Helena-Reet: It is fun to draw with kids after a while

OHMYGOSSIP – As I am still a bit sick (my whole family has already been in the flu for a week), I have cancelled all my meetings (wrote about it HERE) this week and cannot find any motivation to work thus decided to draw. All my life I have loved art and various handicrafts – drawing, painting, knitting, sewing, embroidery, making jewellery, etc. It is great to forget everything for a moment, feel like a child and let your imagination fly.

It is also fascinating that whatever I do, my children want to do the same right away. So cute! Help! I do love and adore my daughters a lot, it is difficult to explain it in words! I know that all parents adore their kids and I am not an exception at this point but I just have to scream it aloud – I love you, I love you, I love you so much, my darlings, my babies, my sweethearts!!!

Ivanka Shoshana was not interested in drawing today, but me and Estella Elisheva each drew a nice picture. As Estella Elisheva is very creative and is good with her hands we, as great entrepreneurs, have thought to make a children’s book together by writing fairy tales and drawing pictures by ourselves. I like the idea a lot! When our little children’s book does not get printed, we at least have a very valuable and lovely children’s book to share with our family, the book that we would keep in an honourable place on our bookshelf. Self-made things have character and have a soul in them. Home-made things bring the warmth of home and the feeling of doing things oneself is really amazing. I already framed and hung up the picture I drew.




3x my drawings + Estella Elisheva´s painting:


Helena-Reet: Life can be so hectic and make your head spin around. What does it mean to fall ill? I have a personal example up my sleeve …

OHMYGOSSIP – If you have kids then you can be sure that sooner or later they will bring a virus of some kind from school, kindergarten, training or birthday and it will mess up the pace of everyday life of the whole family. Though I have been quite a healthy person, this time I have felt strange for a long time and I have been forced to cancel several trips abroad and some important meetings in past ten days.

On the 22nd and 23rd of January, there was Fashion Week Stockholm in Stockholm Grand Hotel, that I had looked forward to with great anticipation and during which I had agreed on meeting several people. On the 26th of January, I had planned two interviews and thought of visiting Swedish Tailsweep office and Moroccan and Israeli tourism agency in Stockholm, furthermore, on the 27th of January I planned to participate in the event named Luxury Travel Fair Stockholm and on the 28th of January I had arranged meetings within Wedding Fair Stockholm (Bröllopsmässan). On the 31st of January (today) I planned to take part in the fair called PCD Paris 2018 and as I was still struggling with the virus I could not visit another fair named Health & Beauty Scandinavia taking place in Oslo, Norway. The latter I had planned to visit long ahead and where I also wanted to take along my daughter Estella Elisheva (11).

I wrote some time ago that I am looking for investors-business partners and I would like to expand the brand named E&S (Elisheva & Shoshana) and bring to the market a new cosmetics brand under the name of E&S. Only two people have contacted me so far, and they are both Americans. I wish they were from Los Angeles, which we visit quite often, but unfortunately, they are not. They would suit well as investors but as active partners rather not, but they particularly prefer to be partners. As I mostly operate in Estonia, Sweden, Finland and Los Angeles I need someone for efficient cooperation specifically from these countries, more preferably even from Scandinavia, because OHMYGOSSIP web pages are acting under NordenBladet now and I spend most of my time in Nordic countries. I planned to visit beauty trade fairs because I would like to acquaint myself with cosmetic industry.

At the moments when I am sick in bed, I understand how important it is to have a good team. Marju, a long-time managing editor of NordenBladet and OHMYGOSSIP and translator Risto have been totally irreplaceable, I would go into battle with them anytime – they are correct, professional, fast, loyal – both are my right hands. Of course, all our other workers are also valuable employees. When you are away from work, you can see if you have good delegation skills and whether you have chosen a strong and efficient team. I am glad that I have found such nice people around me. There are not many of us, we are a small, successful, strong and supportive team. Love you so much!!! You are very dear to me! I have one more exciting news – a famous Estonian blogger and a talented fashion designer Mariliis Anger is joining our team and her brand Mariliis Anger will start functioning under OHMYGOSSIP. This transition was discussed and planned for several months. Cool! I am so excited! She is amazing, and you will definitely like her!

Featured image: Mariliis Anger

My last greater investment – #NordicBloggers

NordenBladet – Scandinavia and Nordic countries attract investors like bees to a honeypot. It is no wonder that the Nordic attract with their ancient myths, heroes, mystical creatures, legends and success stories, Scandinavia with its intensity and wealth. It is the source of success no company wants to miss. It is a destination no one wishes to skip to visit, you would definitely want to see these territories, this culture and the opportunities everyone would like to benefit from.

Today, as the manager of NordenBladet, one of the biggest consolidated company in the Nordic (read more about it HERE), my priorities are targeted at the strong Scandinavian and Nordic conception. As the American president, Mr. Donald Trump has said “America first”, I say “Scandinavia first”. There is something special in Nordic countries, even the greatest and richest in the world know it. Nordic countries are full of mysticism, opportunities, ancient legends and the events that have affected the whole world, furthermore, there live the world’s strongest fairies and powerful psychics. Scandinavia is full of mysticism, the mysticism that even the strongest wise men, the cleverest witches and the world’s most powerful secret organisations cannot explain. Nordic countries are hiding a key to life that can be understood only by Scandinavians, the natives. Nordic countries have attracted the people all over the world by its opportunities, capacities, mystery and exquisite nature. Though, this nature and these opportunities only open up to those who wholeheartedly endorse this ecosystem. If you would like to be part of this mysticism, power and opportunities, you have to be a local resident, even an ancient local, only then can nature, the forces of nature and the country fully open itself up.

I’ll try to keep to the point, as I actually wanted to talk about my new investment – #NordicBloggers. The previous was like an introduction to the topic. At the moment the most important individuals affecting the world live in Scandinavia. The results of all search systems speak with one voice, the companies all over the world are looking for powerful bloggers, product advertisers and so-called influencers specifically from Nordic countries. BlogList24 is the web page that started to gather the strongest and most powerful bloggers in Nordic countries/ Scandinavia. NordenBladet bought 100% of the shares of BlogList24 last year and the brightest Scandinavian PR professionals put their heads together and created a brand named Nordic Bloggers. #NordicBloggers is a community that unites the best and most famous, most read and successful bloggers in Scandinavia. It is a sodality the member of which you can become with a special invitation and the aim of this is to maintain the quality and passion that is inherent in Nordic countries. Every tourist company would like to hire the members of #NordicBloggers to advertise their destinations and every private company or manufacturer would like to use the bloggers to popularise one’s brand. I am proud, happy and grateful to have #NordicBloggers in my portfolio of opportunities today.

Helena-Reet: The higher you fly, the harder you fall

NordenBladet – I have been riding a wave for some time and now I have to admit that failure and setbacks are ingredients of success. A plane flying high has to land at some point and should be refueled, as endless flying is just not possible. The same thing is with me. I work alone and successfully by doing the work of a whole team of an editorial.

The same thing is with our co-authors, we have done impossible with our small team by taking OHMYGOSSIP under a huge Scandinavian media group and made OHMYGOSSIP into one of the most famous entertainment webs. OHMYGOSSIP is read in Estonia, and we have struggled our way to the top of Scandinavian most read publications, and we are known in Brasilia and America.

Now, functioning under NordenBladet, we have closed several Scandinavian offices on behalf of optimal management, and we are trying to do the same in the joint cooperation between NordenBladet and OHMYGOSSIP – it is the key to success – Helena-Reet. Helena-Reet is a wizard who solves all the problems smoothly. I am at the point where I feel that I have given too much, I have given up my life and my private life. Do not misunderstand me; I love my work and enjoy it in full, but as a person and as a woman I feel that there could be something more. My relationship with my partner is on thin ice and my nerves and capabilities are strained to the max, to the limit when a person feels that it is time to get something in return, not just to give.

Getting and giving is the next topic I would like to discuss. A lot of people have misunderstood my previous blog. I got a lot of feedback and now I am trying to answer to all of you at once. I do not hate poor people… I am not that rich myself… but I hate the approach of life and the mindset of poor people. I do not like the people who radiate negative energy and break the dreams of other people, the people who pull you down, not help you to build your life. I despise the people who eat the energy and waste the time of other people and wish to free-ride at the expense of others. I cannot stand the poor people who do not want to give anything but have their hands out to take from others and afterwards are always ready to humiliate and mock. No moral, no conscience, without other such qualities (my mother could continue this list for hours). There are many poor people who are mentally rich. Money is not wealth. Money means prosperity. A person with less money can be wealthier than a person who has more money, in other words, a person can be rich having no penny in one’s pocket and poor a person who has a golden toilet knob.

Let’s get back to success and setbacks. I feel that I have reached a point where I am destroying myself and others around me, and I am turning to this poor and bitter person who is making everyone else as miserable as I am, if I do not change anything in my life. I do not want to be this narrow-minded, bitter and bad person who sees only bad things, not good, the latter has happened to me quite a lot lately. I do not notice good things and hurt the people who do not deserve it at all. No one hurts others as much as we hurt ourselves.

Negativity kills you and your friends around you. I have reached the point where I have to admit to myself that I am stuck, I need to restart my life, I need a vacation, I need acknowledgement and probably a good … ah, let’s leave it there.

Please forgive me whom I have hurt. I am planning to get better and not to remain this bitter and overworked bitch who I have lately been.

Helena-Reet: Who is supported by EAS, Estonian state and tax system (besides the president?) or Contemplation of the article “From the flamboyant number of designers of Estonia only a few have managed to break into the World arena”

NordenBladet – I read the article in the ERR portal, “From the flamboyant number of designers of Estonia only a few have managed to break into the World arena” in which it was written that the number of Estonian designers is steadily increasing, but in the world only a small part of them has been able to make a breakthrough.

An example was provided (read the article HERE) that 110 designers came up with their work in the Design Craft Gallery in December, but only a few Estonian designers managed to capture Europe or the world. “This is not a big success story at the moment, but it’s just that you first have to make your name at home and get recognized and then go out to the World,” explained Maris Orav, Communications Manager at the Design Center.

In order to break out of Estonia, continuous work is needed on this matter, but in comparison with Europe, our designers also have less support from the state, stood in the article and only one success story was presented. “Fashion designer Marit Ilison is one of the success stories of recent years, whose design is currently on sale at 16 stores abroad.” It was added that Ilison decided to collect the fame immediately abroad. “We decided to go abroad right away,” said Peeter Ilison, Marit Ilison’s brand manager.

Is there really only one success story in Estonia? Is it really so that you need to be famous at home first? I do not think so. Especially because it is relatively unprofitable to affirm in Estonia because of a small market and Estonia is doing everything to kill its last enterpreneurial people and businesses. And what is the definition of success at all? Is successful the person/brand whom the world knows, who earns more, whose clothing is seen on celebrities, whose models walk on fashion weeks, whose designs are most recognized or have more stores open? Without a lot of effort, I happen to know a lot of great successful Estonian designers abroad who have successfully met one or another of the success criteria mentioned above – among them Ohmygossip Couture brand, which I own and  marketing abroad (in Brazil, Scandinavia), because in Estonia usually everything new is oppressed. I’m not, of course, a designer and do not qualify for this title, this is not the best example here, and Ohmygossip Couture is my “side project”, but the numbers speak about success, and I can say that it is definitely a success story. I want to say that there are a lot of success stories in Estonia (both tiny, big and very large) and these should be recognized. We have to keep and acknowledge our people!

However, it must be accepted that the Estonian state does not support self made people or designers with university diploma or representatives in other areas. The Estonian state does everything to stop small businesses – both in terms of taxes and (non existing ) subsidies, as in the form of empty bureaucracy. The EAS (Enterprise Estonia), which should be a big friend of the companies, has, over the years, gained popularity mainly with spinning skills and spellbinding policy. Support was received by the President (former President Toomas Hendrik Ilves, OÜ Eramaa scandal), support was received by the Prime Minister’s wife (former Prime Minister Taavi Rõiva’s wife Luisa Värk received a solid sum for her companies, Rahvusdisain OÜ and OÜ Noodivõti), subsidies are given to strange companies which, after being paid a subsidy, within a year will fill in the documentation, but after that cease to exist. Without “bribes,” you cannot get close to a honey pot – the talent or serious work is here entirely secondary criteria. The talent does not count. Be an athlete, be a designer, musician or do something else. Estonia should think very seriously about the fact that young people know that the world is open to talented people and if you are better welcomed elsewhere than at home, then the enterpreneur stays abroad and launches the new company where it has a chance to survive. The question is not that people do not have patriotism or love for their homeland. The question is, however, that in order to survive, decisions must be taken that are often not as pleasurable as may be desired by perhaps the first preference of the heart.

I invite you to support, help and recognize the talents of your country! I promise that I also publish and recognize the talent and good people in NordenBladet’s pages, because at present, only those who have “bought” mediocre journalists in the mainstream media are striking out. Each country is as strong as its people – and the Estonian people are good, caring and tough! Let’s keep and love each other and hope that our politicians and distributors of the money from our state and Europe will one day open their eyes and look beyond their own bottle tray.

Helena-Reet: Poor people are bitter, envious and mean

NordenBladet – All my life I have said to myself that poor people are honest and good but the truth is that they are bitter, envious and mean. My parents have raised me in a spirit that poor people are nice and honest. But are they really? In my opinion, there is nothing to admire in a poor person and while speaking about a poor person I do not mean a person who has little money but the person who is not able to dream anymore and has lost one’s self-confidence.

A poor person does everything to make also other people fade away, give up their dreams and just give in. A poor person complains and accuses everyone, and he or she does not like anything. A poor person is always whining and looking for a person to blame for one’s fucked up life (Excusez moi!). A poor person hates work and is honest only in fairy tales. A poor person is a loser who wants to spread one’s bad mood like a plaque, he or she is bitter and does not remember anything good, just bad.

An envious poor person is poor because he/she is dumb and jealous. Envy makes you stupid and stupidity envious. A smart person can see further and likes cooperation, he/she is not greedy and likes sharing. In addition, I have noticed that a rich person is a lot more hard-working and caring than a poor person. A poor person is complaining while a rich person is solving problems. A rich person sees life positively, he/she is creative and kind. The rich stick together, whereas the poor keep bragging. In other words, a rich person is kind and happy because everything is fine. But whose fault is that? Are the rich guilty in having a nice life and coping well?

Why am I writing about this? Because sadly to say, I have lost faith in commoners as I have been repeatedly disappointed in them. I do not want to generalize, but I am sad, that the play titled Mindless by Jaan Tätte is 100% about real life. I just do not understand why the play is advertised as a comedy. I think it is depressing. The poor people try to get a free-ride at the rich’s expense and when they do not benefit directly from it, they turn their backs. The poor do not have any aims, priorities, nor moral. No dreams. You may hate me, if you would like to, but I find the world to be fucked up. People’s values are fake and wrong, I do not know whom to believe or not. All the people want is money, nothing is sacred to anyone anymore.

I just want peace and quiet…
and to pat my cat …
I am so disappointed in people at the moment.

Dot. The end.

Featured image: Lovely picture about my dream Estonia – simple but never poor (specially in the heart).

Helena-Reet: Preparations for Finland’s Matka 2018 Tourism Fair!

NordenBladet – One of my favourite fairs every year is Matka Nordic Travel Fair in Finland, Helsinki. This year MATKA tourism fair takes place for already the 32nd time! Regarding the numbers of visitors this fair is among the most popular in Helsinki Pasila fair hub.

MATKA 2018 fair is hosting travel organizations from Finland as well as foreign countries. The so called „Workshop Day” takes place one day before the fair begins, on Wednesday, 17 January. Finland is selling its opportunities in the framework of the „Meet Finland” program. It is possible to meet the key persons in Finland’s tourism sphere there. During the same day the MATKA fair special program Global Workshop takes place. This is directed to foreign enterprises that intend to offer their services. NordenBladet and its branches (OHMYGOSSIP sites and Bloglist24) most certainly has their delegates visiting the fair also this year!

OHMYGOSSIP sites joined the Scandinavian media group NordenBladet less than a year ago. NordenBladet was also joined by the very popular international blog network BlogList24. Today I must actually pinch myself to believe this big story of success, but as an official representative from NordenBladet I can assure you that we have grown into one of Scandinavia’s best known and largest media groups! (see also TOP10 of Scandinavia’s media groups – Bonnier, Sanoma, MTG, Schibsted, Egmont, Aller, YLE, Otava, Alma, NordenBladet). This of course it due to loyal readers and our fine industrious and splendid international workteam! Thank you, dear readers, co-authors, partners and supporters! It is you that forms NordenBladet – with you we are running one of Scandinavia’s largest media portals!

To this year’stourism fair I am taking also my daughter Estella Elisheva who is one of Scandinavia’s best known young (child)violinists, the founder and editor-in-chief of OHMYGOSSIPteen and Luxury travel influencer on Instagram – all this at the young age of 11 years! My motto is that everything is possible and with good acquaintances and the good use of opportunities every one of us can be successful – this is also what i teach to my children. I think the earlier one introduces their children to „the real life”, the sooner they compile their skills and experience in life. I try to show my children that in this life one needs to work on finding acquantances, cooperation points and settling bargains – planning, communication, trading, agreements, negotiations and concluding contracts is a fine process on your way to attaining your goal!

Today I have designed us the business cards. What do you think of these? Are they suitable, should anything be modified? Hereinafter 4x the design of our various business cards:

Tomorrow I start looking for a quality hotel in Helsinki city centre. We spend four nights in Helsinki and the plan is to find a prestigious luxury hotel with a pool and a SPA to relax in the evening, and also it should be located nearby Kamppi so that I could visit the Helsinki Synagogue with my daughter, and also Finland’s Jewish School, the Israeli Embassy and after the fair also some fine downtown restaurants and exhibitions!

Helena-Reet: Elisheva & Shoshana (E&S) brand development and interview for Buduaar

NordenBladet – On December 7, I wrote on my Facebook page that I am looking for an investor and co-partner of the Elisheva & Shoshana (E&S) brand, which I created a long time ago. I crated the Elisheva & Shoshana brand and blog for many years ago in order to do something together with my daughters Estella Elisheva (11) and Ivanka Shoshana (9).

Last years I have been very active in the Scandinavian media, I am the editor-in-cheief at the NordenBladet sites – which are active in 17 countries and being translated to five languages. NordenBladet is among Scandinavia’s top 10 media groups (read more about it HERE). I also run OHMYGOSSIP pages; I am  manager for my violinist daughter Estella Elisheva (Instagram: @Estella.Elisheva, Twitter: @EstellaElisheva), and, in addition, I manage 8 large-scale social media star accounts in the world… A lot of work and one can not do everything; sometimes some tasks need to be further delegated. In order for the business to work well, it is inappropriate to do everything 100% by yourself, to check and decide, and to sustain to yourself all the company’s ventures and shares. Delegating some work to others, collaborating with partners will take your business further!

I have been thinking for a long time that E&S would need a new wind to the wings. I need an investor with a strong hand in the business world. E&S is a successful small brand, which has been advertised for many years, but today, due to my tight timeline, I have been marginally active with it. I would love to find a soulmate and a partner with whom I have the same vision and who would like to spend the same amount of energy, time, money and ideas to this project. I’m looking for someone who would take executive control, while I’m dealing with creative leadership. So, I’m not looking just for an investor but rather for the best friend who believes and loves the ideas of E&S as well. I would love to find a person who is business minded, who has a strong business sense, who, as partner, finds me sympathetic as well and who is economically well and could invest both money and time in the company. And what’s the main thing – who likes the product, would be willing to create something new and healthy. No cooperation is possible without real faith in the product!

Because people around me have many strong allergies and great sensitivity to different substances and things, I know the importance of a lucrative and ecological approach. The world is full of chemistry and chemicals, which should not be present in products at all! I would like to change it! I know that I would not be the first one, and it actually pleases me, but every person has his own vision and his own preferences – the market segment that I have in mind is waiting for the performer. I also know that a partner who meets all the points is likely to be rarity, but she certainly exists, and if our paths cross, this cooperation can be very successful! I would like to issue a very high quality and exclusive pharmacy cosmetic range under the trademark E&S and guarantee the cleanliness, proper impact and the 100 % quality of the product to the buyer. I would like to produce a small volume first, but with very high quality!

The short article in Facebook was briefly reflected in the website of Eestinen.fi and the online website Buduaar.ee will interview me next week about E&S brand and will write also more about my investor search! Stay tuned! If you would love to collaborate with Elisheva & Shoshana brand, please contact me at info@nordenbladet.com.

Helena-Reet: Event planner 2018 and the idea of a planner journal 2019 for a successful woman!

NordenBladet – Today I have bought myself a new calendar memo „2018″ and had to admit that my notebooks expand year after year. There was a time when I wondered what do people need 2x A4 calendar memos for, those that boldly display the entire week – and today I find myself thinking that this is exactly what I need. I managed to acquire a slightly smaller version (yet huge!) and hope to get by with it during 2018. I find it pleasant when everything is in ink, black and white – I am very conservative from this aspect – I like to see things on paper. I like it when I can quickly scribble down the useful notes, turn the pages and hear the sound of it.

The event planner is my great friend! I downright like my memo book – nice and big with green leather cover, voluminous friend. Keeps in mind all that it has to! Haha… I have spent many an hour rewriting the notes from all the separate pieces of paper and the corners of pages to the proper place and copy the important memos from the previous notebook. Yet now it is done and I have the synopsis of the coming year in front of my eyes. Regarding the memo book I came up with several ideas:

1. Since the classic reader of NordenBladet is a 45+ wealthy and successful Scandinavian woman and the typical OHMYGOSSIP-pages reader is a 32-48 years of age adventurous woman with higher education, then the following year I would like to come up with a special planner journal for a business and travel minded woman. This would be a voluminous, solid, quality, reliable piled-with-information friend for the year 2019. I have an abundance of exciting ideas that no planner journal in this world yet includes!

2. Via the NordenBladet pages bring together the Scandinavian events’ organisers and the readers. At the moment I am working on a system in the NordenBladet.com environment to effectively attain that goal. Whenever you come up with great ideas and suggestions, drop me an email, while your opinion, dear reader, is most important for me in this process!

I have filled in the slots in the schedule very tightly, at times even with double events, so that it would take a decision which one to prefer or whether to authorize someone to assist me in some duties. NordenBladet and OHMYGOSSIP sites are attending various worldwide fairs and conferences and since we network with very many tourism bureaus and tourism ministries and reflect on various travel destinations and the cultural events in those countries, then a large proportion of the time is swallowed by travel. Apart from travelling and conveying news abroad a substantial amount in my personal planner is reserved for secondments in Estonia-Finland-Sweden, a lot of meetings with cooperation partners and advertising clients.

In addition to NordenBladet and OHMYGOSSIP sites I am manager of 8 world scale prominent figure social media content + my other stream/project social media and that of my talented daughter violinist Estella Elisheva alongside with her performances schedule and contributing productions – running all of this takes a lot of time, effort, brainstrorming and working on finding advanced solutions. Non of this could be done properly without a decent notebook. The one I have bought is decent — but I have the idea that would make the decent planner journal into a perfect one!!! — until this day I have not found anything like that from any corner of the world! They say that good ideas emerge from committed labour and the evolution of affairs and that’s how it is!

Oh yes, and then also home, household and other enterprises and important events. It’s pleasant, I feel life bubbling and there is something new and exciting for every day! Many of the days include the to-do lists designed by myself, reminding me to commence subsequent negotiations and introduce fresh collabrative productions, create and develop new networks!

From 2017 on I have more deeply involved also Estella Elisheva in NordenBladet, OHMYGOSSIP and OHMYGOSSIPteen work schedule, she has accompanied me to many press trips, workshops and fairs – she is fully efficient and I want her to see from early age what is going on in the world. Despite being just 11 years of age many of the suggestions originating from her have been great and successful and have broadened her own horizons. Thus in her year 2018 I am planning several common secondments for us, visits to fairs, travelling abroad, besides her violin performing events.

May our 2018 planner journals be piled with exciting events and accomplishments and let my idea about an ideal calendar memo 2019 for an active and successful woman be realized!

Hugs to you!

TOP 10 Scandinavian media groups – Bonnier, Sanoma, MTG, Schibsted, Egmont, Aller, YLE, Otava, Alma, NordenBladet

NordenBladet – There is a lot going on all the time.. I would like to keep you updated with 100% of my ventures, yet I doubt if I have the capacity to reflect on 10% of everything that is going on daily. Here I am facing the dilemma – whether to post blogs more frequently and more briefly or, on the contrary, more seldom but also more exhaustively instead. Which option would you like more?

NordenBladet and the OHMYGOSSIP sites that belong to it are expanding rapidly! Such increase in growth couldn’t have been hoped for in wildest fantasies! Today NordenBladet has an overlapping share of readers with the TOP 10 of Scandinavian media groups (Bonnier, Sanoma, MTG, Schibsted, Egmont, Aller, YLE, Otava, Alma, NordenBladet), being in the social media steadily located in the TOP 5 best Scandinavian editions – the latter position is due to OHMYGOSSIP’s enormous international pool of readers. It is my dream to build NordenBladet into Scandinavia’s #1 newsletter and online journal!

I am well aware that I dream big – however, when one looks at other players on the Scandinavian media scenery then it becomes evident that we are on the right course – NordenBladet (as well as Sanoma and Modern Times Group) when beside other media editions are kiddies with regard to the year of establishment! Bonnier was founded 213 years ago and NordenBladet 5 years ago – the fact that we are already compared alongside one another is a considerable accomplishment in my eyes! Of course, there is still plenty of room for growth, but I feel in my heart that we are on the right track moving upwards and this achievement makes my heart beat faster!

A concise overview of the TOP 10 Scandinavian media groups:

Bonnier – founded 213 years ago
Bonnier is a Swedish publishing company established in 1804. The company came to life when Gerhard Bonnier founded a bookstore in Copenhagen. A book publishing company Albert Bonniers Förlag was founded in Stockholm in 1837. In the year 1924 the Bonnier family purchased the majority of the partnership in the Swedish daily newspaper Dagens Nyheter, and in 1929 purchased Ahlen&Akerlund, at that time the largest magazine publishing company. In 1944 Bonnier founded the successful evening paper Expressen. In 1950 Bonnier began publishing comic strips. In 1965 began issuing hobbies related journals. In 1973 the one family company expanded towards the film industry, purchasing the largest Swedish filmmaker SF. In 1976 began the publication of Dagens Industri, a newspaper on the topics of economy, belonging to the Bonnier family. In 1984 Bonnier began publishing Science Illustrated. In 1989 Bonnier launched the newspaper Äripäev. Since 1997 Bonnier has gradually taken up shares in Sweden’s largest television channel TV4, as of today 99% of the shares belong to Bonnier. In 2005 Bonnier purchased the Finnish television channel MTV3 and the radio station Radio Nova. In 2006 Bonnier attained partnership in the U.S. publishing company World Publication which is issuing ca 50 periodicals and runs half a hundred web sites. Nowadays Bonnier is represented in 25 countries, the media group has got shares in the total of 175 companies. Bonnier is to this day a family enterprise.

Sanoma – founded 18 years ago
Established in 1999 Sanoma Oy (until 2008 Sanoma WSOY) is Finland’s largest media group and the second largest in the Nordic countries, active in more than 20 European countries. The company’s headquarters is located in Helsinki and ca 19500 people work for the company. The biggest newspaper in Finland and the Northern countries, Helsingin Sanomat, belongs to this media group. Nelonen Media, also belonging to this group, runs 6 television channels, the most important of them being Nelonen.

Modern Times Group (MTG) – founded 20 years ago
Founded in 1997. Modern Times Group (MTG) is a Swedish media company. MTG was summoned in 1997 by Kinnevik, an investment company hosting various media enterprises, via the assemblance of Viasat and Metro International under the name Modern Times Group. Viasat is made up from a bunch of television channels, including for example TV3 (the first commerce channel in Sweden, launched in 1987), ZTV, Viasat Sport and TV1000. Metro International manages a chain of newspapers delivered free of charge. MTG is issuing shares on the Stockholm stock exchange, referred to by the symbols MTGA and MTGB.

Schibsted – founded 178 years ago
Established in 1839. Schibsted is a Norwegian media group active in 20 countries, mainly Norway and Sweden. It is noted at Oslo’s stock market. In the year 2013 it owned the newspapers Postimees and Õhtuleht in Estonia as well as the television channels Kanal 2 and Kanal 11. In the year 1998 it purchased the newspaper Sõnumileht. Schibsted activities re related with the following areas: printed news, film, publishing, multimedia, mobile services. Schibsted stock is at Oslo’s stock exchange.

Egmont – founded 139 years ago
Egmont media group (previously Gutenberghus media group) is a media enterprise founded in Copenhagen in 1878. Egmont Group was founded by Egmont Harald Petersen in the year 1878.

Aller – founded 144 years ago
Established in the year 1873, Aller Media is a Northern media group with the headquarters located in Denmark, Copenhagen. Best known brands from Aller Media are Elle, Cafe, Familie Journlen, Femina, Allers and Se og Hor. Aller Media was established in the year 1873 in Copenhagen by Carl Aller and his wife Laura aller and in the 1890s the company expanded to Sweden and Norway and in 1992 also to Finland.

Yle – 91 years ago
Yle (the full name in Finnish is Yleisradio and in Swedish Rundradion Ab) is a Finnish official television- and broadcasting group established in the year 1926. Yle is a broadcasting organization with a lot in common with the British broadcasting BBC, since it has been their example while designing Yle. Yle belongs to the Finnish republic (98,88%). Yle transmits four national television channelds, 13 radio networks and 25 regional radio channels. Finland is an officially bilingual country – ca 5,5% of the Finnish population speaks Swedish as their mother tongue.

Otava – founded 127 years ago
Otava (officially Kustannusosakeyhtiö Otava) is among Finland’s oldest and largest publishing companies. Otava has published, among others, writings from Eino Leino, Veijo Meri, Marja-Liisa Vartio, Paavo Haavikko, Tuomas Anhava, Mauri Kunnas, Antti Tuuri, Kjell Westö and Laila Hirvisaari (Hietamies). Otava is a public limited company, established in 1890. It is one part of the Otava group (Otava Oy). The editor-in-chief since 2009 is Pasi Vainio. The sales of the publishing company in 2014 was 54,5 M euros, the profit was 7,2 M euros.

Alma – 168 years ago
Established in the year 1849. Alma Media is a media enterprise mainly focussing on digital services and publishing. The best known brands of Alma Media are Aamulehti, Iltalehti, Kauppalehti, Talouselämä Monster.fi and Etuovi.com. About 2400 people work for Alma Media.

NordenBladet – 5 years ago
NordenBladet is the largest readership owning media groups in the Northern countries (over 7 million readers monthly), its headquarters are located in Estonia, Tallinn. Established in 2012 by the owner of international OHMYGOSSIP sites and Scandinavia’s best known blogger and most followed woman in social media Helena-Reet Ennet. Active in 17 countries worldwide, mainly in Estonia, Finland, Sweden, America, England, Brazil and Russia. The best known brands from NordenBladet are NordenBladet, OHMYGOSSIP, OHMYGOSSIPteen, Ohmygossip Couture and Bloglist24.