Helena-Reet: Activities in the garden and the first purchases from the horticulture centres

NordenBladet – During the past few days I have been outside all day. The weather is extraordinarily beautiful (up to +27 degrees Celsius) and it is pleasant to see the first spring flowers blossom and the trees and bushes budding. The last tree leaves and little branches that appeared from under the snow have been neatly raked and the first mowing has been done. The garden seems at once fresh and clean – it is splendid to see and enjoy the garden like this. I am glad to admit that the hundred planted ordinary Arborvitae trees “Brabant” that were bought from Hansaplant (see their web site HERE) last year (100 cm plants, 100 pieces cost 600 eur, including the transportation home) have all started growing nicely and have already grown a lot taller.

I also prepared a nice little strawberry bed for the children – a proper one, with textile underneath – but didn’t actually like the outcome. It doesn’t suit the otherwise natural setting. I plan to redo it so that instead of stones there would be wooden frames and in the midst and edges there would be mulch. At the moment there is just one bed but I plan to create still more so that I could also grow onion, parsley, chives, etc. I have also planted in the greenhouse the tomatoes (this year’s sort is Vilja and Terma – price 1.40 eur per plant), also dill and lettuce.

Gardening centres (as well as book stores) are my weaknesses, I never return empty-handed from either of them. The garden is just as large that I need to go shopping ten times before it becomes visible what I have designed in the garden. This year’s first shopping trips have been to the horticulture centre Hortes, from where I have bought 15 tomato plants, three new white currant bushes (Bajana, price 8.90 eur/pc and Witte Hollander, price 10.90 eur/pc), fertilizer for coniferous trees (15kg package 22.90), onion White Globe (0,25kg package 1.35), yet two more peppermints (4.50/pc), 20 tegetes plants (0.80/pc), 4 packages of lettuce seeds Grand Rapids (0,85/pc), 4 packages of dill seeds Mammoth (0,85/pc), 2 packages of chives Prager (1.65 eur/pc), two packages of chives Jowisz (0,85 eur/pc), 2 packages of cornflower seeds (0,95/pc), 5 packages of lemon monarda (1,15 eur/pc). On the way there I also visited another gardening centre Nurmiko where I bought 6 light pink rose begonias (3.50 pc) and one summer flower ampel (13.80). PS. the same kind of ample was as much as 21.- eur in Hortes, so I at once felt it was a pleasant win situation.

Helena-Reet: Estella Elisheva wished to discuss future plans + My father Jüri Ennet as head of state, if Estonia were a Kingdom

NordenBladet – Estella Elisheva returned from Saaremaa, spent 2 nights at home and now headed to the violin camp. Upon arrival from Saaremaa she announced that she would like to talk about her future plans. More specifically, she claimed she had started to like the field of psychiatry and that based on the career pattern of her grandfather she would like to become a psychiatrist as her main profession. Oh gosh! I thought… now were did that come from? Has anyone messed with my child’s mind? Yet this kind of emotion was very brief. Since I do know my child Estella and I know perfectly well that she makes all her decisions herself – the girl is utterly realisitic and down to earth. Also, I have no intention to vigorously arrange her future myself – a person chooses their own path in life! More than that – psychiatry and the science and art of medicine has throughout centuries been the path of the wise and the honourable.

As a mother the first thing on my mind was actually her delicate soul. She becoming a psychiatrist – what would that entail? Estella has the world kindest heart – while sometimes it perhaps may happen that I pretend to be caring, she genuinely cares. While others perhaps seemingly do something, she does it for real – she LOVES people genuinely, more than I for example could imagine. If you are familiar with the book „Gone with the Wind” – I would draw a parallel between the characters Scarlett O´Hara and Melanie Hamilton. While I am the first one, Estella Elisheva is the other – Melania – a persons that will love the other unconditionally, a person born with a kind and loving heart ready for sacrifices. Estella is the person that will love even in the circumstances where there is no personal gain in play. Not that I haven’t got a good heart or that I didn’t wish well for people or that I didn’t care for people or even oftentimes put others first (actually I do have a problem with that frequently, may it sound as it does – I am at times too caring and taking too much responsibility – but when it comes to Estella Elisheva then we talk completely on another level of love for the neighbour, the kind that will be accompanied by self-sacrifice and other higher standards. Estella is like that – actually, genuinely good, to the extreme. And now when she wishes to be a psychiatrist then me as a mother would of course react with fear that she could burn out very soon. My fear would be that she would be living other people’s negative emotions and all the helping of others would not be through science and wisdom but through the emotions and energy.

So I told Estella that the profession of a psychiatrist is a difficult one, I have observed that with my own father. My father – a recognized and valued psychiatrist, entrepreneur, leader and politician Jüri Ennet – is a very competent, wise and intelligent man who is capable of filtering information and find solutions swiftly and promptly in every situation.

Jüri Ennet is a man that would make a good head of the state, a king if Estonia were a kingdom, he is a man that brings solutions – he loves the people, he stands for the people, he cares for our country. Having been side by side I see how he cares for our nation and how he feels for the weaker ones in the country in need of help, and most certainly his patients, and how much he does for the Estonian nation – he is a person who cares both for the common citizen as well as about the nobleman. And now I imagine my little 11-year old daughter beside him – with a heart as large as the world, and with a soul tender as a deer. Certainly it confuses me. A delicate, model-size Estella suddenly uttering these solid ideas… To be honest with you, I was not ready for that conversation.

I told her: „It will all cross your body. But since you are very sensitive, more sensitive and emotional than most people, then I am afraid it will cause problems.” Estella opposed that opinion, saying that it makes her happy to help other people and that she wishes her life to have just that deeper meaning – to help people like grandfather does. In my heart I felt I was proud of my child, but it was also partly a scary and hesitant feeling. I know that from the genes of my father there will grow winners and fighters – since he certainly is among the greatest strategists, doctors and fellow men. Father presses and manages the right buttons here in Estonia as well as abroad and that cannot just pass his offsprings, children nd grandchildren. I have raised a clever child with a kind heart. I do not wish to confront any of her ideas. She will develop on her own, she will make her own choices and decisions. Since she has started to like the subject of health education at school (she tells me: „Beer is not good for you”) then I have to admit that childrwn are often wiser that grownups. I do not wish to be the type of mother that children avoid talking to. I wish to be a mother that the child comes to wit ALL KINDS OF THOUGHTS.

It might be that my first born child is meant to follow the difficult but dignified and significant path of my father.

Featured image: Jüri Ennet with his wife

Helena-Reet: Children’s school holiday and a few words about raising an autistic child

NordenBladet – Children’s school holiday has passed quickly. Estella Elisheva (11) has independently travelled to Saaremaa to her „Saare granny”, Ivanka Shoshana (9) was at home. As soon as someone is away from home the longing immediately starts – already before a day goes by I feel that there is something missing. And yet of course, it is necessary that children grow up to be independent and a brief change will do good to everybody. I liked the way Estella packed all her stuff on her own and took a bus all by herself to Saaremaa. And when she returned she claimed to like the days that are planned and scheduled from morning till night (as they are during schooltime or when she is at the other granny’s place) and she claimed to prefer not to rest extensively.

Our days here have been both rainy and shiny. I offered to Ivanka the option of going to the other granny for a change, yet she preferred staying here at home. We went for a walk, raked the leaves in the garden, I cut branches of the bushes and made plans about the garden. I already planted the peppermints, still the strawberry bed is work in progress. These daily things. In the evening we watched cartoons and Ivanka moved her bedclothes to my room for a cuddle.

Ivanka has started ta talk more than earlier and it is making me happy. A few years ago I was afraid she wouldn’t talk at all, but now we „chat” quite a lot. She can read and mostly understands what she is reading, yet she lacks conversation. However, now she has approached me and said: „Mommy has given birth to Ivanka in the year 2008. In 2009 Ivanka was 1 year old.” And then she added: „In 2030 Ivanka will give birth to Louvise and Alex.” It brought tears to my eyes, because watching her grow I have played in my head many scenarios – all but the one where she has children of her own. She has been diagnosed with autism (a severe impairment on paper), yet she has differed from the spectrum scale description from many other autists. She lacks compulsive actions, she has no problem sleeping, she doesn’t avoid certain materials and doesn’t prefer certain colours or clothes, she isn’t aggressive. Also, she not necessarily needs isolation, she is keen on being together with other children, though she knows not how to play with them the games that others often play.


When she was younger then it seemed to me that she lacks empathy, yet when time passes I see it isn’t so. Kindergarten period is the most difficult – then she expressed everything in the fashion of screaming, yet earlier that  she would hurl on the floor. All of that is the past now – I can easily take her shopping, take her to the town, do things – she would listen to me and would behave.

Grandmother (my mother) was as brave to take her to various events already at kindergarten age (theatre, concerts) – most of the time it ended leaving in the middle of the event, but it definitely broadened the child’s horizon. I didn’t dare take such big steps. My limit was when I returned from the store with a screaming baby in my arms, and the shopping bag or cart being left behind. It happened every week! But I didn’t want her to remain at home all the time. I still took her shopping with my and then would shop for one thing at a time, since she didn’t like being in the queue. I was told I have not raised my child well enough. Today I am able to spend many hours with her in the shop – she has grown out of this habit. Also, thanks to regular visits to the speech therapist she has learn the alphabet, to write, to read. This alongside the internet has opened to her another world. She spends a lot of time online and I do not restrict that, while she learns a lot via the internet. She has learned to know all the countries of the world, the flags, the capitals, she uses google search and google translate. She understands Estonian as well as English texts, for some reason she is keen on English language videos. She is a competent user of the personal computer. And now finally there is conversation!! She has started to have conversation when playing with the dolls, she answers questions and asks various questions herself.

She certainly isn’t unintelligent, but sometimes she may behave in the manner that might seem surprising to many – mostly this involves doing things that the society’s norms do not allow. The norms, though, have been set based on the average person, but she is not the average person. Actually – who is? Everyone of us has some feature that is outside the norm. Ivanka has taught me more that any school would – she has opened my eyes and rearranged my values, I am grateful for that. She is here to teach me a lesson and help people arround her grow spiritually – she is from the new world, from where the society is heading and what is yet difficut to understand today. I think she is wiser that we realize. Anyway, today I live one day at a time – so far there have been surprises – the positive surprises. Very many things that I imagined would not happen have already happened. She is only 9 years old. Everything is possible. With an autistic child you need to live one day at a time and you must not give up the hope – the child will grow, medical science will advance and we will never know what kind of a plan the ALMIGHTY has with us!

Let these photos illustrate today’s blog post – aren’t these clouds just wonderful? Just like a fairytale!

Helena-Reet: Our little home-bakery, my little hobby-baker, ideas for new flowerbeds +2 NordenBladet-related MISSIONS!

NordenBladet – Who wouldn’d like homemade food and drinks, freshly from the oven pies and cakes. Our family has already been pampered with these, since my 11-year-old daughter Estella Elisheva is kind of a hobby-baker and is always preparing something while not at school, music school or training.

Best of all she likes to prepare salty and sweet cookies (cakes, pies, croissants), to experiment with various interesting sweet dishes (yoghurt ice cream, yoghurt dessert, curd cream etc.) and then again at times she prepares the everyday dishes. Just recently she prepared pasta with eggs and Irish casserole. I do not even need to mention fresh smoothies – those she began to mix already in kindergarten.

And now a little about my individual activities… Peppermint tea is among our family’s favourites, thus in the coming year I intend to expand our so-called peppermint plantation and add 4 new kinds of peppermint that I plan to duplicate (you can read about my experience with gathering and drying of herbs HERE). At the moment the ground is still frozen, but as soon as the night cold have passed I will set up new plants. Right now the plants are inside in the boxes. Also, I plan to design a strawberry-bed for the children. A few years ago we had extensive strawberry-beds, but I removed them since there was no time to deal with everything – there were too many other things to accomplish. My garden is half a hectare, I have a large household, small children, a job in Scandinavia’s fastest growing media group NordenBladet (read about Scandinvian media groups HERE), that also accommodates all OHMYGOSSIP-sites and various brand developments. I am working on the last of these as a volunteer and extra to the work hours and work days that I spend on those purposes, I also invest a significant amount of my own finances to preserve the Scandinavian cultural heritage and make it known in Scandinavia as well as other parts of the world. I value culture as well as quality media and I so wish that media could serve as reflection of the truth and a means of education. Something that would create a positive feeling, be didactic and motivate to become a better person and see bigger picture.


My elder daughter Estella Elisheva regularly keeps an eye on my posts and oftentimes tells me: „Mommy, don’t put that much advertisement text there, people would just skip it.“ But for me it is not advertising – it is conveying the truth – i wish that people would grasp the world at large, I wish that the Northern countries would maintain their mysterious atmosphere and I wish that people would omit committing suicide. I wish that there would be alleviation for depression and that people would think kindly about nature, about animals and which is the most difficult – about their nearest and dearest. It might sound a bit shallow – but I really hope for it. I really do hope for it – more than wealth, property, glory or other goods of the society.

The mission of NordenBladet is to sustain and elevate the Northern cultural heritage and to pass along the traditions and values, build networks, design a better future for the citizens of Northern countries, to distribute knowledge and offer quality information.

Possibly this is the reason why we are so successful that we put our heart into what we do – we do not chase statistics, we aim for content. The areas that interest us are advancement of the values of welfare society, environment, politics, culture, tourism, education, science, regional collaboration, health, children and family values. Our subpages (OHMYGOSSIP) are furnished with fashion and beauty, relationships and entertainment issues. Also we administrate the blog platforms Bloglist24 and NordicBloggers, that bring together ca 300 000 bloggers.

At times all of this grows and goes on over my head. Yet I feel more and more that I enjoy being in the garden. Not that I particularly enjoy the pursuit of attaining a weedless garden. On the contrary, I find creative mess to be very pleasant and I like the garden when it is wild – I want more of nature. Nature is a perfect alternative at moments when you are off duty and not working intensely. Nature gives you so much – I talk to nature, communicate with it, nature is a friend of mine! I am fond of nature, I would never again prefer an urban apartment. And sometimes I think to myself – would it be too late to study horticulture or biology. I like environmental matters. I want to be close with nature and I want the reader to be close with nature – to advance the love for nature – this is my alternative little mission that I intend to realize through NordenBladet!


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Helena-Reet: Today was a national violin contest – My daughter, 11-year-old Estella Elisheva is officially the third best violinist in Estonia!

NordenBladet – The apple of my eye, 11-year-old Estella Elisheva brings me joy every day! Today she returned home withe the title “Estonia’s best violinist” III prize – and she is just 11 years old! I am so proud! Super great thanks to Saku Music School teacher Kaari Klesment who has developed such passion for music in her! This is so cool – I am genuinely happy, grateful and proud! Such great accomplishment in her age group as well as generally in a broader perspective.

We have conversations every day with Estella Elisheva about life and future – she has a very clear idea about her life and future. We both are definitely truly glad for all these achievements, but we also know that the world is wide and broad and the fact that someone is super successful in the home country does not automatically guarantee breakthrough and success in the entire world. Yet we have eyes on the big prize – no more no less than being well known around the world, a renowned violinist. To elaborate on the previous idea – my own goal is to see my daughter become the best and best known violinist in the world and her personal goal is to become a good and talented violinist who enjoys music – we hereby represent quite different views and oftentimes we have disputes on that – we both are somewhat stubborn and try to defend our ideas, moral and beliefs. She is an artist while I am a businesswoman – however, our cooperation is going well. We both motivate each other – it is actually rather unbelievable how an 11-year-old child can motivate her 39-year-old mother and how I can inspire her to practice and also dream big. We are the dream team! I love you Estella Elisheva! You are so fine! I am so happy for another great achievement of yours!






Helena-Reet: THE DAY full of handicraft with my daughter Ivanka Shoshana! Two knit bon-bon hats, paintings and an important information: “Mummy is fat and daddy is tall”

NordenBladet – This morning Ivanka Shoshana (9) decided that she did not want to go to school and I did not force her to go. So, she stayed at home and I instead of making news have practised crafts since early morning! During these activities, we have hugged several times, and I have said to her that I love her a lot. We have had a very productive and great mother-daughter day – Ivanka painted two pictures, I finished two unfinished pictures of witches and knitted two bon-bon hats as well. Making handicraft is extremely relaxing and pleasurable, I feel like I have been reborn.

Ivanka Shoshana was so inspired that we had to change her clothes twice – and creating art on the white tablecloth is sth. only Helena-Reet can do. 😀 The paintings have dried by now and two of them are already hanging on the wall. I will probably pack the hats and if there is someone’s birthday coming I will add a hat to the present. I quite often add self-made items to gift packs, for example, various handmade jewellery (necklaces, bracelets, earrings), knitwear (scarves, hats, bags for mobile phones), dried herbal tea (I grow peppermint in my garden and dry it), paintings-drawings, etc. I hope that someday I will also have my self-written books and top-quality beauty products created under the brand named E&S (Elisheva&Shoshana)!

Oh… a bit of “kids don’t lie” rubric information too… When we had finished our doing things together and she was heading to watch some videos she said all of a sudden: “Mummy is fat and daddy is tall”. What can I say about it? – a true artist catches the heart of the whole with just a couple of specific details.




Helena-Reet: MY JOURNEY TOWARDS BECOMING A BILLIONAIRE or How to join the world’s most elite group of people?

NordenBladet – In the world people are desiring the status of a billionaire instead of that of a millionaire – in order to belong to the top notch you must be a billionaire. There is one billionaire for every million people in the world. In 2014 the number of billionaires increased 7% and the elite list embraced 2325 people, in 2017 according to Forbes there were 2043 billionaires. How can you become one?

Lets have a wider look and dig into statistics – what does one need to become a billionaire?

Should you wish to become a billionaire, it is important that you have wealthy parents. About 45% of all the billionaires in the world have inherited their wealth. For example the Walton family that is thanks to Walmart one of the wealthiest in the world (it is estimated that their wealth amounts to 152 billion dollars) have inherited their wealth from Bud and Sam Walton who established the enterprise.

Wealthy forefathers are of help out won’t guarantee that you will also be wealthy. Should you wish to grow into the group of the world billionaires you must be a damn good businessman. 80% of the billionaires have gathered their wealth themselves, even when their start line was a set of wealthy parents. 55% of the world billionaires have attained the status of a billionaire completely independently.

Among the world billionaires there are 2039 men and 296 women – as you may see the male proportion is significant. 21% from the 296 women are widowers that have inherited their wealth from their husbands, 65% from the femaile billionaires have inherited their wealth in another fashion. As few as 35% of the women have established themselves among billionaires on their own – thanks to their initiative, talent, smart ideas.

Should you wish to be a billionaire you should be and remain married. Divorce will entail enormous expenses. According to statistics 89% of male and 65% of female billionaires are wed.

There is also statistics about the educational background of billionaires and their preference of universities. 65% of the billionaires have graduated from an American university, but what is still more surprising: 35% of the billionaires have not graduated at all – just 14% of the billionaires have an MBA and as few as 7% have a PhD degree.

What are the similarities between the world billionaires? Billionaires are world citizens and they often move their home or work to the location that is most beneficial for their business. A large proportion of world billionaires reside, are registered of do business officially in the following loctions: Liechtenstein, Bermuda, Luxembourg, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Singapore, Unted Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait and Norway. It is not surprising that honour and glory is attained abroad – no prophet is popular at home. Still, since a majority of world billionaires live in America, a large proportion is emerging in Southern America.

Who do billionaires get along with? How to make friends with a billionaire? Billionaires are people just like any other, but according to statistics each billionaire has at least nine super wealthy friends. How come they have those friends? Billionaires just like others bond like regular folks – they get along with childhood friends and acquaintances, with those who have similar interests or with people they went to school together. 68% of billionaires are keen on sports and healthy lifestyle. In order to understand somebody you must be on the same page – you must be interested in similar things.

When becoming a billionaire is your priority number one then what would be your priority number two? Correct, there is none! You must understand one thing – there is no such thing in the world as a free lunch – as few as 0,0000272% of the world population are billionaires and this mean you would need to sacrifice something. Mainly that would be your time – time spent with family and with the nearest and dearest. Both goals – spare time and a lot of spare money are not possible simultaneously – you either have a full time career or a full time family life. If you think you want both then you are living in a utopia. It can either be that you have no career or you have no family life – both will not be available, make sure to accept that.

But how come we still want to be big, powerful and wealthy – and as we say – FOR THE SAKE OF CHILDREN – we are doing everything for the sake of children, since everything will be theirs one fine day. I find myself thinking over and over again – exactly what it is then that will be theirs one fine day? Nervous wrecks with drinking problems who cover all the costs to own and maintain the titles „World’s most important”, „Scandinavia’s most well-known”, „The wealthiest”, etc, but who have sacrificed their health and family life for that success… I don´t believe we can find any child who is happy with such results. It would make them more happy when we held them close and said how much we loved them – when we did something together. To be honest with you I am not at all so sure anymore that I wish to achieve ANYTHING at all – should it happen that I died the day after tomorrow then I would prefer that my children would say that their time best spent has been the time spent with me. That they liked the most the way I used to comb their hair, how I praised them or how we were eating ice-cream together. I am now thinking about it… why is it that we get so anxious about the achievements that do not matter really so much? Why do we wish to belong in the group of those 2325 people that actually are very lonely – lonesome and sad. This, too, is the statistics – billionaires ARE lonely.

And still we wish so… There are people that wish… I belong to the group of people that wish. This is not merely the money and fame, it is power and the moment of victory that urges us – we are achievement-addicts.

We think and hope to be the exception, to be different – but the ending is the same – either we become billionaires or we have a family-life. Yet today we are so egoistic that we postpone thinking about it until some time in the future. We contemplate about us, thinking that global statistics and rules do not apply to us.

A billionaire, in countries that use the short scale number naming system, is a person with a net worth of at least one billion (1,000,000,000, i.e. a thousand million) units of a given currency, usually major currencies such as the United States dollar, the euro or the pound sterling. Additionally, a centibillionaire (or centi-billionaire) has been deemed applicable to a billionaire worth one hundred billion dollars (100,000,000,000), a mark first achieved in 2017 by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, with a net worth of $112 billion in a report issued in early 2018. The American business magazine Forbes produces a global list of known U.S. dollar billionaires every year and updates an Internet version of this list in real time. The American oil magnate John D. Rockefeller became the world’s first confirmed U.S. dollar billionaire in 1916, and still holds the title of history’s wealthiest individual.

Read also these articles:
Forbes.com: Billionaires – the richest people in the world

Forbes.com: Billionaires – Today´s winners and losers – The list

Forbes.com: Billionaires – mapping th world´s richest

Wikipedia.org: Billionaire

Bloomberg.com: Bloomberg Billionaires Index (View profiles for each of the world´s 500 richest people, see the biggest movers, and compare fortunes or track returns

Investopedia.com: World´sTop 10 youngest billionaires

Entrepreneur.com: Billionaires

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Preparations for the girls’ birthdays (Estella Elisheva’s Bat Mitzvah this year!) and a peaceful weekend

NordenBladet – Children grow very fast (it also means that I am getting older as fast… it is awful!) My older daughter Estella Elisheva will turn 12 on the 16th of May, this is one of the most important days in her life because this year she becomes a Bat Mitzvah! According to Jewish law, when Jewish girls become 12 years old and boys 13 years old, they become accountable for their actions and are considered to be adults. Ivanka Shoshana also has a birthday in May; she will be 10 years old then.

Ivanka Shoshana (9) wishes to get two things for her birthday: a doll with blond hair called Sweet Tears Baby Alive and a soft pet figure Pepper Clark Skunk by Littlest Pet Shop. She has wanted them for a year already and I cannot underestimate her wish. Her wish is my command. If you think that it is possible to replace her specific wishes with similar toys then you are wrong, she wants these things exactly and I promised them to her. Yesterday when I started to look for the toys I understood that the latter cannot be found in Estonia nor Scandinavia and I have to order them from America. Pepper Clark Skunk costs about 5€ but the shipping is about 40€. A heavy price, but I would break my promise to my kids only when there is no other option. Therefore, though it was a bitter pill to swallow, I placed the orders. I know that she has been waiting for these toys for a year, and she will get them, despite the fact that their prices were ridiculous.

Estella Elisheva (11) has a very important birthday this year, but she has not decided yet where to celebrate it. She is rather modest with her wishes (quite like me – saying in a gentle but clear voice that she does not need anything, but she would be glad to have this and this and this – and this modest list requires wealth (haha). Help! She is so sweet, the latter was actually a joke and let me remind you, that she has never requested anything, she is a good child, extremely smart and reasonable! She is, really, the child every parent dreams of. I have never been such a good child to my parents as she is to me every day! Believe me, this is not an exaggeration. The people who have met her know that she is special, an extremely good child!

Estella Elisheva, she is in form five, went to the cinema and café with her classmate for the first time and after that she will go to her granny’s and grandpa’s place. I shoveled snow and built a snowman with Ivanka Shoshana (now it is already melting, because the weather warmed up unexpectedly) and cooked a simple dinner (potatoes with parsley and dill). I have just opened a beer named Saku Originaal (4,7% of alcohol) by Saku Brewery, a company I would like to invest in and I am thinking about the article “Heartbreaking! The kids on their death-bed and answering the question what they appreciated and evaluate most in their lives” (article in Estonian HERE) and I am wondering… we MUST (even though we sometimes bury ourselves in work) love and care about everyone close to our heart.

Helena-Reet: Projects “Surprising Stockholm”, “Outstanding Oslo”, “Lovable Lapland”, “Incredible Italy” and many more

NordenBladet – This year we have planned several new exciting projects. First of all, we are going to introduce to Scandinavians some interesting destinations in Scandinavia but also some high-quality, exceptional and luxurious premium class destinations in Europe. Therefore, we are about to work out some projects concentrating on domestic tourism like “Surprising Stockholm”, “Outstanding Oslo”, “Lovable Lapland” etc and some summaries reflecting beautiful destinations in Europe, for example, “Incredible Italy”.

Last year we conducted an extensive research which found out that the average reader of NordenBladet is a 45- to 55-year-old wealthy, independent and successful Scandinavian woman. The average reader of OHMYGOSSIP is a bit younger, about 32 to 48 years old, a highly educated, adventurous woman who considers family values very important. We are going to coordinate our plan of action and marketing with the statistics and plan to introduce more luxury products, high-quality planned trips, exclusive emotions and options to spend money wisely and take the most out of life.

The main readers of our web pages, wealthy and highly educated women with kids, have truly earned this privilege, in addition to smart decisions, great work, and devotion, you also have to be able to rest and make the most of your valuable time. More and more people are looking for an above average (or even much more above average) expensive, top-quality and well-planned quality of service and well-organized action plans. According to accommodation search systems, the most searched overnight stays for families are about 220- 580€ per night/ per hotel room, furthermore, shopping for luxury goods and home items and adventure tourism play an important role while looking for a suitable place to stay while traveling.


In January, when I went to a travel trade fair named Soome MATKA 2018 with my daughter Estella Elisheva and represented NordenBladet and OHMYGOSSIP there, I came across a Lapin Liito (Regional Council of Lapland) tourism expert Satu Luiro in Original Sokos Hotell Helsinki lobby bar, where we were having dinner, and we talked about Finnish domestic and foreign tourism, about Lapland and discussed cooperation opportunities. Sometimes this kind of unexpected meetings undergird the birth of interesting ideas and interest in an area. No doubt that Satu is a professional and Lapland is a place we soon would like to reflect more actively. I should make it clear that I have always been interested in native forests and Nordic regions – it is just such a mystical area impossible to resist.

As you already know, cross my heart, we only recommend these destinations/ hotels/restaurants where we ourselves have been to and quality of which we dare to advise to the reader. It is not surprising that the hotel might have five or more stars but the service cannot stand any criticism, at the same time you might find a nice, comfortable, luxurious lower star hotel outside of the tourist area offering privacy and quality. You might be disappointed in the quality of the food in an over-advertised restaurant but you could admit that food for less than five stars is often, to put it nicely, crap. We only recommend the places where we have been ourselves and where we would also like to go back. The question is not where to spend more but from where to return with better emotions. We all would like to save money but in the name of a good emotion, we are sometimes ready to overpay as we live only once and would like to take the most out of life.

MY INTERVIEW for the Estonian technology web-page named Geenius – Helena-Reet Ennet has got millions of followers on Twitter, how has she achieved this?

NordenBladet – I will post the full interview here. Who wishes to read the interview in Estonian (read the original article HERE) and translations to Finnish HERE and to Swedish HERE.

The entrepreneur Helena-Reet Ennet is one of the few women in Scandinavia who can proudly say that whatever she posts to social media it reaches millions of people very quickly. There are 1,26 million followers on the Ennet’s main account – @Ohmygossip. Among other well-known stars and journalists, she is also followed by the former president of the USA, Barack Obama. She manages many Twitter accounts and has all together over five million social media followers. Ennet told to Geenius how she copes with social media, how she became a journalist, furthermore, she talked about her exposure and relations to engineering and technology.

Helena-Reet Ennet, the chief executive of the Scandinavian media group named NordenBladet
Location: Scandinavia
One word that describes the best how you work: passionately, I like my work a lot.
Computer: HP Pavilion 17
Telephone: iPhone 6S

How did you become a journalist?
It is a question not easy to answer. Rather one thing led to another. I liked to publish the school paper and then I started collaborations with various editions, thereafter I worked as a chief editor in several publications, next I decided to create my own company and subsequently cooperated with other press releases. At one point I looked further, outside of Estonia. It has developed like this step-by-step. Today, I have collaborated and still have collaborations with many Scandinavian media companies, and NordenBladet is planning to build a bridge between the readers of Nordic countries.

Name three important things you have on your desk.
Computer, a cup of coffee and my diary.

What is your most important tool?
Most probably my brain, followed by the computer and camera. I often need a car and a decent GPS as well, due to the nature of my work. And I have a habit of carrying my telephone with me all the time but what concerns work, I prefer communicating by email and thus have arranged my things the way that I mostly talk only to my family on the phone.

Nowadays, quite many people say that due to technical progress it does not matter anymore where to work. Whad do you think about that?
I have seen positive and negative sides of home office and official office. If you have a specific task to do in your own environment, in your own pace and in peace and quiet, it is sometimes useful, but at the same time, we cannot underestimate the team spirit that usually comes up in office or in collective meetings and events.

Where do you usually do your main job, not in the office?
My work is very diverse. As one part of my work involves heading the co-workers of Nordic countries, visiting local events and trade fairs, tourism development and reflection, therefore I travel a lot in various Nordic countries. We cooperate closely with travel agencies and the departments of tourism to introduce the Scandinavians local and new foreign destinations, we work together with local governments and culture centers to keep alive and carry on the language, culture and traditions. The third important part of my job is to give and translate the news, managing and developing the sites – these things I prefer to do at home.

The mission of the NordenBladet is to preserve and strengthen the cultural heritage of Nordic countries and to uphold the traditions and values, form cooperation networks, build a better future for the inhabitants of Scandinavia, share and offer reliable information.

The subjects we are interested in are the development of values of the welfare state, environment, politics, culture, tourism, education, regional cooperation, health, children and family values. Our sister sites (OHMYGOSSIP) focus on all the topics of fashion and beauty, relations and entertainment. We manage blog websites as well, like Bloglist24 and NordicBloggers that have brought together about 300 000 bloggers.

What does a work routine look like for you? Do you have any tips or can you give some advice how to break the routine?
I have been so busy lately that I do not even have a moment to think whether I have a routine or not. In general I am most probably one of the lucky ones whose working days are just like this as I wish or plan to and secondly, my workdays are very diverse and exciting. I hardly ever have two similar days. My doings vary – it is a good way to break the routine.

How many e-mails do you receive in a day and how do you keep your mailbox in order?
Unfortunately, very many. Luckily I have learned to sort my emails, and I open them according to the correct timetable. I throw quite many of them in the bin unopened. I also immediately delete the emails I have read and that do not need archiving. Important emails I intend to deal with later I mark red.

All the people I communicate more often I have requested to add the title of the email (it is visible before opening) containing a little information about the content or some keywords about the email, this helps to orientate better in the pile of emails.

Will you name a technical device that you do not see the point in and find to be unnecessary?
To tell you the truth, this list is very long. I increasingly believe that people should turn to more natural and healthy lifestyles. The bunches of wires and remote controls for every move are very unpleasant for me. I am convinced that they more likely waste energy.

Have you noticed the panic when the power goes down? Furthermore, I am more and more disturbed by the way people analyze and spy others with the help of smart devices and software programs. We leave tracks of all our actions. Not that I have something to hide but it basically gets on my nerves. For instance, I do not like somebody analyzing my habits of consumption behind my back or archiving the keywords of surfing on the internet.

What apps are the most important in your telephone?
WhatsApp and Instagram. In general, I do business on the computer. If I hadn’t received the telephone as a gift, I would have preferred a small Samsung phone with buttons for EUR 17, that had only calling function, the battery would last longer and the phone impossible to eavesdrop.

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or rather your own blog, why?
Today social media is the grip of media and the mirror of power. NordenBladet and its sub-webpages have been on Facebook and Twitter since the year 2009 and in addition to printed versions also as an online web versions in five different languages. Instagram is a relatively new “discovery” for me, I joined it about half a year ago.

You have over one million followers on Twitter, how have you accomplished this?
All together we actually have over five million followers on Twitter, I myself follow about one million. OHMYGOSSIP is represented in 21 countries. The largest accounts are @Ohmygossip, @Ohmygossip_USA, @Ohmygossip_se, Ohmygossip_fi, @Ohmygossip_no, @Ohmygossip_dk, @Ohmygossip_ee, Ohmygossip_br. Recently we have quite actively been working with the accounts of @NordenBladet and @NordenBladet_ee and also with the account connecting bloggers – @Bloglist24.

Today social media is a key factor for reaching people. While following your favourites or being followed by others you can send a message worldwide in seconds or follow the thoughts and sayings of other people. Information moves very fast and becomes obsolete rapidly. Even online media is already slow because you can get hold of everything from social media. When I opened my first Twitter account in 2009, I did it rather because it was trendy, it had become popular in America, but I did not see the point in it. I was there early and got my ducks in a row.

I believe that it is difficult to start with a clean slate in social media. It is said that where is, there is more to come, it is true. If I advertise anything today, I will have more readers and followers on my new accounts on the basis of my existing channels. But my main emphasis is still on my work, I make about 40-80 news, summaries, translations every day and I have done this for 10 years in a row. I am present all the time, think of new solutions, communicate, etc.

There is also Barack Obama among your followers, have you exchanged messages?
No, I haven’t, but we follow each other indeed. Most of the biggest media outlets follow NordenBladet and OHMYGOSSIP accounts, as well as their top executives all over the world and the political elite of most countries, likewise, very many A-listers. There was even some kind of a top list that brought out our web-pages to be “A++ influencer”, meaning that we are among the most powerful accounts, moreover, I have been awarded the title of the most influential woman in Scandinavian social media twice. The latter is quite a vain price and cheers me up a lot. Ha!

How to use social media the way it is beneficial, not just the waste of time?
Well, for an entrepreneur social media is still mostly a marketing channel.

How to get rid of technology and have a good rest in your free time? Or do you have a rest with technology? How then?
In general, I am not good at resting. It is a feeling when you might do nothing but your brain goes full steam ahead. You think, think, think, continually think and calculate. I love to spend the time free of work with my two lovely daughters, Estella Elisheva (11) and Ivanka Shoshana (9). I love them most in this world! I do not need anything else while being with them, technology the least.

What do you think about computer games? Do you play (or have played) and have you got a favourite game?
I have played Tetris a few times. By and large, I do not know anything about computer games.

Do you sometimes feel that you are a tech-addict? What do you do then?
Yes. I take more 😀 (a joke)

What is the best advice you have received? From whom?
Even a leaf does not fall without the will of God. The Chief Rabbi of Estonia, Shmuel Kot.

What is the best lesson you have learned and would like to share?
It is in people’s nature to be greedy, and they would rather forego revenue than to share it with someone else. Do not be envious, cooperate and both sides will win. Care and notice, keep your eyes open to learn all foreordained lessons. Do not wish good only for yourself but also for others, only love makes the world a better place for all of us.

Who would you ask the same questions? Why?
Hans H. Luik.. for example.

Featured image:  In addition to the management of NordenBladet, Helena-Reet Ennet is also the ambassador of Israeli Media in Scandinavia. The picture is taken at the event by the Embassy of Israel in Radisson Blu Hotel, Tallinn.