house, they run about, they play with the neighbours children and they cook. Estella also plays the violin every day and reads the obligatory literature assigned for the summer holiday. The toy house has for many long years been staying empty but now suddenly they got the idea that it should be fixed up so they could move in. They tidied the place all day, they carried stuff from their rooms to the toy house and of course they intended to stay overnight in the toy house.

Well then, let them stay if they so wish. It is no good prohibiting everything. But as I guessed, so it went – around midnight both girls were neatly back in the house in their rooms – as they claimed there had been a nasty gnat in the toy house that would let them sleep. I think to myself that it was plainly uncomfortable there and perhaps even a bit scary. Yet now the impression is there and the mood elevated as a result. Below you can find a few photos taken from the pool, the toy house and the delightful dishes that Estella Elisheva prepared.

One of our summer-favourites is a dessert made of non-flavoured yoghurt. For the dessert you need non-flavoured youghurt, as said (or Greek yoghurt), honey, fresh berries and muesli. Mix the ingredients and the tasty and healthy dessert is ready! Yummi! We found from Rimi a suitable cup (cost 5 euros) where this type of yoghurt dessert can be stored to be taken to school, to training, or even to a trip. Very convenient and practical. The cap closes well and you can store muesli in a separate small container in the cap. Oh, yeah, and beside that also berry ice cream – for children the joy of preparations in a big part of the fun, only sadly getting the ice cream successfully out of the container is currently work in progress. Perhaps someone has good hints and tips to share how home made ice cream can be nicely taken out from the container?

Helena-Reet Ennet travels to South-Estonia – LOOK what is possible to accomplish within 23 hours! GALLERY!

NordenBladet – Friday night at about 20.30 I stumbled upon the idea that I would wish to travel to South-Estonia. Once that feeling has crossed me it becomes difficult to fight it – the easiest solution is to give in to the desire. Therefore at 20.45 I already had my luggage prepared, the tiny vehicle cramped with stuff (including blankets, sheets and pillows… just in case) and we dashed from Saku through Rapla and Türi towards Imavere. While packing in a hurry one never really knows where the road runs, then I pack next to everything that I could possibly be needing – so one could find from the car everything from rubber boots to children’s toys.

We were back home in less than 23 hours (on Saturday at 19.30), yet what on Earth can one do during that limited time when one only wishes! The program was so concise that today it feels as if we returned from a one-week holiday.

First stop: Imavere. I wished to view the knight manor of Imavere (German: Immafer) in Pilistvere parish and its surroundings. Imavere manor was established in 1748 at the time when it was separated from Loopre manor. The manor has been the possession of the von Salzas as well as the von Pistohlkorses. The last owner of the manor before the 1919 expropriation was Eugen von Pistohlkors. Like most Estonian manors this, too, is breaking down, has grown into wilderness and has been abandoned. From Imavere on we headed through Põltsamaa to Tartu. We stayed overnight at my younger sister’s place from where we continued the journey next morning at about 12 o’clock.


Next stop was in Tõravere and then in Elva. The entrance to Elva was promising, turning from between picturesque fir forests, yet the centre was not that fascinating. I prefer the toy-town type of small towns like Tarvastu and Mustla. We bought water and took some cash since we thought that we’d be staying at Intsu, Männiku Metsatalu in Viljandi – I have stayed there once with my sister and I found it quite nice (see the blog post HERE & HERE). We did a bit of an excursion in Elva – to the bus station and music school – and then proceeded with the journey. I thought to myself that it would be interesting to know whether Kerli Kõiv actually lived nearby.

After passing through Elva we decided to digress from our route to anywhere that promised us some interesting sightseeing to view. The next stop was Meeri knight manor (German: Meyershof) in Nõo parish in Tartu county. The manor has been mentioned in the 16th century and back in those days it belonged to Tartu Capitol Dome. The last owner of the manor before its expropriation in 1919 was Ernst Karl Maria von Seidlitz. Unfortunately I took no pictures from the manors Imavere and Meeri, however they were very similar (two-storey buildings, red colour, relatively similar in style and as of today rather in ruins and in the hands of private persons). Both manors were originally one-storey buildings, yet later they were used as schoolhouses and another floor was added. From that moment on I decided that I would take pictures of all places of interest so that I could share them in my blog and I regretted not taking pictures of the manors already seen.

The next object on the way was Vana-Kirepi manor on Rõngu municipality territory. Kirepi manor (German: Kirrumpäh) was established in the 17th century. Throughout centuries the manor has had many owners. Before the expropriation of 1919 the manor belonged to Bruno von Samson-Himmelstjerna. The wooden main building as well as the white stone barn with three arched entrances has been preserved.

Further on from Rõngu bus station, according to the road signs on the way there was Rõngu feudal fortress (German: Ringen), that was a feudal fortress of a Tartu bishop, the ruins of which are situated near Rõngu in Lossimäe village (2 km from the small town Rõngu to the North-West). The fortress was built in the 1st half of the 14th century (approximately in 1340) and it was intended to defend the southwestern part of the diocese of Tartu. In the Middle Ages the fortress belonged to the Tödwen family. Since 1583 the Jesuit Order used the premises and in 1625 when the Swedish authority came it was blown up. Apparently we took the wrong way and thus didn’t see the fortress, yet at Lossimäe a fine design solution of mailboxes and notice-board and also the brook Valguta caught our eye.

From Rõngu on we headed through Koruste and Pikasilla to Suislepa village where we made our next stop in order to see the Uue-Suislepa manor on the banks of Õhne River. Uue-Suislepa or Suislepa manor (German: Suislep) was established in 1796 when the Russian emperor Paul I separated it from the manor belonging to the state and donated it to Ernst Mengden.

In 1799 the manor became the property of the gentry Kruedener family and remained so until the 1919 expropriation. After expropriation the manor was converted into a schoolhouse that is in force probably until this day. Also many ancillary buildings have been preserved from which a windmill a couple hundred meters to the North-West from the centre of the manor most catches the eye.

Tarvastu greeted us with a beautiful picnic table that immediately reminded us that we were getting hungry. I had planned to visit the cafe in central Mustla (at Posti 21), but it was closed. That was really sad as they have the world’s best homemade soups, main courses and cakes and at what a nice price! Practically for free. So instead we brought from Mustla Konsum (Posti 52a) salad and disposable forks and dashed back to the picnic table at Tarvastu River on the side of Tarvastu Park. After the meal we went to see the ruins of Tarvastu fortress. Well, really nice place it was, since there are sheep living in the fortress! The children were so delighted, and what great view there is from above! Simply wonderful!







Mustra centre was very sweet, there were pictures drawn to the walls of houses and bus stop pavilions and there were flowerpots hanging from street posts. Unfortunately the Tarvastu handicraft shop and museum were closed.

Further on we headed to Tarvastu cemetery (Tinnikuru, 69716 Viljandi). I was there for the first time while in Viljandi we usually visit Paistu cemetery where many relatives from my father’s line have been buried. Since lately I have taken a keen interest in my forefathers and our family’s origin then I sought from Geni data that at least two of our close relatives have been buried there. Peeter Pill, born in Holstre, Tokerpilli farm in 1844 (a farmer), and Jaan Pill (landlord), the son of Peeter Pill, born in Tarvastu, Oina farm. Jaan is the grandfather of my dad Jüri Ennet and Peeter is the great grandfather. I called my dad to ask how I can best find the tomb and soon we found it. First path to the left from the main gate and then on the right side. There it was, under a huge tree, Jaan Pill. Unfortunately father didn’t know the location of the grave of Peter Pill (11.01.1844-09.05.1909), I however think that perhaps it is right next to the other one without the headstone and that the relatives do not know. Maybe next time I will hear it from the graveyard guard – I will go there without children so that I can take more time to investigate the farm houses and tombs of my ancestors and seek more information.

From Tarvastu cemetery we headed further to Holstre. We were looking for Tokerpilli farm land (in archives also Tocka, Tocho and Tokre) – 83.3 hectars of forest and field and the farm itself. It was further from Holstre along Mõnnaste road towards Luige. Peeter was born in Tokerpilli farm in 1702, then in 1732 his son Jakob, then in 1767 his son Jaan, then in 1805 his son Peeter, then in 1844 his son Peeter. The Peeter who was born in 1844 in Tokerpilli farm is my father’s great grandfather who is supposedly buried to Tarvastu like his son the landlord Jaan Pill. Before those times people were probably buried in the farm land’s ground, but it is not exactly known. For more than 300 years the forefathers from my father’s line have lived in Tokerpilli, I have not yet had the chance to investigate who and when and to who sold the land – all I know is that unfortunately it is not in the hands of our relatives. Since there was a huge sign stating that there was “Entrance only upon written consent from owner of the property”, I did not dare to go any further – who knows these lunatics, they may actually take the gun and shoot you. That strict a sign – only upon written permission – a regular habitant wouldn’t use on one’s territory. Especially when in other cases in Viljandi people are very kind, more often with the mentality “Kindly find the key under the mat” and the broom placed against the door-style. With children one just wouldn’t take the risk. So therefore also getting to know Tokerpilli will be postponed. I will call them and make an appointment.

After Tokerpilli we went to Paistu cemetery. It was the five o’clock and we thought we might be going back home. Thought so, did so. The way back went through Suure-Jaani, Lahmuse, Vändra, Järvakandi and Rapla. 23 hours and so many impressions! Expenses: gas 36 EUR + ca 20 EUR (salad, mineral water, lemonade, ice cream).

Helena-Reet: With daughter Estella Elisheva at Amarillo’s „The Table” event + PHOTOS & VIDEO!

NordenBladet – Although in Estonia I am not the most earnest visitor of restaurants and cafes, it is sometimes impossible to say no to some offers – when something unique/novel takes place somewhere then I want to see it with my own eyes! Namely, cafe Amarillo has come out with a cool concept of eight guests being seated at the same table in the restaurant, enjoying a surprise menu.

I was introduced to this event by Solo by Sokos Hotels Estoria and Original by Sokos Hotels Viru Head of Marketing Evelin Org. Initially I was rather doubtful wheter I should attend, but now in retrospect I think of visiting this event once more! It was fun! I also send greetings to my new acquaintances! 😀

A table for eight can be booked by a group of friends or if you wish to attend the event individually of with some companion (like me), then besides the surprise menu you will also experience new neighbours. Hahaaa… Crazy but brilliant! This is ideal for those who like to communicate and find new contacts. What I also liked about this event was the flexible menu – you could choose a vegan menu or enjoy a rich meat selection. Also the cocktails accordingly came with alcohol or were non-alco – this ensured enjoyment for those who had arrived by car from work and also for those who had planned some sizzle for the evening. Since the event begins at six then it is possible to attend also with older children.

Estella Elisheva (12) is already quite experienced – I often take her with me so that she may see how things are done and how everything works. She is now probably more proficient than I myself were at 21. When your child travels, they will witness various circumstances, communicate – and will develop sooner. She has been to numerous foreign conferences, press travels, fairs – thanks to this she understands the importance of precision, speaking languages, having contacts and knowing the etiquette. She can comprehend business dinners, she learns the little craft manners. I have now been travelling with her nearly two years and oftentimes she is more free, more efficient and concrete than some grown-up would be. In addition to broadening the horizon this will also create a stronger mother-daughter bond. I love her so much and it is love that I want my children to feel. Even if I had in my opinion not always enough to afford to them finances-wise, then they would never have to feel the lack of love and security. I am the mother lion! 😀

But why this jibber-jabber… Let the pictures speak for themselves! Below you can see pictures from the suprise dinner event „The Table” that took place at the Amarillo’s!







Helena-Reet: Our little garden party, integration and 12 boxes of ice cream from Balbiino Jätsiabi (ice cream ambulance)

NordenBladet – Yesterday we jointly celebrated in our garden the birthdays of Estella Elisheva (12) and Ivanka Shoshana (10). Estella started out the morning with a 4 km run and a fresh smoothie, Ivanka chose the clothes to wear for the occasion of guests arriving. My preparations began already on Wednesday. For many days I was tidying and beautifying the garden, I mowed the lawn, and on Friday I started preparing the food – I compiled the menu all on my own. At the same time the menu was homely – macaroni salad, baked potato, wiener, fresh salad, fruit and for dessert raspberry-strawberry-blueberry-banana cake with whipped cream. And beside that also popcorn and Balbiino ice cream!

I assume you have seen the delighted face of a child that is eating an ice cream? But have you seen the face of a child witnessing an ice cream vehicle entering the garden drive and loading off 12 large boxes of ice cream, every box containing 20-40 ice creams?! If you haven’t seen that face, I might try to describe it… Actually I suppose it is not possible to put it in words and I believe the best authors throughout history would lack the most suitable words. Briefly, there it was – Balbiino Jätsiabi driving to our garden and making a memorable present for our darling little birthday girls. We ourselves as well as our neighbours now have the fridges filled with ice cream for quite some time. Many thanks for this, Balbiino!

Estella had thought of various thrilling games – from finding the treasure to several sports games. She is very creative – with only a few instruments she builds intriguing plots. Three of her friends stayed overnight at our home, the girls stayed up late and played Alias, Monopoly and nicely integrated – a few of the guests speak Russian at home while others are Estonian-speaking. At school (the Tallinn Jewish School) Estella speaks Russian, in music classes (Saku music school), at the training and with the neighbours she speaks Estonian. The weather was wonderful and our sweet garden party was a success in every way!


Helena-Reet: Ivanka Shoshana’s birthday morning + in Tallinn Viru Centre and FAFA´S with Estella Elisheva

NordenBladet – Ivanka Shoshana became 10 years old today and finally was able to get the presents she had been waiting for (see HERE). Since she had been so keenly looking forward to receiving them and had reminded me every day about her birthday wish then she announced already yesterday that she won’t be going to school today, Wednesday. In the morning I baked rhubarb cake and we woke her with the birthday song. As soon as she had glanced at the presents she began playing with them. It is indeed a fierce doll – it can talk, weep, move the lips, etc. Ivanka is now like a little mommy – cares for it, sweeps the tears, blows the nose, cuddles, etc. She was really excited to get the presents and then I, too, were happy 🙂

Estella Elisheva gave an interview today after school to the Russian media. They are reflecting her success at the violin playing contest (see HERE), she is now officially the third best violinist in Estonia! So cool! I went to meet her after school and while it weren’t a day for training or violin because she was going to compete in cycling in the evening (she does the mountain bike, or I do not know the exact namer for that), then we decided that we head to Viru Centre. I wanted to visit the book store as I had some Viru Centre gift cards, and we thought that we also have a look at the new greatly praised vegan restaurant FAFA’S that was open in mid April on the 1st floor in Viru Centre (next to Amarillo’s). It is an original place since it has three different menus – something for vegans, for vegetarians, and even a selection of meat (chicken, kebab). Though it is not a kosher restaurant they offer a fine menu of delightful Jewish dishes. You can find the following exotic tastes from the menu: tabbouleh, hummus, matbukha, tzatziki, aubergine, tahini, pesto, just to mention a few.

I ordered Kebab Meze salad (recipe: tabbouleh, hummus, matbukha, aubergine, tahini, valaffel, tomato, cucumber, lettuce, rucola, parsley, olive oil, lemon juice and pita) – the price 9.90EUR, Estella Elisheva chose Fafa’s chicken (ingredients: tzatziki, matbukha, aubergine, tomato, cucumber, tabbouleh, salad, parsley, pita) – the price 8.90EUR and then we also took French fries for two with matbukha for 2EUR and water 2EUR and lemonade 4EUR. What large platefuls and how pleasant tasting! Yummm…





Helena-Reet: Life in the countryside – bird song for an alarm clock!

NordenBladet – I sleep with the windows open and early this morning I woke up to a wonderul bird song. Blackbirds are chirping happily already before sunrise. The daybreak is so positive and heartfelt! Birds love my garden and year after year there are more of them. There is a reason for that – namely birds prefer gardens where they have wildlife-like conditions for nesting. They say, the more uncultivated and versatile the neighbourhood, the more coulourful the life that is manifesting there.

The lawn is English-style, mowed to the ground, yet since the garden’s area is over half a hectare then there is space for virtually everything. In the middle of the garden there is even an island resembling the wood. I have many deciduous and coniferous trees, a buckthorn plantation, many bushes and the garden is breathing in the same pace with nature. Whenever my mother or my mother-in-law come to visit, they mostly roll their eyes – they disapprove of the nettle beside the compost box, the primroses under the lilacs, not to mention the goutweed having settled near quite so many flowerbeds. They shake their shoulders when they catch sight of a Bunias (Turkish wartycabbage) enjoying the sun somewhere. It doesn’t disturb me, quite the opposite – I like the wilder version of nature. My ideal would be to live in the countryside near the edge of a forest or perhaps also in the forest. On both sides behind the fence there would be meadows and not a single meadow flower (nor a meadow weed) is less beautiful in my eyes than cultural plants. Everything is the work of the Almighty and I see the diverse and varied character of the nature in that. I genuinely am not annoyed at and my aim is not to compete with anybody having a cleaner flowerbed. I do wish to enjoy the garden, to listen, to see, to take a moment for an enjoyment and for talking with the plants and the trees and doing as my grandmother once did. In the morning I walk around in a landlord-like manner, check all the garden to see what is to be seen and during the day I do a little bit of something here and there – exactly in a way that would let me feel good and be good to the plants and flowers in the garden as well.

Birds are of great use to a garden owner. For example a family of tits can consume tens of thousands of caterpillars and insects, many of which are garden plant pests. Swallows will help to get rid of gnats and flies. One family of swallows will eat a hundred thousand insects from your garden! And blackbirds – they like snails. Why poison/spray/artificially fertilize your garden when there are birds who so willingly help you – eradicate pests and when full they also offer you a wonderful concert. You can substitute fertilization with compost and dung and instead of a garden that would look like a sterile hospital room or a purified urban garden, I prefer the wilderness and a close-to-nature style. Birds, bees, and little animals (hedgehogs, for example) are very glad with such a garden! And me too!

Yesterday I created next to the strawberry bed also an onion bed and close to the house under the carpet beating frame a bean bed with the aim of building a natural green wall.

Besides I planted a new bunch of salad leaves to the greenhouse. Those I plant every other week, then I can harvest all summer long. Each year it takes less seeds, since I have learned that you needn’t sow them so often and so densely – in that case many will simply be wasted due to lack of space. Have a sunny and beautiful day!

PS! Pictures taken on May 20 2018, except for two pictures of my darling daughters –these have been taken at the same time one year ago. While Ivanka Shoshana seems as small as last year the Estella Elisheva has remarkably grown.

Helena-Reet: Gathering herbs, Estella Elisheva’s birthday and Ivanka Shoshana’s winning of the song contest

NordenBladet – During the previous week there has once again been super beautiful weather. Apple trees and cherry trees are blossoming, lilacs bloom, in the garden the beautiful yellow primroses and dandelions are smiling to me – both these herbs are as good as gold! Since Estella Elisheva has been fond of yellow then I, too, have grown to like that colour. Yellow is the colour of sun, merriness and joy of life! Wherever I see yellow, I see Estella Elisheva!

On 16 May Estella Elisheva became 12 years old. As a birthday present I gave her a simple yet marvellous necklace with a green gemstone and prepared Caesar salad and raspberry-blueberry biscuit cake. The last two were her own wishes for her birthday. We have this custom that whenever someone needs something or wishes something, we try to fulfill those wishes – be it then a birthday or an ordinary day – and when there is no particular need for anything then we avoid buying meaningless stuff. While this year 16 May is a Wednesday then a birthday party for friends and relatives will be held on 26 May. While my other darling daughter Ivanka Shoshana was also born in May (23 May) – then we have always celebrated their birthdays together. And this year we will do the same.

Ivanka Shoshana (9) returned home with a great accomplishment on 11 May! Namely she participated in the song contest for Tallinn children and youths with disabilities „Joy of singing 2018″ and won the first prize! Both of my darling children are so fine and gorgeous that I cannot imagine what I would be doing without them – I love them like crazy!! ?

However I myself have been offline and away from work for a few weeks – the weather has been wonderful and it would be wrong not to be outside! Luckily NordenBladet and OHMYGOSSIP sites have got such an effective team behind them that I may join in with exactly the schedule that suits me the most – we are few but nonetheless the editors and translators that we have are the world’s best!

The lettuce leaves, dill and flowers sowed on 7 May have already grown through the soil into small plants and the leaves that ten days ago were tiny have by today already reached their actual size. Nature is so miraculous, it is delightful to see how a small bud becomes a leaf and how an apple tree blosson becomes an apple. Super! Just yesterday I was thinking that for years I have suffered from anxiety and depression, it’s as though I have got everything but nothing amounts to making me glad – today I have found something that brought genuine joy! My first volume of dried primroses was stored in a jar! I rejoiced like a child spotting an ice-cream! Really – it feels wonderful to gather herbs from the nature and from your garden, to dry them and add to your winter store. Pure health and pure joy!

Today again I have collected a large measure of primrose blossoms (it was the last chance to collect them, their blossoming time is ending) and placed them on the stove to dry. All empty spaces at home have been filled with herbs that I am drying. I was just thinking that maybe I should obtain that tray trolley that they use in canteens – that would make an ideal surface for drying herbs. I have found one online but a towering version holding ca 20 trays would be even better.

Right now I recommend to gather birch leaves and dandelion blossoms and stems – both are medical herbs with might. Later I will write more about how and why they can be used – their medical attributes are many! To quickly bring out some, let me say that fresh dandelion stems cure the liver, dried blossoms made into tea will cure heart disease, gallstones, cancer and allergies. The longer list together with further guidelines will be posted HERE as soon as I finish the article.

Hereby still some more pictures about the gathering of herbs and my home enchanter (witch) kitchen 😀

Helena-Reet: Do you know the feeling that you have been meanly deceived but too ashamed to talk about it?! A story about how the Swedish company Stylewish cheated me, i.e. the BUSINESSMAN Jesper Ekerling is a complete swindler!

NordenBladet – I hate scandals and dislike having my name connected with scandals. Yet what can one do when one has been outraged, used, been laughed at, offended and when one’s labor remains unrewarded? We are not talking about a significantly large sum, it is rather the idea behind it and the attitude of the „cheating businessman”. I have decided to write about it because now I KNOW what it feels to be deceived and HOW DIFFICULT it is to write about it. Also I hope this would serve as a warning to other bloggers yet unfamiliar with this system and planning to join it!

My first thoughts were that everyone would express malicious joy when I write down my story (well, go ahead then). Women who have been raped are afraid of going to the police office because they feel ashamed and feel that they themselves are perhaps guilty. I started looking for mistakes in myself and found them – and for quite some time couldn’t make up my mind whether I should or should not write about the story. Margus would say that I am „too soft” and that this type of cheat should be reported and given to the court. A trial would entail expenses (OK, that wouldn’t be a problem, since NordenBladet has funds) but the greater problem is the time and energy that it would take, thus I prefer not to go to court because I can use the time a lot more beneficially and profitably and my readers are many enough to regain some peace of mind through sharing with them this story of being deceived.

But what is it that I am talking about? What is Stylewish and who is Jesper Ekerling (full name Hans Jesper Andreas Ekerling)? Style Wish (Stylewish.me) is a so to say intermediary between bloggers and brands. Trust is created through the fact that the brands that he mediates are well known in Scandinavia and mainly with a good image. Yet Stylewish web lacks any kind of user policy and this means that Jesper reserves the right to tell you anything when the time comes to pay you for the work that you have done. You yourself have been naive to join the environment. You yourself have been naive not to conclude a contract before starting to advertise. One thing is sure: you are naive and stupid – he will find a counter argument to absolutely anything that you might claim, to every move that you make. You carry out the advertising hard labor, he will collect cash from the companies for every click, and put it in his pocket and is yet arrogant enough to throw abusive words at you.

How have things been then? I joined Stylewish environment and was accepted (an account about statistics was created for me in the environment). I was able to start creating moodboards/collages about brand products with weblinks to their online shops. You will be able to move the compiled collage code to your website. I created posts with advertisement links in four languages and shared the articles also in my own social media. Besides I created some brand banners. For every unique click made by my readers via Stylewish to those online shops I was supposed to receive a certain sum. Ekerling assured that there will be a payment once the 300SEK threshold was met. Given my web portals this threshold was met in just a few days, while some bloggers advertise the products as long as half a year in order to reach this number of unique clicks. I joined the environment on 2 April and already 10 April was supposed to be reimbursement time. By that day my readers had made 9404 clicks on various advertisement links.

Ekerling calmly let me proceed with advertising the brands and never intervened until on the day he ought to have paid back he finally started finding all kinds of faults.

While I was new to the environment then I sent an email to Ekerling on 11 April wondering how I should proceed – whether I had to send an invoice or whether they themselves would pay according to the statistics of their partners visible in the system. Stylewish counts all clicks made to different links and brands.

Now that it came to talking about money, Ekerling began inventing all kinds of excuses – some were even personally offensive. We exchanged many emails and it already started to look as if the 1400+ euros that his company owed to NordenBladet for the advertisements are not really worth the commitment, time, explanations and correspondence. I removed the links from the articles to end the charity campaign. But let us observe his central arguments why he stuck to the opinion that he need not pay me for the work.

1. To begin with, he announced that there had been over 1000 clicks originating from the same IP addresses (more precisely from 3 IP-s). While I cannot verify that I was coerced to reply that he may remove those from consideration. I have quite a few manic readers on the sites that regularly click Google Analytics banners in order for me to be banned, and the fact that they might as well click those other links is not out of the question. A proper IT system ought to be equipped against those irregularities and ought to count only the first clicks. Google Analytics has expelled me twice and invited me back twice, since they established that it had not been me clicking my own banners.

2. To proceed with, he maliciously and violently started deleting various campaigns and links so that only 7684 clicks remained, worth 11947,51 Swedish crona. I said: „Fine” – let it be like this – and sent him an invoice.

3. Now, right out of the blue, he claimed that I am not an influencer at all, that he hasn’t the slightest idea who I am and that his system is for influencers only. Well isn’t that just great. Having accepted me in the system himself, having observed for the past ten days how I am advertising him, everything being just fine until then and now this excuse. Although that is not relevant in any way, I have sent him my personal statistics and links to my social media. Accidentally my Ohmygossip.se blog is among the 30 most widely read blogs in Sweden and NordenBladet together with OHMYGOSSIP pages amount to Scandinavia’s most extensive social media base platform and outrun most Scandinavian newspapers concerning reader quantity. I have been blogging for 10 years yet I do not take it for granted that EVERYBODY would immediately know me, but this doesn’t mean that when I advertise something, when my readers click on the links, that these somehow do not count and must not be paid for. Also, I hadn’t known what Stylewish exactly is, who would Mr Ekerling be and I am utterly sorry for not having cleared those things earlier and for not searching Google to find out. Now later I have definitely found out from the web about other bloggers who have raised complaints against him and who also have not be reimbursed. Had I done the homework earlier I never would have started collaboration with the company and wouldn’t need to feel low and stupid at the moment.

4. Fourth, he came out with the argument that I am not a Fashion Blogger, that his system is exclusively for the latter. That, too, isn’t true, since even the recommendations from Fashion Bloggers (3) on his site are actually not by fashion bloggers. One of them is a real estate blogger, one doesn’t even exist, and one is a semi-Fashion-blogger yet posting just like me about anything that they find fascinating. Stylewish environment completely lacks guidelines about who and how is expected to join – only the earnings have been described related to advertising this or that brand. Of course it is suspicious that just three users were compiling moodboards/collages besides me and it wasn’t possible to identify them based on their names and whether they owned any blogs or not. NordenBladet and OHMYGOSSIP sites are furnished all in all with over 60 000 fashion, trend and beauty articles – I seriously doubt if there is at all any blogger in Scandinavia who can boast having more posts than that. Also, I belong to the group of a few bloggers that have grown a clothing brand based on the blog platform – Ohmygossip Couture is being marketed all over the world. But let it be…

5. After exchanging lots of emails, after presenting a lot of claims, arguments and giving reasons and after rebuttal of them all he has come to the idea that while I have been posting in four languages then that certainly cannot be done. That his system is only meant for the Swedish target group. I happen to know that quite many bloggers, actually virtually every blogger posts in at least two languages – yet now this has somehow become criminal – I have advertised the brands besides Swedish also in other languages: Finnish, Estonian and English. Where is the end of the harm done?! Perhaps the brands have been overadvertised?! And again, Stylewish takes no responsibility whatsoever. I say – let us only count the clicks coming from Swedish IP addresses (although this is absurd, since all the brands have been represented all over Scandinavia just like the main target group of NordenBladet and OHMYGOSSIP).

6. Sixth, he claimed that I have created a banner that links to an online shop.This is not prohibted, many bloggers do that – any kind of adevertisement is allowed as long as it is clearly distinguished from an ordinary blog post. Besides, on his site he encourages to post ad links everywhere. I have not erred against any of the laws – the ad links have been pointed out and the brand names always mentioned. Whenever a brand is doing CPC advertising then it makes no difference where the clicks come from – whether from a post or from the sidebar. Anyhow, even here I was willing to meet him half way. I thought to myself: okay, this time I give away the money, next time I do it differently. Today I lose the money, but in the long run it is reasonable to have good relations. Being a people pleaser will result in being overriden brutally. I have quit communicating with that person and from now on I intend to act more wisely.

What might other bloggers learn from my negative experience? Always CONCLUDE a contract, however trustworthy the company may appear to you, and INVESTIGATE the background of the company before starting collaboration. There might be bloggers that have positive experience with Stylewish – I am not aware of them – yet my individual experience is really unpleasant, negative to the core. I think that the company that so easily mocks whoever cannot be taken seriously and that the brands and influencers collaborating with the head of such a company should think twice whether they mean to relate their names to anything like that. Jesper could very clearly see from where and how many clicks had been made and if he truly wished for clicks from Swedish fashion blogs only then he might have said so after the first few days and might have quit using the ad account. But to let others advertise while observing it with pleasure and then only afterwards find all the excuses seems rather low.